Saturday, February 26, 2022



Virtue signaling the end of freedom

As parents, we learn that if we reward our child’s bad behavior, that bad behavior will accelerate until it gets completely out of control. Rules must be set and boundaries must be drawn and adhered to, by both the parent and child. Acquiescing to a child’s disobedient actions will not teach them self-control and they will not learn respect for themselves or others. Without guidance our children will struggle to become productive members of society as adults. Black Lives Matter and their ilk have meltdowns throughout the country, burning, rioting and looting. Some of our elected leaders and mainstream media legitimize the actions by declaring them as mostly peaceful. What happens when virtue signaling replaces reason? The Biden administration, disregarding the rule of law, decides to placate them, comply to their inane demands, create methods to incorporate their “values” into society and create a monster likely to destroy everything that makes this nation great.

Becoming “Woke” is far more important than properly training our military to be a cohesive fighting force. Diversity, inclusion and equity take the front seats in order to properly instill the message that all are no longer equals. Some of us need to be ashamed about events that they never participated, wrongs that they never committed and perceived privilege that never benefited them. If one’s skin is the wrong color, you are to be ashamed of yourself and not to be trusted. We are not becoming a colorless society. We are falling back into the trap of discrimination based upon the color of one’s skin. No matter who is targeted, discrimination for any reason and bias based upon the color of one’s skin is immoral and inappropriate. I thought our first black President was going to end racial bias. Not so much.

White privilege, the rallying cry from the left undercuts the very tenets of our Constitution and the rights conferred by it. Blaming others for one’s shortcomings is despicable and wrong-headed. Discriminating against a person, solely by the basis of skin color does nothing to unite us. We are all homo sapiens, members of the human race. Why are we falling for the same lies that led to discrimination of persons of color? Why would we want to repeat the same mistakes that divided our country by race in the mid 1900’s. Why would anyone feel better if others were punished for the sins of their fathers? Revenge, retribution or reprisal do not exact justice. They are merely hateful enterprises that leaves one feeling even more empty and angry. These negative emotions do nothing to help to heal those wounds. They only allow hate to fester and grow.

The freedom to pursue your dreams and happiness is the basis of the American way of life. Opportunity abounds for all those who endeavor to seek those opportunities. Anyone. Yes, anyone can be the next best thing if one applies oneself. At one time our education system was the envy of the world, but we have faltered, lagging behind in most of the STEM disciplines. Why is that? We have incorporated leftist ideologies into curriculum, neglecting those subjects. Critical race theory is more important than history as it occurred. Much of our teaching in public schools decries Capitalism and elevates socialism, with any negative aspects of socialism omitted. We have incorporated transgenderism into curriculum, encouraging experimentation with choosing preferred gender and pronouns. Alternate lifestyles are promoted to young impressionable children. The lens of race eclipses reason and is used as a cudgel to accuse and defame, based solely upon skin color. Work ethic is panned as racist. Grades are panned as racist. The nuclear family is panned as racist.

Leftist ideology does not seek to co-exist with our current societal norms. Leftist ideology seeks to fundamentally transform this nation into a socialist nightmare. Think this could not happen in this bastion of freedom. Think again. It is happening in plain sight. We have been too complacent to realize it. The leaders of the democrat party are in bed with those who seek to destroy us in order to maintain their power. The media parrots their talking points and omits “misinformation” or anything conservative. What they fail to realize, is that they are never going to be accepted by those who are currently succeeding in dragging this nation into the abyss. They will be cast aside like willing pawns unaware of the trap they are falling into. If we continue in our slumber, it will happen. Some of us are finally awakening and challenging this impending evil that is choking our freedom, but not enough. The time to stand back and let others get involved is over. If we fail to take back our country from this leftist storm, we simply don’t deserve it. Will you allow your freedoms to end and our nation to be left on the scrap heap of history? It’s your choice. Rise up and stem the tide or sit back and say goodbye to America.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

A Matter of Trust

 A government that depends upon lies will ultimately fail

Propaganda, misrepresentation, fabrication, dishonesty, deception and omission are synonyms of a lie. The CDC has, from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, used their office to deceive and mislead a willing and compliant population. After all, shouldn’t we be able to trust our governmental leaders? Shouldn’t we believe that our government will properly inform us in order to “keep us safe”? Shouldn’t we have faith that our governmental organizations follow the science and are not unduly affected by politics? The strategies used to fight this invisible enemy we instituted early on during the outbreak of the pandemic have not adjusted to the ever-changing battlefield. The reliance upon the strategy of emergency authorized vaccinations as the primary defense, while ignoring and even preventing the use of existing therapeutics was reckless and has caused needless death and suffering for, not only our population, but the rest of the global community.

