Sunday, June 2, 2024

Civic Duty


With citizenship, comes responsibility.

For civil society to prosper, an informed and engaged citizenry is necessary. “Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.” Thomas Jefferson. When one refuses or neglects that obligation, societal fabric begins to erode. An uninformed electorate concedes their inalienable rights to representatives that fail to protect the citizen’s interests. Without proper oversight, elected legislators are easily persuaded to place other’s interests and their own at the forefront of their decision making. Freedom comes at a cost. Those who fail to engage or vote based upon faulty reasoning will get what they deserve. Unfortunately, far too many abandon their civic responsibility, and we suffer as a nation because of it.

President John F. Kennedy famously said, “Do not ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Is it too little to ask that the citizens of this nation be better informed? Is it too much to ask that citizens see and understand what is occurring in plain sight? Is it too much to ask that citizens question the narrative that seems all too contrived? With vast amounts of information available at their fingertips, too many take the easy way out and depend upon social media “influencers” on Tik Tok, Instagram, X or the like. When you cast a vote or choose not to, you are ceding constitutional power to an elected official that may have no business in that position of authority. (see AOC, Rashida Talib, Ilhan Omar, etc.)

For those of you celebrating the lawfare used by the democrat party to persecute their political opponents, your lack of understanding the long-range consequences of these actions is alarming. For those of you that allow a venomous hatred by the leftist media to influence your decision making and allow that hate to fester and grow into your being, I truly am disappointed in your lack of judgement. For those of you placing your trust in a government that lies, cheats, and steals your resources to enact policies that a vast majority rejects, your failure to comprehend that you are being betrayed is appalling. “It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.” Benjamin Franklin

Blindly following a party of failed policies, that foments hatred toward their political opponents and disdains those they are charged to represent, is beyond idiocy. Supporting democrats in their unfettered attack on the very tenets of this Constitutional Republic, encouraging their goal of eliminating your ability to choose your elected representatives, and abolishing your very civil rights is beyond the pale. We are truly on the pathway to an idiocrasy, where an uninformed populace is ruled by an elite that fashions themselves as the intelligencia that controls all aspects of life. “You’ll own nothing and be happy.” Summarized from a essay by Ida Auken at the 2016 WEF forum.

The “conviction” of former President Donald Trump is a travesty to our nation and the rule of law. Leftists, supported by democrats, are making a mockery of the law in democrat run cities by willfully refusing to enforce criminal law, often releasing criminals, without bail, back into the community to reoffend, again and again. Attorney General Merrick Garland approves the use of deadly force and the pre-dawn raid of Trump’s Mar a Lago with law enforcement brandishing long guns and non-uniforms. He has the temerity to tell Congress that the same policy was used in the search of President Biden’s residence, but there was no raid, no long guns and was done during daylight hours. Just like Sesame Street, some of these things just don’t belong with the others.

As long as democrats retain their offices and the authority it gives them, lawlessness will continue to run amok. The only solution is to vote democrats out of office so that they will learn from their errors and moderate their policies. As democrats vote by party fealty, not by what is best for their constituency, making them a voting block that is a clear minority will prevent them from maintaining their political power, creating an avenue to return to the values that have made this nation great. It is time to wake up and throw these leftists out of office. Any politician with a (D) next to their name should never again receive any votes until they abandon their headlong rush into leftism. It is time to return this country back to a government by, for and of the people. “Nations do not die from invasion; they die from internal rottenness.” Abraham Lincoln

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