Sunday, August 8, 2021

The Truth Shall set you Free


History is what it is and we must learn from it.

If a lie is repeated enough, does it then become the truth? Or will people ultimately overcome the obfuscation and realize the lie that it is? History needs to be taught truthfully, in all of its’ magnitude and with all of its’ blemishes, openly and honestly. Even though our nation has done more to advance society and freedom, we also need to learn from our own inadequacies and failures. That being said, we cannot dwell on those injustices and demand retribution in an effort to somehow right those wrongs. It is also essential that we make certain that those mistakes never happen again. It is essential that we never forget how so many were harmed and who was responsible for those offenses against our fellow man. It is also essential that we learn to forgive one another if we ever hope to unite society. Jesus Christ himself said, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” Apparently, there are some of us that believe they are without blemish themselves. They can look beyond their own sin and cast aspersions upon others simply based upon their skin color. Sounds an awful lot like they are becoming that which they so openly despise.

In order to teach our historical inequities, such as the horrors of slavery, the 1921 Tulsa massacre and all the evils of segregation, is it required to incorporate the tenets of Critical Race Theory and cast blame upon those that share the skin color of those who perpetrated these atrocities? Is it necessary to teach children as young as 5 years old, that race is a social construct, made specifically to oppress persons of color and they should be personally held responsible for other’s actions? Is it necessary to place all of society under a lens of racial equity when we should strive for equality of opportunity? God created all men and women as equals. History is a record of events, persons and places and the facts are what they are. We will learn nothing from history if we teach a revisionist form of that history. Omission of historical facts as well as the alteration of facts to fit a narrative only serves to prevent any restoration of real justice.

Heal, transitive verb; to restore to health. To restore to original purity or integrity. There are those who have no intention of mending fences or fixing problems. If politicians actually solved problems, there would be no need of them. There are also those who have a more malevolent goal. The left uses language that would have you believe that they bring a restorative justice by means of reconciling past wrongs and punishing those responsible. They want nothing but to destroy capitalism and transform this nation into a Marxist “Utopia”.  

Rome’s fall eerily coincides with some of the same dilemmas facing our nation today; they were beset by a severe financial crisis, government corruption was rampant, political instability reigned and there was a loss of traditional values. Rome became infatuated with itself and imploded from within. Today, wild spending on human “infrastructure” has our national debt set to rise to $30 Trillion, a level that cannot ever be repaid. Partisanship reigns in Washington DC where the party in power will do whatever it takes to remain there. Democrats openly support Black Lives Matter and Antifa as they cause political strife and instability in our cities. Democrat policies promote the abandonment of the nuclear family, replacing the father with government subsidies. Democrats support and defend abortion, or simply put, the murder of unborn children. President Biden’s open border policy is bringing in all kinds of people, including those with criminal records and those who are unvaccinated or are COVID-19 positive. Then they are released throughout the country. Wonder why there has been a spike in COVID-19 cases?

So, why is there this headlong rush to infiltrate our school’s curriculum with Marxist ideology under the cover of wokeness? If impressionable youth are indoctrinated into believing that the United States is inherently racist and all who are white are responsible for repressing persons of color, they will learn to embrace Marxism. Any debate will be moot as those who are taught and believe this divisive ideology grow into adulthood. Think our nation tilts irrevocably left today, just wait until CRT and its’ ilk permeates society. No more free enterprise. No more reaching to be all that you can be. No more of President John Kennedy’s approach to patriotism, it will be, ask what your country can do for you, and you be compelled to act as the government commands. We will sink into the abyss of Marxism, then socialism, then to the fall of our nation.

If we do not intend to follow in the footsteps of the fallen Roman Empire, we need to change our ways and change them soon. If you are looking for others to take up the mantle of leadership, you need to take a look in the mirror. Our government is littered with those whose only aim is to enrich themselves at your expense. If we do not take back our government, beginning at the local level, we will continue down this path of ruin. Don’t find yourself regretting not getting involved when our nation, as we know it, comes to an end. The old WWII poster of Uncle Sam captioned, “I want you!” has never been more pertinent than today. Good people are needed to stand in the way of leftists aiming to undermine everything that you hold dear. Now is the time. Get involved. Run for office. Make a difference, or you and your family will be the one’s steamrolled by the left.

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