Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Seeds of Discontent

In 1965, the United Nations passed Resolution #2131, entitled the “Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States and the Protection of their Independence and Sovereignty”. Unfortunately, like most UN Resolutions, this has largely been ignored by many countries. Sovereign nations have used various methods to interfere with rival countries. In 2015, the United States funneled $350,000 to the “One Voice Movement” in an effort to support Benjamin Netanyahu’s opponent. Much ado has been made of Russian interference with the 2016 Presidential election. Russia used various means to cause dissent and plant misinformation, including using phishing attacks and other cyber probes. One of the phishing attacks produced a plethora of information, as Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta fell victim to the scam and exposed over 60,000 emails that eventually Wiki-Leaks released publicly. Facebook and Twitter were used by Russians posing as Americans and by posting misleading articles and links. Russia planted the seeds of discontent; the left sowed it, watered it, and produced a full crop of non-confidence in the legitimacy of our elections. The Russians got exactly what they were attempting to do, with the “Useful Idiots” of the democrat party doing most of the dirty work for them.

Members of Congress declare this oath upon taking office, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God." Democrats, in their fervor of hatred towards any and everything conservative, have taken up the mantel of leftism and socialism. One of the ideas and beliefs of the democrat platform is “principled leadership”. I wonder if Nancy Pelosi was acting with principled leadership when she tore up the President’s State of the Union Address. I wonder if Senator Chuck Schumer was acting with principled leadership when he stood on the steps of the Supreme Court and threatened two sitting Justices if they vote in a manner that he disagrees with. I wonder if other democrats are acting with principled leadership when they falsely accuse President Trump of being a clear and present danger to civil society and if left unchecked will undermine democracy and destroy our nation. These hyperbolic statements are made by long time, career politicians that have caused, not resolved far too many of the issues facing this nation. Democrats are not living up to their oath to support and defend the Constitution and they also fail to abide by their own stated platform.

The branch of the democrat party, also known as the mainstream media, pushes the narrative that the Corona virus, COVID-19, will be the next Black Plague, killing all in its’ path. The democrat party, no longer the loyal opposition, uses their platform to stoke even more fear by accusing the administration of failing to properly protect the citizens. Together, and I accuse them of colluding to push this narrative, they are in the process of driving our economy into a recession. You see, getting back and maintaining their power is the utmost goal of this depraved political party. They will bulldoze anyone in their way and any and all tactics are utilized to achieve their goals, even if it destroys the US economy. As the ideals of the left are incorporated into the democrat machine, they no longer represent the citizens they have sworn to serve. They simply serve their own lust for power. The left will strive to level the playing field, driving everyone but themselves down into the misery of government control of their lives, meting out what they deem appropriate, taking the decision making away from you.

There cannot be a more clear distinction between the democrats and Republicans. Democrats want to control the decisions that the citizens should be making for themselves. The Republicans want to give the citizens the means necessary to succeed or fail of their own volition. As the left begins to dominate the democrat party, their stated goals no longer coincide with the vast majority of what the populace requires or desires. It is time to relegate the democrat party to where they belong, a minority party that has no influence on our government. It is time to elect those that serve our nation, not themselves. It is time to identify candidates with Christian values to properly represent your values and not Saul Alinsky’s.

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