Monday, June 1, 2020

In a Perfect World.....

In a perfect world there would be no disease, no hunger, no homelessness, no death, no left or right, no wars or conflicts of any kind, we would love and care for each other, but we do not live in a perfect world. Humanity is always looking for the next cure all for society’s ills. As much as we desire that this world would hold no malice toward any of God’s children, we are a broken humanity unable to use our vast knowledge and resources to perfect our earthly home. Although we think that we are at the peak of enlightenment, that humanity has this firm grasp on what ails us, we are not even close to being able to solve some of the simplest problems that we face. Of our own volition, we sputter about pointing blaming fingers at one another when we fail to resolve the myriad of issues that continue to plague us.

While COVID-19 may be the crisis of opportunity for some of us, our efforts to confront this invisible foe have failed miserably. The more data we gather about this novel coronavirus, the more we fail to adapt in the war against this hidden enemy. Granted, the initial response to an unknown disease, with lockdown orders made sense at the time, continued isolation has actually exacerbated the problem. Governor Cuomo of New York stated that more than 66% of the COVID-19 cases were people staying sheltered at home. He further stated that this made no sense to him and he could not understand how this could be. Renowned health expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci in a March interview, very cavalierly stated that wearing a face mask would not protect anyone from this disease. He has since done a 180 and face masks are now recommended and even being required at a growing number of businesses. Other studies show that wearing a face mask may actually increase your risk of infection by recirculating your breath and causing you to rebreathe contaminants.

Democrat leadership is exploiting our irrational fear, stoked by the mainstream media that delightfully provides the running death count, inserting leftist agenda policies into legislation intended to offer assistance to those harmed by the pandemic that may just be the first steps to fundamentally transform this great nation into a socialist state. Initially, the goal of these lockdowns was to “flatten the curve” so that there would not be a large spike in cases that could very well overwhelm our health care system. This plan was accepted by the vast majority of our population, even giving up their treasured Constitutional rights, if it meant giving our nation the ability to cope with this pandemic. What has become lost in the translation is that this strategy was never to eliminate the total infections or deaths, just to spread them out over a longer period and make the treatment and care of the infected manageable. Yes, this approach did not seek to reduce infection or death caused by COVID-19, just give us more time, but this plan has been altered to remain “safe at home” until a vaccine could be produced. SARS and MERS are coronavirus’ without a vaccine. The common cold is a coronavirus without a vaccine. Dr. Fauci has been working on a vaccine for HIV for 40 years without success. There may never be a vaccine developed and even if one is developed, it will not be 100% effective, vaccines never are. The seasonal flu shot is typically 40-60% effective.

We are faced with choices daily that place us in harm’s way. Deaths due to accidents approach 170,000 annually, with over 40,000 of those perishing in auto accidents. Drug overdoses kill over 70,000 people annually in the US. Almost 50,000 people took their own lives last year. In a perfect world, none of these things would happen. In a perfect world we would be safe, secure and happy in all we do. This world will never be perfect. No matter how hard we try, we can never make that a reality. But, there is one perfect place. There is one place where we never grow tired, old or die. There is one place where everyone delights in perfect love and we all can agree, even in our politics. That one place is not on this earth. That one place is prepared for all of God’s children, regardless of our differences. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” All of our questions are forever answered when we believe in God’s one true Son. All of our trials and troubles end with Him. All of our needs, wants and desires are forever granted if only we believe. There is nothing you can do to earn God’s love. There is nothing you can do to make God love you any less. We can’t perfect our world, but God offers perfection. Open your heart to the love that is eternal, unconditional and freely given. Open your heart to the one who died so that you can live, forever with our Father in heaven. Open your heart and be welcomed to the perfect, eternal life that your heart so aches to achieve.

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