The bureaucrats that dictated our Public Health policies in the CDC, NIH and NIAID lied to our nation. They withheld information integral to shaping informed public opinion in the treatment of this Novel Coronavirus. They attempted to deflect any information that would cast suspicion on the Wuhan lab that they funneled your tax dollars to experiment and create gain of function viruses. They called therapeutics that have been proven safe for decades, even one that garnered a Nobel Prize for its’ creator, as dangerous and ineffective. They conspired with the public health system to punish doctors that had the audacity to prescribe hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin and with pharmacies to refuse to fill those prescriptions. If you are dying in a hospital bed, any medication should be considered, after all, if you are going to die anyway, what does it matter?

If you get vaccinated, you will no longer get or transmit the virus. Another lie. This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Another lie. The CDC has withheld valuable information from the public. Think you may want to know about serious side effects from the vaccine? Think you may want to know the number of those hospitalized by age, race or vaccination status? Think you may want to know about the effectiveness of the booster shots? Well, according to the public health professionals, you are not intelligent enough to have that information shared publicly because you may misunderstand or misinterpret the data. In order to grow mushrooms, you need to keep them in the dark and feed them crap, but that will not work for the public that funds our government with our hard-earned dollars. The government’s response to this pandemic has been a disaster from the start. One of President Trump’s biggest mistakes was to turn over managing the pandemic to rank amateurs that parade around as public health officials.

Anthony “often wrong” Fauci and his merry band of miscreants in the CDC, NIH and NAIAD were enabled to misuse their undue influence by recommending the shutdowns, mandatory masking and the strategy of relying upon a vaccine produced without the standard safeguards and testing. All these strategies have done nothing to lessen the impact of the disease. Three quarters of all those who have perished with or from this disease were over the age of 70 with 4 or more comorbidities. The mandatory masking has particularly caused undue suffering for our children that have had their socialization negatively impacted, mental health adversely affected and set their learning back years. Those children may never recover from these inane mandates.

The vaccinated are experiencing serious side-effects and many healthy people have died or become invalids. This must end. The United Kingdom finally came to their senses and eliminated all restrictions. Many more countries will follow suit. Yet, our President Joe Biden, has extended the health emergency because he believes COVID-19 still presents a danger, even as infection numbers crash, hospitalizations are falling and the death toll is waning. Apparently, faulty foreign policy decisions are not his only shortcomings.

We need to learn a lesson as we see what is happening to our neighbors to our north. The Canadian government has enacted an emergency act, giving the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, the right to order law enforcement to arrest, without warrant or bail, anyone deemed to acting in opposition to the government, even by simply speaking out against a tyrannical government or walking in a “restricted zone” in Ottawa. The truckers protesting the vaccine mandates in Ottawa have been arrested, their property and finances seized, their children placed in protective custody and their pets confiscated with the intent to euthanize them. Think that can’t happen here? Guess again. Even after the truckers were arrested and the streets cleared the Canadian parliament voted to continue to keep in place the Emergency Act, just in case anyone else decides to oppose their draconian edicts. Canada’s form of government is almost a mirror image of ours. Our government has done a great job of pitting us all against one another. Just ask yourself how people that are not aligned with the leftism that permeates our Federal Government are treated compare with those who promote the leftist ideology. Time to wake up America. It’s not too late, but it’s getting closer to bedtime for this nation.

