Saturday, March 8, 2025

Rule of Law




Leftist judges pervert justice.

Partisanship or political bias cannot affect any decisions from the judicial branch of government. The Constitution and enacted laws that are deemed constitutional are the only considerations when rendering an opinion. There are three co-equal branches of government, legislative, executive, and judicial. Each is granted limited authority with oversight among them. Since the dawn of Trump, co-equal no longer pertains. Democrats have filed lawsuit after lawsuit, challenging executive actions by President Trump. District court judges are granting themselves broad powers, taking jurisdiction where they have none, and injecting themselves into the political sphere. We first saw this when Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted and convicted Trump on 34 separate felonies related to federal campaign finance laws, in which his office did not have jurisdiction. Perversion of the law continues, unabated.

Without mutual respect and “staying in your lane,” the legislative, executive, and judicial branches cannot co-exist in a manner that the framers intended and will ultimately create a dysfunctional government. The Constitution must be adhered to. Laws must be respected and upheld. Each branch must allow the other to perform their constitutionally authorized duties, without obstruction from the other. This Constitutional Republic will fall if usurpation of authority becomes the norm. Joe Biden usurped the legislative branch’s authority when he forgave $Billions of student loans, even while acknowledging he had no authority to do so. He continued granting loan forgiveness even after the Supreme Court ruled his actions unconstitutional. This cannot become a precedent lest our nation be plunged into an executive branch anarchy, establishing an unrestrained and authoritarian Presidential office.

Radical left-wing judges continue to “order” presidential actions to cease and desist the enforcement of lawful executive orders. This radicalization of judicial actions is not limited to federal judges. In Wisconsin, a circuit judge in a liberal county, overturned Act 10, a law upheld by the Wisconsin Supreme Court a decade ago. Not only did this judge lack jurisdiction, the “new” liberal majority of the Wisconsin Supreme Court accepted the case and will re-rule on the constitutionality of the law. On April 1st Wisconsin will elect a new Supreme Court Justice and either the liberals will maintain their 4-3 majority or conservatives will regain the majority after the ballots are tabulated. Even if the conservative prevails, the liberal majority will move to strike down Act 10, which turned a $3.5 Billion deficit into a $4 Billion surplus, before a new conservative justice is seated. Partisanship run amok!

The last Wisconsin Supreme Court race saw tens of millions of democrat dollars poured into the coffers of the democrat’s chosen candidate, uber-lefty Janet Protasiewicz. She prevailed in the election, even after declaring Act 10 unconstitutional, Wisconsin’s district maps unfair, criticized voter ID, and stated that she would overturn Wisconsin’s abortion law. Yet, she is now seated on the state’s highest court! If the democrat’s chosen candidate, Susan Crawford, an uber-lefty judge from Dane County, is elected as Supreme Court Justice, insanity from the bench will overcome Wisconsin. Brad Schimel, the conservative in the race, will restore some semblance of rationality to the court. Although Crawford’s ads accuse Schimel of failing to address the backlog of sexual assault kits, Schimel, as Wisconsin Attorney General, instituted a policy that identified and completed the vast majority of all untested rape kits he inherited after he was elected. Democrat carpetbagger AG Josh Kaul ignores his duties to defend Wisconsinites while he chases down lawsuits, many of no benefit to Wisconsin, some where he lacks jurisdiction or standing, with the intent to derail President Trump’s agenda.

Partisanship from the bench, overwhelmingly initiated by radical leftists appointed by democrats, needs to end yesterday. Our nation cannot withstand the judicial assault on our Constitution. We are spiraling down a rabbit hole that leads to the destruction of the rule of law, the very thing that holds the fabric of society together.

You must not pervert justice; you must not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the rich; you are to judge your neighbor fairly. Leviticus 19:15


Thursday, March 6, 2025

Reap what you Sow


Evil has been exposed.

The constant drumbeat by the left villainizing their political opponents has indelibly sowed the seeds of division in this nation. Legacy media, Hollywood elitists, the democrat party leaders, and much of social media have fomented a growing hatred amongst the populace so pervasive that it is out of control. Neighbor pitted against neighbor, citizen against citizen, and families torn asunder by insipid political ideology. What have we become? Reject your families if they support President Trump? Calling anyone opposed to their radical ideology Hitler! Screaming that this is the end of democracy and there will be no more elections. Unhinged hyperbole by leftists losing their minds while they exaggerate baseless claims repeatedly, loses any manner of credibility.

The petulant display by elected democrat representatives during the President’s speech at the joint session of Congress was despicable. Democrats refusing to acknowledge a 13-year-old cancer survivor? Democrats applauding continuing the senseless bloodshed between Ukraine and Russia? Who is it that really is a threat to democracy? Evil is flourishing in this world and the democrat party is embracing it.

Darkness is having a field day as leftists celebrate the murder of children waiting to be born and then have the audacity to call it women’s reproductive health care. Drug cartels turn to the lucrative business of human trafficking, taking advantage of a border deliberately left open by democrat party leftists that has allowed fentanyl, misery, and death to spread. Democrats are the party of woke policies that promote child sexual mutilation, sexual predation by “transgender” men, and value race, sexual orientation, and political ideology over merit and skill. Democrats are the advocates of government propaganda and censorship by sponsoring bills to effectively eliminate free speech in which they disagree. Democrats denigrate school choice, but boost teachers’ unions, thereby reducing learning opportunities for the underprivileged they “promised” to protect. Democrats target Christian educators with lawfare, forcing Christian universities and schools to expend resources defending their 1st Amendment right to freedom of worship in court. Christianity is firmly in the crosshairs of these misguided leftists.

It may seem as if evil has been winning most of the battles, but people are slowly waking from their slumber. Evil has emerged from the darkness and the light has shown upon it so that all can recognize it.  There is a reason that democrats and their radical policies were soundly rejected at the ballot box. God’s law is indelibly written upon our hearts. The difference between right and wrong, evil and good are apparent. More young people are indeed rejecting radical ideology, returning to their roots, and embracing God. Even though it is not readily apparent, a revival is sweeping across our nation, and our youth are leading the charge. This nation, created through and with a covenant with God, is slowly recognizing the evil that has been embraced by the left and perpetrated on the masses. The pendulum is swinging back to foundational Christian principles as intended by God and adopted for this nation by our forefathers. The United States is a majority Christian nation, and it is past time for Christians to reawaken and restore that which God intended.