Thursday, November 14, 2024



Evil has been repudiated!

Perhaps the people have finally seen through the lies of the evil one. With the election of Donald Trump, begins a rejection of democrat policies that have been leading this nation down the wide path that leads to destruction. The left’s attempt to force feed insane, woke policies failed as they tried to take too big of a bite of the apple, and the people have decided a change in course was necessary. Just as many of our mainline denominations have substituted social justice in place of Jesus, the democrat party has strayed far from God. When the evil one speaks, they listen and incorporate it into their party platform. As evidence of the left’s rejection of God, when someone shouted “Jesus is Lord” at a Harris/Walz campaign event in Wisconsin, Kamala Harris betrayed her true nature when she told him he was at the wrong place. Additionally, she was the first Presidential candidate to skip the Catholic Al Smith dinner in New York in almost 40 years.

We the people have elected a Republican President and majorities in Congress. This new administration brings traditional values that respect the sanctity of life, follow God, value parental rights, uphold the rule of law, and oppose the mutilation of children. With the mandate of the people, they have been given the authority to roll back the immoral policies that have been blindly accepted by far too many. They have the power to end this nation’s wandering in the wilderness, held captive to a leftist ideology that has unduly influenced society. Now comes the hard part; Having the will to heal the divisions and to bring this nation back from the abyss by passing legislation that codifies a return to Judeo/Christian values. Pray for our elected representatives to have the courage to stand strong for the Lord.

Even though those on the left have earned the ire of many Americans and warrant retribution for the evil they have sown, that is not what our Lord and Savior would have us do. Jesus said, “But to those of you who will listen, I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone takes your cloak, do not withhold your tunic as well. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what is yours, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Yeah. Loving that neighbor with the pink hair and nose ring that screams that she hates you and any other hateful, homophobic, transphobic Christian that wants to take away her bodily autonomy. Quite the ask you say?

Without forgiveness, there is no reconciliation. Without grace and mercy, there is no way to bridge that divide. Without extending that hand of friendship, there is no opportunity for healing. If God can forgive someone as wholly imperfect as I, we should be able to be the first to try to mend fences. Try it. Harboring a grudge is giving the evil one a foothold in your soul and elicits nothing but negative emotions. It becomes difficult to spew hate at a person who reaches out in love. Instead of being argumentative, try listening and offering non-judgmental instruction. It is easy to build a wall when you believe that you are in the right and you are certain that the other person is wrong. Jesus called us to make disciples of all nations. Do you want to be an impediment to someone searching for themselves when what they need is a right relationship with our Lord and Savior?

God loves all of His children unconditionally and more than we could ever fully understand. Even that crazed leftist college student that you believe lacks any common sense. There are always opportunities to profess your love of Christ to the lost. Reach out with the love of Christ. That is what this nation needs to heal. Policy decisions are in good hands now. Do not fan the flames of division by gloating. Know that God’s hand was present in our nation to give us a chance to right many wrongs and begin a revival in the United States. Will you be the hands and feet of Christ or will you abandon your responsibility to reach the lost to find Him?



Thursday, October 24, 2024

Blind Faith


Hearts and minds need to turn to God.

God created everything that is, was, and will come to be, and it was good. Our Father in heaven sent His Son, a perfect sacrifice, to take upon Himself the entirety of humanity’s sin, forfeit His life to grant forgiveness of all who believe in Him. A simple act of faith and God grants us eternal life with Him. God loves you so much that there is nothing you can do to make Him love you anymore and there is nothing you can do to make Him love you any less. All is forgiven through faith in the Risen Son. Yet, unbelief reigns and hatred flourishes. Rather than believing in God who loves them, many bow down at the altar of selfishness, climate science, and racism. Hostility toward those in which we disagree replaces loving our neighbor. Vile language replaces civil discourse. Respect for others becomes a foreign concept. Skin color, sexual orientation, or political affiliation determines how one regards another. The murder of a child waiting to be born in the womb, becomes a woman’s right to choose or a reproductive health decision. We are empowering those who devalue the gift of life. As a nation, we have lost our way.

This United States, far from perfect, was founded upon Judeo-Christian values. Those values support freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the freedom to pursue your own vision of happiness. How have we become a nation of cowards and appeasers, failing to speak out when others infringe upon our God given rights? Our very lives, the liberty to worship God, and peacefully live are gifts from God. How is it that we ignore or acquiesce to the actions of others who would deny us those rights? This nation is at a crossroad. Our next elected representatives will either be purveyors of anti-Christianity and antisemitism, advocates for the worship of government, disparagers of law enforcement, supporters of  criminality, defenders of abortion, racism, open borders, censorship, and the mutilation of children or those who champion freedom of religion, support police, smaller government, embrace of life, equality, supporters of legal immigration, free speech, and affirm the scientific fact that there are but two genders. The contrast could not be starker.

This election is not about party allegiance. This election is a battle between good and evil. This election will determine whether this nation fails or succeeds. Are we no longer a Christian nation as former President Obama said, or will we rechart our course as the founding fathers intended? They entered into a covenant with our Creator, authoring our founding documents to integrate His chosen morals and laws for us. They agreed that incorporating Biblical values into the Constitution would provide the guidance necessary for a fledgling nation to grow and prosper. Yet those universal truths are in danger of being discarded, to be replaced with deceptive leftist ideology.

Only 62% of registered voters cast ballots in the 2020 Presidential election. That indicates that more than a third of US citizens could care less about the direction of our country. That is absolutely unacceptable! Citizens are granted the authority to choose our elected representatives. Not all countries afford their citizens that privilege, yet not even two thirds of our citizens exercise that right. Granted, many citizens do not care to be properly informed, but there is really no barrier to understand the issues to make an informed decision. As Christians it is our responsibility to support elected representatives that mirror our beliefs.

Your voices need to be heard. If we fail to elect those who will govern according to God’s will and faithfully serving the citizens, we will get what we deserve. If you are happy with the direction this nation is heading, vote accordingly. If you are not, cast your vote for those who would change that direction. The choice is yours. Exercise your Constitutional rights or sit back and allow evil to prosper.

Could one who hates justice govern? He shatters the mighty without inquiry and sets up others in their place. Therefore, He recognizes their deeds; He overthrows them in the night and they are crushed. He strikes them for their wickedness in full view, because they turned aside from Him and had no regard for any of His ways.” Job 34:17, 24-27.

We are the hands and feet of our God here on earth. Use them for His glory!