Sunday, February 6, 2022



We need to heal wounds, not emphasize past wrongs

If one holds a grudge, emphasis is on a negative emotion. When one looks past a personal slight and can offer forgiveness to the person who did you wrong, it will often lead to a positive outcome for both parties. Dwelling on past insults or offences can lead one on a path of distrust, suspicion and cynicism. These emotions will do nothing but fester within the person that perceives the wrongdoing. Our society is evolving and not in a good way. Diversity, inclusion and equity initiatives are heading our nation in the wrong direction. These “values” emphasize our differences rather that work to unite us within our similarities. Subjugating us by the color of our skin is simply a return the days of segregation and furthers the goals of racism.

We are all children of God. We share a common Father. Does that not make us all brothers and sisters? Are we not simply the human race regardless of how we look? Pull away the skin and we are all the same. This movement, rooted in Marxist ideology looks to divide us in order to create an upheaval meant to lead to a reinventing of our society. In other words, a fundamental transformation of this nation. This embrace of diversity, inclusion and equity pit those perceived to be oppressed against those perceived to be the oppressors. In other words, pitting us against each other. This divisive ideology rejects forgiveness and reinforces the ideas of retribution, retaliation and revenge. How this can be a positive for society eludes me. Whether or not you are Christian, as a society, we should be able to agree that in order to live in harmony with one another we need to learn to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Diversity is defined as, a set of conscious practices that involve: Understanding and appreciating interdependence of humanity, cultures and the natural environment. Practicing mutual respect for qualities and experiences different than our own. Understanding that diversity includes not only ways of being, but also ways of knowing. Building alliances across differences so that we can work together to eradicate all forms of discrimination. Excerpted from Queensborough Community College/CUNY. Sounds like this is a good path to unite, until you read the sentence that I omitted. Recognizing that personal, cultural and institutionalized discrimination creates and sustains privileges for some while creating and sustaining disadvantages for others. This is what the purveyors of this divisiveness concentrate on. You are privileged because of your skin color and if you are a person of a certain color, you should be personally affronted by the fact that you are being held down by the “Man”.

We all have experienced different cultures. We have often not practiced mutual respect for the qualities of those differences. We need to build alliances to eliminate racism and inequality. We need to understand those differences and treat each other with respect and dignity. That is how a civil society thrives. How a civil society dies is when we hold grudges and vilify others for past grievances, real or perceived. As we continue to acquiesce to this divisive ideology and incorporate it into acceptable society, we are witnessing, firsthand, the death throes of our society and nation. And most of us sit back and say nothing. When you are old, you can tell your grandchildren how this nation was once free.

Inclusion is referred to how diversity is leveraged to create a fair, equitable, healthy and high performing organization or community where all individuals are respected, feel engaged and motivated and their contributions toward meeting organizational or societal goals are valued. Excerpted from Austin Community College research guide. Sounds great. Again, everyone contributes, everyone is respected, and everyone’s contributions are valued. But, that word equity instead of equality stands out. Why has equity replaced equality? Why is equity of outcome more valued than equality of opportunity? These words seem so similar, yet their meanings are far different.

Equity refers to fairness and justice and is distinguished from equality: Whereas equality means providing the same to all, equity means recognizing that we do not all start from the same place and must acknowledge and make adjustments to imbalances. The process is ongoing, requiring us to identify and overcome intentional and unintentional barriers arising from bias or systemic structures. Excerpted from the National Association of Colleges and Employers. President Barack Obama said in 2014, at the College opportunity Summit, “The premise that we’re all created equal is the opening line in our American story. And we don’t promise equal outcomes; we’ve strived to deliver equal opportunity – the idea that success does not depend on being born into wealth or privilege, it depends on effort and merit. You can be born into nothing and work your way into something extraordinary. There was not much common ground with our former President and I, but this speech was extraordinary and right on point.

If we fail to recognize the evil that exists is this wonderfully sounding ideology and continue to mainstream these ideas, our nation will definitely be fundamentally transformed into something few of us would want. The opportunity to push back and defend your liberties and freedom and prevent this divisive ideology from infecting all aspects of our lives is waning. Want to reminisce about the good old days when freedom reigned in American in your old age, or do you wish to maintain this shining light of freedom on the hill? What are you going to do about it, remain silent or push back? The choice is yours. Make a difference or stand by idly as we fall.