Thursday, February 21, 2019


Much of human history has involved being able to find common ground and compromise. Conflict begins when we cannot come to terms. As children we beg our parents for that extra piece of pie, to stay up past our bedtime “for just 10 more minutes” and to the number of chores we are assigned. As we age, the stakes may be higher, but negotiations continue in an effort to obtain those things we want. Legislation is passed with each side of the political aisle cooperatively bargaining in order to achieve a common goal that ultimately benefits both sides and the public at large. Today, our political dialogue has devolved into nothing more than an increasingly negative rhetoric, escalating into hateful and demeaning memes posted on social media, directed at those with opinions different than their own. The rise of the leftist agenda and the embracing of those ideals by academia, the media and the Democrat party are first and foremost in driving the decline of our political discourse. Those institutions attempt to cast the blame upon the rise of conservative talk radio for our ever increasing political divide. That is far from the truth.

This embrace of the leftist ideology has driven us to the place we now find ourselves. Since the birth of our nation, conservatives and liberals have had common goals. Our disagreements centered on the methods used to attain those goals. All can agree on the goal to eradicate poverty. Liberals favor the big government welfare state and trickle up economics. Conservatives want to provide our economy the tools necessary to produce wealth, facilitate the environment necessary for those that are able, to enter the workforce so that they can create their own wealth and contribute to society, rather than simply take. Both agree that those who cannot work and need assistance should receive it. The left does not want to end poverty. The left wants to tear down our economic system and replace it with total government control. Those who have amassed wealth will have it taken away and redistributed to the masses. The left does not share a common goal with the vast majority of Americans.

The Green New Deal proposed by freshman Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, is painstakingly impracticable and unattainable. Yet, the declared Democrat presidential candidates (Corey Booker, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, and others) agree that they could support this policy. The Democrats are leaning more and more toward the leftist concept of no borders that allow unfettered immigration with its’ inherent problems, such as drugs, criminals, terrorists, and diseases entering the country uncontrolled. Allowing this to occur is the true immoral action. The Democrats ever increasing support for socialism is rising from the shadows and being bandied about by all their declared candidates for president. Tolerating the murder of unborn children up to and apparently after birth, is touted as important to maintain a woman’s control of her body. This is reprehensible conduct that is simply government approved homicide. The normalization of same sex relationships has long garnered support from the left and has rightly occurred. Any person acting in a lawful manner should never be ostracized or reviled. This is not enough for the radical left, as the same sex relationship has expanded to include other behaviors including the attempt to normalize transgenderism, or what should be classified as a mental disease. These are but a few examples of the leftward lean of the Democrat party.

Shortly before President Obama was elected, he stated that the fundamental transformation of this country was days away. We are watching as it unfolds right before our eyes. As with the radical Muslims that want nothing more than to destroy our society, so does the left. Anarchists, such as Anti-fa, Black lives matter and the occupation movement, are apparently supported by the Democrat party, as evidenced by their silence and failure to condemn their behavior. The United States will not be conquered by an invading army. The United States will not be destroyed by bombs and bullets. The United States will fall from within, as more and more leftists gain more and more power. The media and academia have been brainwashing our population for decades now and it apparently is beginning to have the desired effect. Many millennials believe that socialism is the cure to capitalism, imagining that it will create a more equal society. It will do nothing of the sort. Socialism is the great equalizer, tearing down everyone, so that everyone suffers the same misery, except for those that lead. For those who are too lazy or complacent, content to let others determine our fate, our entire way of life stands in the balance. For those of you that do not take your responsibility to properly inform yourselves and to say no to this plague that is descending upon us, and stop it at the ballot box, you will wake up one day and find that the country that you love and cherish is gone. Allowing these leftists to gain power will take us where every other socialist country has ended, in ruin. It is imperative that we take our responsibility seriously and fight against this disease that is the left. Our way of life is in the balance. What will you do to protect those you love?