Thursday, October 17, 2024

Not Just a Pretty Face


Policy matters!

A popularity contest is appropriate to selecting a high school prom queen and king, not for electing the President of the United States. It should not be decided by blind party fealty. It should not be about voting against any particular candidate. Choosing the leader of the free world requires ignoring the window dressing of personality and focusing on policy. Policy decisions made by and supported by the 47th President of the United States will drive the economy, set foreign policy, dictate how our laws are enforced, who will be appointed to Federal Courts, and influence the social mores for the most powerful nation on the planet. This is not a choice to be made lightly or to be made based upon the propaganda of a biased media. In this election both candidates have a long and clear track record, as both have served one term as President and one term as Vice-President. It will be easy to evaluate and compare the policies they have advocated.

Clear of the misleading political ads, the following will focus on each candidate’s prior stated positions on public policy;

·         On the First Amendment, free speech – The lynchpin upon which all our rights and freedoms depend.

Kamala Harris has voiced support for limiting free speech by censoring what government has deemed as misinformation or disinformation. A Disinformation Governance Board was instituted, but due to public outcry, was paused in May of 2022.

Donald Trump has supported free speech and was himself barred from numerous social platforms.

·         On the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms – Necessary to defend all rights and freedoms.

Harris has consistently advocated for gun control and the abolishment of semi-automatic weapons. She has supported a mandatory government buy-back of AR type rifles and a national registry of all firearms.

Trump has consistently supported the citizen’s right to bear arms and opposes gun control and red-flag laws.

·         On illegal immigration, controlling the border, legal immigration, and a path to citizenship.

Harris supported President Biden’s terminating the previous administration’s executive actions to control illegal border crossings, leading to unprecedented numbers of illegal aliens entering the country, and abandoned continuing to build the border wall. She has consistently advocated for expansion of the Dream Act and a path to citizenship for illegal border crossers.

Trump has consistently supported legal immigration and issued executive orders that reduced illegal border crossings. His administration completed more than 200 miles of border wall.

·         On DEI (Diversity, equity, and inclusion) and ESG (Environmental, social, and governance).

Harris supported Executive Order 13985 requiring all governmental bodies and any entities doing business with the government to accept and implement the administration’s demands. DEI has infiltrated schools, the military, and society. ESG, Executive Order 13807, supports Harris’ stated goal to eliminate all gas-powered vehicles by 2050.

Trump has stated that energy independence is key to maintaining the US position in the world and driving our economy.

·         On transgenderism.

Harris supports minors making their own gender decisions with or without parental consent. Harris supports tax-payer funded transition surgery for inmates and military members.

Trump has stated that he believes there are two genders and that he will not support the mutilation of children.

·         On the economy.

Harris believes that government should use equity to control the equality of outcomes and believes that the expansion of government control is imperative.

Trump believes that government should get out of the way and that government influence and size should be reduced.

·         On foreign policy.

Harris mirrors the failed policies of her administration. Appeasement and deference.

Trump believes that military strength is the greatest deterrence to aggression.

·         On abortion.

Harris advocates a federal law allowing unrestricted abortion until birth.

Trump believes that individual states should determine access to abortion with some limits.

·         Project 2025

Harris continually states that Project 2025 is Trump’s agenda.

Trump has disavowed the Heritage Foundation’s white paper wish list.

Eliminating personality and comparing policy makes it easy to differentiate the candidates. It’s your choice. Elect the person who more closely mirrors your vision of this nation moving forward regardless of the mean tweets or irritating cackle. You decide. The next four years of policy decisions will determine our future.



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