Saturday, February 6, 2021


 Joe McCarthy, a Wisconsin Senator who served from 1947 until he died in 1957, is most famously known for fostering the fear of being accused of being a communist. McCarthy, a Republican, made wild claims that communists had infiltrated our society and were hiding in plain sight. He opined that these alleged communists were in place to destroy our nation. Never mind that none of his accusations had any factual basis, but that any allegation of being a communist sympathizer ended many careers. The term “Blacklisted” originated with his wild and unsubstantiated claims. History repeats itself as the democrat/socialist/left hurls their accusations of “white supremacy” and “the radicalized right” at anyone that challenges their desired status quo. Our military is to “stand down” in order to investigate and root out any extremism within its’ ranks. Never mind that there is no valid intelligence that this actually exists, they will ferret out this danger to our democracy and eliminate it.

This systematic transformation that has led “right wing extremism” to be elevated as the greatest threat to our democracy began in earnest when FBI director Christopher Wray stated that Antifa was not the problem, but that the rise of “white supremacy” merited the most scrutiny. Since then there has been a concerted effort to highlight conservatism as threatening our societal norms. CNN anchor Don Lemon opined that he believes that the white male is the most dangerous threat to our country. As with McCarthy’s assertions that communist sympathizers were a threat to our democracy in the 50’s, these words also ring hollow. Granted there are organizations that are radical right and racist, but those numbers are dwarfed by left wing radical groups such as Antifa and BLM. Antifa and BLM bring with them many true believers or more accurately described as “useful idiots”, that engage in mob behavior and actually participate in criminal acts, with the belief that they are serving a noble cause.

A newly elected congressman that has made comments in the past deemed inappropriate, and democrats vote to remove her from all committee assignments. Ilhan Omar, AOC, Rashida Talib, Ayanna Pressley and Maxine Watters make inappropriate statements and transfer campaign contributions to family members and you can cue the crickets. The mainstream media, in their effort to hasten political upheaval and to support any and all leftist desires, goes absolutely overboard in their efforts to uplift the left while trampling on all things conservative. The effort to drive their chosen narrative rather than report factual news, goes against any and all journalistic standards. This double standard is apparent and appalling. For example, the first sentence from an article published in The Hill on February 6, 2021, “The first weeks of President Biden's administration have been a striking contrast with the chaos and turmoil of the Trump administration, bringing a sense of normality back to the White House and government.” So much for fair and balanced news reporting.

Disagree with the left on immigration, and you are racist. Challenge their unhinged desire to rid the planet of fossil fuels, and you are a science denier. Follow the science in the fight against COVID-19, and you’ll be censured in social media and labeled as a heretic by the mainstream media. Try to point out that there are differences between the genders and you’re homophobic, transphobic or just plain too stupid to understand that biological sex is in the eye of the beholder and is a fluid as water. Question the voting irregularities reported in the 2020 Presidential election, and you’ll be de-platformed, threatened with the loss of position or simply be cancelled by those who look to virtue signal so as not to upset the mob. And the mainstream media amplifies this vitriol emanating from the left, reporting with supportive nods, facial expressions and head shaking at any attempts by conservatives to uphold the rule of law.

The Overton Window is an accepted theory that political change is driven by what the public is willing to consider and accept at that time. Usually, change is incremental, but what we have seen recently is a pendulum swing that is so steep and sharp that that pendulum may well be broken, never again to swing back toward conservatism and sanity. What was once was unthinkable has evolved into policy far too easily and far too quickly. We have an ever compliant news media promoting any and all things “progressive” while consistently decrying conservative values as outdated and obsolete. This type of reporting has altered public perception, not only to support changes in public policy, but promotes distrust of accepted societal norms. The time has come to wake up and realize exactly what drives the left, their unbridled ambition to acquire and maintain power. Power over you! Anything or anyone conservative stands in the way of that goal. Make no bones about it, the left not only wants to cancel you, they want to eliminate your faith, take away your ability to protect yourself and your family and erase you and your ilk from history in their unrelenting push to fundamentally transform this nation. Question is, what are you going to do about it?

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