Thursday, May 30, 2024



By any means necessary.

Like the radical Islamists, leftists are in it for the long haul. Both advocate and are determined to destroy America as founded, replacing it with their vision of Utopia. Leftists have, in a few short decades, managed to infiltrate positions in society that wield considerable power. Leftists now thrive in academia, journalism, government bureaucracy, the judicial system, and elected offices. The democrat party has fully embraced the ideals and doctrine of the radical left, as they believe that leftist tactics will allow them to gain and maintain power. Party to this crime that is destroying the very fabric of this nation, is the “Deep State,” that also includes Republicans on the take. Policy is driven by entrenched bureaucrats and funded by unscrupulous lobbyists that use money and the promise of future lucrative positions to influence legislators. (see Mike Gallagher R-WI) And far too many of your elected “representatives” are in politics to enrich themselves and their families. Those who truly are public servants, working dutifully for their constituents, are ostracized by their colleagues and the media. (Last I checked, those in government are supposed to be working for “We the people,” but I digress.)

There is good reason that Donald Trump is Public (Deep State) enemy #1. The charades transpiring in the courts of democrat run cities, by democrat District Attorneys, urged on by democrat operatives, promoted by democrat elected officials and trumpeted by democrat aligned media is almost comical, but for the clear and present danger that it poses to this Constitutional Republic. Yet, this vitriolic vigor is mimicked by those too ignorant to see through the thinly veiled call to “save our democracy” from the “Bad Orange Man.” Me thinks thou dost protest too much! The distain for the common man displayed by our “public servants” would lead one to believe that the populace would be infuriated. Unfortunately, half of the nation is asleep at the wheel, tacitly ignoring the danger occurring in plain sight, while the other half blindly follows the urgings of the leftist media, irrationally supporting those who would abolish their liberties, like so many lemmings jumping off a cliff.

An outsider with no ties to the “Deep State” Trump is reviled by those he seeks to expose. Joe Biden has been a politician for more than 50 years, making $Millions during his tenure. Notwithstanding the alleged “pay for play” scheme headed by his son Hunter and brother James, the Great Unifier has lined his and his family’s pockets with ill-begotten wealth. Yet, democrats will blindly follow this man as he lies, cheats, and steals your tax dollars and uses his position to enrich himself. Barnum was right. A fool is born every minute. The laughable drone of democrats and their enabling media should be enough to make most people question the goings on in this once great nation, but still half of the nation drinks this Kool-Aid willingly. How can anyone with half a brain support a man that has trashed the economy, stood by idly as wars erupt, appeases and supports our enemies, and vilifies half of America, while they harbor an undue hatred of a man that presided over an economy that overwhelmingly benefited everyone, started no new wars, and stood up for America, at home and abroad. What the hell is going on?

If Trump is re-elected, he should not eliminate the 80,000 new IRS agents. He should assign them to audit every elected official, regardless of party, and the leadership of each Federal department. All those on the take should be indicted and upon conviction receive the harshest sentence allowed by law. He should absolutely target those who unlawfully targeted him and after conviction, push for their maximum sentencing. Our government is rotting from the inside and it needs to be returned to “We the people.” The only way for that to happen in to take down the “Deep State,” replace the rot with patriotic public servants, and set the example as he did with his previous administration.

Continue to vote “D” if you are fine with the protests and indoctrination at our college campuses and public schools. Continue to vote “D” if you agree that children should be allowed to choose their gender and undergo life altering procedures against their parent’s will. Continue to vote “D” if you believe that unborn children can be killed up to the time of birth. Continue to vote “D” if you believe that skin color should be the determining factor to allow discrimination. Continue to vote “D” if you agree that your government should rule and not represent you. Continue to vote “D” if you want rampant spending to continue, that unending wars are the new normal, and agree that this nation is inherently evil and irredeemable. Continue to vote “D” if you want open borders, with unvetted disease carriers, criminals, and ungrateful miscreants overrunning your neighborhood.

If you are tired of playing second fiddle to a bunch of entitled elites, it is time to reconsider your choice when you enter that voting booth. If you want to end this nightmare brought to you by failed democrat policies, if you hanker for a return to law and order, if you believe that we should protect the most vulnerable, not kill them with impunity, and would love to restore responsibility in government, it is time to vote for candidates that uphold traditional values. It is time to throw out those who have misused the trust loaned to them as representatives for the people. It is time for normalcy to rule once again. Democrats are the true danger to our nation. It is time to make them the minority that they are. It is time for God to be acknowledged as our Creator and Christ as Savior. It is time that “We the people” rise up, take back this nation and make it great again!

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