Friday, October 23, 2020

Serving the Lord

My wife Sandy composes prayers for our church's daily devotions. Today's prayer really struck a nerve. We, as a nation, have strayed from our Lord's teachings. This pertains, not only to those on the left, but in our discourse in general. Social media has become a vehicle to anonymously chastise and demean others, from all sides of the political spectrum. We are all God's children. We are all loved by our Father in heaven. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Let's take a step back and realize that we are called to love our neighbor as ourselves. 

Holy Father, I praise and honor You. I am so privileged to live in the United States of America. You guided the founding fathers to create this nation on Godly principles. I hold those principles in high esteem. Right now I am deeply distressed by what I see happening in this country. There is hatred, manipulation, violence, murder, lack of respect, and fear and it is tearing us apart. Instead of being one people united, we are being divided by those who want to eliminate Your Godly principles and take away our rights. Lord, I believe that You are still in control through the chaos.   

Hear the prayers of those who trust in You and protect us from the evil that is intending to destroy this country. Send help and come to our rescue!  You created each person with an ability to think, reason, and thrive through their work. Let us celebrate the different opinions and listen to each other's ideas to learn from each other and grow stronger together. Instead of resorting to violence, let us love and respect each other. Bring peace to the people who are in conflict. Let us worship You freely and bring Your Spirit back to our churches. Sweep through this nation and heal our land. Replace hate and anger, with respect for all people from all backgrounds and walks of life as we work together to create the beautiful and diverse tapestry of America. Help me to submit to Your plan. Your will be done. I trust in Your name, Lord our God. May You answer all of our prayers! Amen

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