Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Equitable Outcomes

 The left continues to obfuscate the term equity as if, somehow, it is the equivalent of equality. It is not. One of the ever tolerant left’s first attempts at artificially attaining equitable outcomes was the social engineering program, “Affirmative Action”. This program refers to a set of policies and practices that set quotas giving partiality to gender, race, sexuality, creed or nationalities that were alleged to be discriminated against. In other words, these policies gave preference in hiring, college entrance and promotions to any and all minority groups with the goal of bridging past and present inequalities in employment and pay, access to education, promoting diversity, and rectifying perceived past biases. Because of these perceived injustices, minorities were to be given priority in order to level the playing field. This policy’s intent was not to just level the playing field, but actually ended up promoting the exact opposite by denying others opportunity because of the color of their skin or gender. Reverse discrimination is the actual effect upon society when a policy is intended to achieve an equitable outcome.

Equality equals fairness. When one merits or earns a position, promotion or scholarship, the best qualified person rises to the top. This enables all society to benefit by having the best qualified persons in positions that require a particular skill. One wouldn’t accept any surgeon to perform a critical medical procedure. One would look for the best surgeon with the best outcomes. One wouldn’t engage with an attorney that was less competent than another to litigate a significant case. One wouldn’t want a plumber to install a toilet if he/she completed inferior work. When we look for someone to represent us, complete tasks for us or watch our children we look for the most proficient, trustworthy and capable person possible. In nature, the strongest survive to mate and propagate their species. Those that are weak fail to reproduce, allowing the best chance at survival for the species. With the “woke” left the gene pool is deliberately diluted, allowing those that are not always the best and brightest to ascend to the highest levels and most important positions in society without actually having earned their status.

Now comes the Equality Act, Bill HR-5, legislation to amend the Civil Rights Act to include LGBTQ and transgendered persons. This will codify a legal path for persons that identify as a sex other than their biological gender at birth, to participate in women’s sports, choose the restroom of their choosing and make a mockery of the biological differences between the genders. The term “(including sexual orientation and gender identity), is the phrase that ties this wayward legislation together. Included in the Bill; “(2) GENDER IDENTITY. The term ‘gender identity’ means the gender-related identity, appearance, mannerisms, or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, regardless of the individual’s designated sex at birth. “(B) a perception or belief, even if inaccurate, concerning the race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), or national origin, respectively, of the individual.” Up is down and right is wrong. If the authors of this Bill and those that support it, actually took a step back and realized what they are doing, perhaps their eyes would be opened to the absurdity of it. Now don’t get me wrong. The LGTBQ community and those who identify as transgender should be covered by the Civil Rights Act and protected from any and all discrimination. But there are limits to the authority granted the Federal Government to compel others to relinquish their Constitutional rights in order to elevate others.

Equitable results from a law that uplifts one portion of society at the expense of many others. Let’s level the playing field. We have entered into Orwellian territory as it now appears that “all people are equal, but some people are just more equal than others.” Now that enough ballots were counted to put the democrats in control of both chambers of Congress and the White House, they continue with reckless abandon on a leftward trajectory. Radical legislation like HR Bill 5, and many more even more radical, will be passed to the benefit of the “grievance” factions of the democrat party. Stand by for thrills because you aint seen nothing yet! If the Senate eliminates the filibuster, it won’t matter if Republicans take back the House and Senate in 2022. It will be too late to overturn these new laws, especially if the Supreme Court and Federal Courts are packed with democrat appointees. The left has finally gotten what they wanted. Now we all will get what we deserve.

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