Thursday, July 29, 2021



Our nation needs good people to step up and serve.

Virtuous, adjective; Conforming to moral and ethical principles; morally excellent; upright. Virtue is a trait that is desirable and often ascribed to one who exhibits those rare qualities that sets them apart from others. Virtuous individuals place others and their well-being ahead of their own. A virtuous individual will not only endeavor to do what is honorable, but they will refrain from acting inappropriately. Virtue signaling “wokeness” is not only disingenuous, it is the new form of hypocrisy. Just as the Pharisees in Jesus’ time prayed in public, so that all could see their great sacrifice and devotion to God, the modern “Woke” hypocrite performs acts that show that they are “down with the struggle”. Virtue signaling has become quite the artform as our culture devolves, accepting all manner of depravity as the new normal. Who will be first on the block to put up their “Black Lives Matter”, “Save the Planet”, or “Defund the Police” signs in a prominent place in their front yard? What company will answer the siren call of leftists decrying another nonsensical micro-aggression that yesterday was an accepted norm in society? What school district will kowtow to the latest new and innovative racist lie and incorporate it into their curriculum?

And yet, there are far too many that stand idly by while this, once what was the greatest nation on earth, slides uncontrollably into the abyss. Who really cares that this beacon of freedom is rotting on the vine, descending into anarchy and socialism? The clamor of pushback is far too muted. Yes, parents are beginning to step up against Critical Race Theory, but it is much too little, much too late, as this divisive ideology is already overtaking our schools. Democrats are emboldened to say and do anything that furthers their hold on power and the mainstream media covers those lies with unabashed adoration. Truth becomes what the left proclaims. Democrats, with their slim majority, work overtime to codify those lies into law. The mainstream media uses their “news” programs to amplify this new “truth.” Anyone attempting to correct their lies will be declared racist and fact checkers will shut them down from social media.

Condescension and superiority are the most glaring and pronounced traits of “wokeness”. “Look at me, I’m supporting ideology that will irrevocably change society, yet will actually render me unacceptable and irrelevant to the brave new world that I am enabling.” Children have become no more that coffee table conversation starters as parents brag about the fluidity of their child’s gender, failing to understand the irreparable harm being done to their young psyches. Sesame Street, the PBS children’s television program, decides it is appropriate to engage Drag Queens and promote gay puppets. Make sure your kindergartner pays attention when they are encouraged to experiment with homosexuality, transgenderism and any other sexual proclivity that is the next new thing to consider. Make sure your child is ready for counseling when they learn to hate themselves for their “white privilege” and to accept blame for wrongs done by persons that have no relation to them but for the color of their skin. During the Cold War, American citizens that were Soviet sympathizers, were actually reviled by the Politburo and referred to as “useful idiots”. Today’s useful idiots sympathize with leftists that want nothing more than to tear down society and rebuild it in their image, or what is better known as communism. Antifa is populated with well to do, mostly white college students that have no idea what is means to be a productive member of society. Their unbridled, yet unjustified anger rails against the economic system that affords them the ways and means to become professional anarchists.

Traditional societal norms such as promoting a good work ethic than can enable one to succeed is deemed racist. One must carefully consider whether or not to open the door for a woman in fear of being labeled sexist. Attending church or practicing one’s faith opens the practitioner to the charge of being hateful and practicing exclusivity. Pine for the days where neighbors looked out for one another, shared a mutual respect for the safety of their community and actually helped others in need and you are accused of harkening back to the days of Jim Crow and slavery. Love, unite and forgive your neighbor? The left’s love is divisiveness, retribution and to promote the hatred of your neighbor, unless he agrees with or looks like you.

The future of our nation is hanging in the balance. If the left succeeds in fundamentally transforming this great nation, there is no coming back. There is nowhere else to go where freedom reigns and everyone is free to chase their dreams. There will be nowhere to hide from the hate that the left spews and, like it or not, the vast majority of citizens in this nation are the targets of that hate. It is now more important than ever that good people sacrifice for this great nation and seek public office. There are far too many politicians that bend with the wind and forfeit their values and morals in order to appease. We need honest people that stand fast when faced with difficult decisions and choose to properly represent those they were elected to serve, no matter the pushback. The solution to what ails our society rests with you and I. if you decide to stand by and let this country fall, you will have to be the one to explain to your grandchildren how you stood idly by while their hopes and dreams were destroyed by the insanity that is the left. Will you answer the call to serve?