Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Ship of Fools

Reason has left the building 

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can fool many of the people far too often. Not exactly what P.T. Barnum said but ever so pertinent today. Thomas Jefferson said, “A democratic society depends upon an informed and educated citizenry.” Today many Americans are less informed than their counterparts of only a decade ago. It is staggering that so few people are aware of what once was common knowledge in an age where information is so readily available. Who is your Senator? Representative? Local officials? But ask about Tic Toc influencers or pop culture and they are all on it.

This nation is coerced by politicians that use hateful rhetoric, demonizing their political opponents to further their own selfish ambitions. The leftist media promotes contempt of accepted societal norms and refuses to report news that harms their chosen agenda. People preen their virtuosity as they advocate for the absurd, and these useful idiots continue to vote for politicians that promote an agenda that advocates against their own self-interests.

Woke teachers sexualize our children and cheer on drag queen story time, and far too many parents acquiesce to this insanity. Children, unable to understand the concept of gender fluidity and sexuality are encouraged to explore transgenderism and homosexuality, often without the knowledge or consent of their parents. States, like California, codify these insane ideologies into law. Tolerance and acceptance replace reason and common sense.

The leader of the free world is suffering from dementia and is barely self-aware, but at least the Bad Orange man is gone. Dr. Oz is declared a poor candidate, but democrats in Pennsylvania elect a Senator so cognitively challenged, that he can barely speak and a dead man, simply because there is a “D” after their names on the ballot. We are electing incompetent, anti-American, and corrupt leftists throughout our government and that government is appointing leftist and woke judges and bureaucrats. Biden was correct; Our Democracy is at risk, not by electing Republicans, but by acquiescing to this lunacy that is the left.

A standing army is necessary to maintain the sovereignty of the nations’ borders, to repel all enemies from said borders, and to protect the citizens of the United States from invasion. The military is to be trained to achieve these ends. This administration’s military leaders are more concerned with the woke politics of Critical Race Theory, affirming one’s chosen gender, mandating a “vaccine” that is neither safe, nor effective, and preferred pronouns. They search for a conspiracy of white supremacy in their ranks without any justification or evidence that it exists. Recruitment is falling short of the necessary numbers to properly populate our military, primarily because of these insane policies. Our military has become a laughingstock to our geopolitical enemies. Enemies that do not respect our military are more likely to become aggressive to us and around the world. That is the primary reason that Russia invaded Ukraine.

Best qualified for the job? Better be able to check the correct gender, race or preferred pronoun box or you will be passed over. Why are we standing by, doing nothing? What was once a nation of laws, built upon Judeo-Christian values is eroding away right before our eyes, with many Americans cheering it on. Love your neighbor as yourself has morphed into a burning hatred of opponents to leftist ideology, Christianity, and all things conservative. The tenets of Christianity, that charges all believers to love and support your fellow man, is derided by the left as hateful, homophobic, and exclusivity, when it is openly inclusive and welcoming to everyone. For certain, not all practicing Christians are good examples in living the way that Christ calls us to live, but the teachings of Christ are all about love, acceptance, and servitude to the world. Jesus said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” “For if you forgive others who have sinned against you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you.” “Do not judge others and you will not be judged.”  “Beware of false prophets…you can identify them through their actions.” The false prophets in the media have brainwashed the masses so thoroughly that they have been overcome by evil. How else would one be offended by Jesus’ words?

An accounting of the direction that our country is heading is in order. We have become a ship without a rudder and no one cares. We must confront the evil that is blossoming in our nation or we will be overcome by it. Common sense Judeo-Christian values produced the greatest nation on earth to date. If we fail to re-embrace those values, stand by and do nothing, we may as well give the keys to our enemies. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Without Him, we are doomed to fail. We are a Christian nation. It’s time that our actions embrace His truth. It’s time that we look to that cross. It’s time that our nation rejects the evil that abounds and support good, Christian leaders that will fight to return this land to its’ rightful place as One Nation Under God.

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