Thursday, September 2, 2021



The following are some of the left’s settled facts;

Global warming is real and if we continue to burn fossil fuels and eat meat, the planet will be unable to support life in as little as 12 years.

Even though it has failed miserably and led to millions of deaths, socialism can work in the United States because it will be called democratic socialism.

There are an infinite number of genders.

The national debt is just numbers.

The “Green New Deal” will save us all from ourselves.

Follow the epidemiological experts and obey every protocol the CDC recommends, or pay the price in rising infections and deaths.  

My body, my choice, except when it comes to mandatory vaccinations.

As the left worships at the altar of “settled science”, they fail to properly understand what it is that they support. From the Science Council; “Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.

Scientific methodology includes the following”:

Objective observation: Debate and ask questions. Gather information. Form a hypothesis. Test the predictions. Analyze the data. Draw a conclusion. Do the results match the conclusions, if so, publish results, if not, start over.

  • Evidence: Proof. That which tends to prove or disprove any conclusions
  • Experiment and/or observation as benchmarks for testing hypotheses
  • Induction: reasoning to establish general rules or conclusions drawn from facts or examples
  • Repetition: create the same result using the same processes
  • Critical analysis: careful examination and evaluation of results and methods
  • Verification and testing: critical exposure to scrutiny, peer review and assessment, in other words, utilize both positive and negative opinions. 

The left tends to overlook many of the tenets of scientific research. Unfortunately, just because you want to believe something, does not make it so. Generalities, not specifics dictate the leftist’s explanations of preferred policy and avoidance of any discussion that would tend to disprove that which they truly want to believe are the hallmarks of any argument by the left. Case in point; social media giants Facebook and Twitter routinely censor any COVID-19 medical opinions that differ from the “settled science” from the CDC and Dr. Anthony “Often Wrong” Fauci.

Therapeutics that may actually assist in the recovery of COVID-19 are labeled dangerous and ineffective. Hydroxychloroquine, a drug in use for over 50 years for the treatment of malaria, is panned by mainstream media and articles and discussion of said drug is banned from social media. Ivermectin, an FDA approved anti-parasitic drug, is derided by the mainstream media as a horse medication, even though it has been used as an effective treatment for COVID-19. Many drugs specifically designed to treat one disease can positively affect other maladies. I for one take gabapentin, an anti-seizure medication that also relieves nerve pain, which enables me to function semi-normally even with severe arthritis in my neck.

Another seldom reported fact is that if there are effective therapeutics to treat a disease, any vaccine cannot be granted an emergency use authorization by the FDA. If the media lived up to their role as the “Fourth Estate” to hold the powerful accountable, perhaps following the money trail may lead to the reason that only one therapeutic, Remdesivir, at a cost of $3000 per dose, was “approved” by the FDA. The media disparages this treatment as less than effective when treating COVID-19, even though President Trump recovered quickly after taking it. Take your vaccine and like it! Ever hear any reports from the mainstream media about taking vitamin C with zinc and Vitamin D to help ward off infections? Of course not!

What began as two weeks to slow the spread morphed into a never-ending string of government overreach to “Keep us safe” while violating our Constitutional rights. Slow the spread became stop any and all infections. Mitigation efforts to keep COVID-19 infections at bay served democrats very well in the November 2020 elections. They maintained a majority in the House, albeit a narrow majority. They flipped control of the Senate and they took back the White House without even having a legitimate candidate. The Delta variant of this disease is looking ever more likely as another opportunity to skirt election laws in an effort to maintain their power. All this over a disease that 85% of those infected are asymptomatic. That 10% suffer mild symptoms. That 5% are at risk for more severe symptoms. And that 98.85% of those infected recover completely.

Me thinks that thou protest too much. Those ever-compliant useful idiots that dutifully mask up, gladly accept their vaccinations, social distance and harbor a distrust of their neighbor are playing right into the hands of those who seek to rule, not govern. The ruling class looks upon us peons as low information sheep that cannot think for ourselves as they continue to push the envelope in a never-ending crusade to keep us all in our place. Time to wake up America. The only thing that is settled is that government was created to serve its’ citizens, not the other way around. If we continue to elect those who think their role is to lord over the masses, we will have no one to blame but ourselves. It is long past time to send those "rulers" to the unemployment line and elect those that understand their role is to represent the people, that they serve at the people’s pleasure and know to place the people’s needs above their own.