Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Fight the Good Fight


Surrender is not an option in the battle against evil.

Satan and his minions are relentless in their quest to prevent humanity from attaining a personal relationship with God. The evil one uses a variety of techniques to accomplish his goal to separate us from God. By exploiting our personal weaknesses, he will gain a foothold and use those vulnerabilities to his advantage. Much of our current culture embodies those strategies that drive that wedge between humanity and our God. Leftist and woke ideology advocates for many of the things that displease our Lord but most certainly please Satan. Humans have a survival instinct that allows us to fall prey to our innate selfishness. Most of our sin derives from that selfishness. That is how the evil one preys upon those who are weak in faith. He deceives humankind in the same way that he tempted Jesus in the wilderness. Those things of this world that each of us has the proclivity to desire are used to tempt and mislead us.

That is where the left and their unrelenting push for wokeness step in. The things of this world are used as a means to distract us from a right relationship with God. We are called to love our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our minds, and with all our strength. Secondly, we need to love our neighbors as ourselves. Jesus said, “No other commandments are greater than these.” There are enough things of this world that distract us and get in the way of our relationship with God. We don’t need the left to add to those distractions as they act as agents of evil.  Wokeness has been adopted by the democrat party and their embrace of that evil is tearing apart this nation. And what exactly are the tenets of leftist ideology and why are they so dangerous to our spiritual life? In order to ascertain what is pleasing to God and what is not we are to turn to Scripture. The following is a comparison of the principles supported by leftism to God’s word.

·         Transgenderism – You shall have no other gods before me. The new religion for the left, having overtaken climate “science.” Embracing transgenderism accomplishes a variety of objectives of the left; sowing division amongst families, placing the children as wards of the state, removing numerous individuals from the gene pool, as they will no longer be able to procreate, and rolling back protections for women.

·         Abortion – You shall not murder. Just as children were sacrificed to the Phoenician/Canaanite god “Moloch” in ancient times, 50 million children have been sacrificed to the god of abortion since Roe v Wade was established. You shall make no idols. A statue commemorating Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsberg, but overtly symbolizing abortion, was placed over the Appellate Division Courthouse in New York.  


·         “Anti”-racism, class, and political warfare – Love your neighbor as yourself. The left promotes reverse racism to attack the white majority, in particular white males, falsely calling out white supremacy, white privilege, and the “patriarchy.” They rail at the “1%” and disparage anything conservative.

·         Weaponization of law against political enemies, the “Deep State.” – Again, you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. False claims against, not only Donald Trump, but Christians, conservatives, and anyone with the temerity to counter the lefts’ chosen narrative were in the crosshairs of the Department of Justice. Little old ladies praying in front of Planned Parenthood were sentenced to years in prison. Pre-dawn armed raids by the DOJ to terrorize dissenters, including a raiding a former President’s residence, were unconscionable and likely unlawful. Anarchists are often not charged with any crimes and no investigations to identify those who committed violence during riots while tirelessly searching for any persons that participated in the events at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

·         Open borders – The same law applies both to the native-born and the foreigner residing among you. As in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the Biden Administration reveals that they believe some of us are more equal than others. The US border is crossed illegally by millions of foreigners and the Biden administration rewards those who break our immigration laws with financial benefits and placement within the US borders, while over 300,000 immigrant children have been “lost”, likely being sexually trafficked.

·         CRT, DEI, AND ESG – You shall not covet. Love your neighbor. Critical Race Theory breeds hatred and unduly influences the teaching of our children. Racism is a learned behavior and CRT justifies racism against those deemed “privileged” to our most vulnerable. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policies disproportionately elevates race, gender identity, and political ideology above merit and ability, diluting the competency of society’s workforce. Environmental, Social, and Governance policies place undue and burdensome regulations upon the business sector, increasing costs and undermining efficiencies.

·         Disregard of the rule of law – Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly. Democrat District Attorneys pervert the law, willfully ignoring the transgressions of those they deem to be marginalized by society. Along with the lack of enforcement comes anarchy and wanton crime, creating chaos for the law abiding in those cities.

·         Antisemitism and anti-Christianity – For God has not called us to impurity, but to holiness. Anyone then who rejects this command does not reject man, but God, the very One who gives you His Holy Spirit.” Democrats have consistently rejected God’s word and have supported LGBTQ+, drag queens, gay marriage, and the like, while they champion antisemitism and disparage Christianity.

·         Free speech - We will no longer be influenced by people who use cunning and clever strategies to lead us astray.  Instead, as we lovingly speak the truth, we will grow up completely in our relationship to Christ, who is the head. Government propaganda and censorship is embraced by the legacy media and the democrat party falsely claiming it is imperative that mis and disinformation be controlled. They believe the people are too stupid to be able to ascertain right from wrong, fact from fiction.

To resist evil, it must first be identified and targeted. The democrat party has decided to embrace the evil that is leftist ideology. Until such a time as democrats choose to moderate their positions, return to serve the Lord, return to become actual public servants, and reject the immorality that they embrace, we must resist them with all our strength.

Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Ephesians 6:13


Saturday, December 21, 2024

Unto you a Savior is born

Who has believed our message? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? He grew up before Him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no stately form or majesty to attract us, no beauty that we should desire Him. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. Like one from whom men hide their faces, He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows; yet we considered Him stricken, struck down by God, and afflicted.

But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. We all like sheep have gone astray, each one has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid upon Him the iniquity of us all.

He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so He did not open His mouth. By oppression and judgment He was taken away, and who can recount His descendants? For He was cut off from the land of the living; He was stricken for the transgression of My people.

He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with a rich man in His death, although He had done no violence, nor was any deceit in His mouth. Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush Him and to cause Him to suffer; and when His soul is made a guilt offering, He will see His offspring, He will prolong His days, and the good pleasure of the LORD will prosper in His hand.

After the anguish of His soul, He will see the light of life and be satisfied. By His knowledge My righteous Servant will justify many, and He will bear their iniquities. Therefore I will allot Him a portion with the great, and He will divide the spoils with the strong, because He has poured out His life unto death, and He was numbered with the transgressors. Yet He bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors. Isaiah 53

Keep Christ in Christmas and first and foremost in our daily lives. By His blood we are healed and redeemed. Thanks be to God!