Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Timing is Everything

The plan is obvious

Often the truth is right there in plain sight. One only needs to open their eyes, filter out the noise and see it for what it really is. The determination of the left in their attempt to “bring Trump to justice,” begs the question as to why it is so all-important to bring this man down? This concerted effort has morphed into an exercise bordering on the ridiculous that becomes even more preposterous as November 5th fast approaches. The democrats have lost their collective minds since that fateful day in 2016 when Hillary Clinton lost the election to Donald Trump. Their brain trust decided to tacitly support Trump because they assumed that there was no way he could ever be elected and if nominated, would be the easiest Republican to defeat. When that strategy went down in flames, democrats mobilized the Deep State to hamstring the Trump administration and to ultimately take Trump down. The following is a timeline of democrat failure after failure, with but a few successes along the way.

Russia, Russia, Russia… The Hillary Clinton campaign commissioned and paid for the Steele dossier, a lame effort to discredit her political opponent, Donald Trump. With an assist from the ever-compliant leftist media, this buffoonish attempt at an October surprise actually got some legs after the election, effectively impeding the new administration and torpedoing much of Trump’s agenda. Never-Trumpers in the Republican party aided and abetted the democrats, particularly the jilted, wannabe Secretary of State, Senator Mitt Romney, and former (Thank God) Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, who continues to undermine his party’s Presidential nominee.

Hillary’s illegal server and destroying subpoenaed evidence… Clinton kept classified and top-secret government documents on a non-secure server at her home, in violation of Federal law. She also used several personal Blackberry devices to conduct both personal and government business. When those devices were subpoenaed by Congress, she deleted and destroyed those devices. When referred for prosecution, FBI Director James Comey made the decision, that he did not have the authority to make, to not charge her with a crime.

Impeachment 1.0… President Trump called Ukraine President Vlodomyr Zelenskyy and requested that he look into potential corruption by Hunter Biden. After “patriot” (partisan) Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman reported his concerns about the call as a whistleblower, all hell broke loose. The democrat led House investigated and sent articles of impeachment to the Senate for trial. Trump was acquitted.

The laptop from Hell and governmental censorship… The FBI maintained a direct channel to social media giants, Facebook and Twitter during the 2020 campaign, to request (demand) that posts they deemed “misinformation” be removed, effectively your government violating the 1st Amendment right to free speech. When the New York Post published an article divulging the deviant and illegal behavior of Hunter Biden, found on his abandoned laptop computer, the Post was banned from social media. When 51 former intelligence officials, mobilized by none other than current Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, decried the laptop as Russian disinformation, the leftist media ran with it. If that is not election interference, nothing is.

Impeachment 2.0… In another first, Donald Trump was impeached again, this time as a private citizen. And you thought it couldn’t get any wilder? Articles of impeachment were filed by the democrat led House one week after a Trump rally in Washington DC where he implored his supporters to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” Unfortunately, things got out of hand, due to a number of factors. Trump was again acquitted.

The January 6th committee… In July of 2021, after failing to convict Trump, House democrats formed the “select” committee on the January 6th attack. A television producer was hired to choreograph the proceedings that were televised in prime time. Exculpatory witnesses were not called to testify, and the committee withheld much of the video from that day. Additionally, when the committee completed their “findings,” evidence was destroyed in violation of Federal law. Trump was referred to the Department of Justice for charges of obstruction of an official proceeding, conspiracy to defraud the US, conspiracy to make a false statement, and attempt to incite an insurrection.

All is quiet on the western front… Until Trump makes it official, he is running for President again. This drives the democrats crazy, and they will stop at nothing to disqualify him from running for office. Maine, Colorado and Illinois disqualified Trump from being on the ballot, but the US Supreme Court ruled unanimously that those actions were unconstitutional. Lawfare is ongoing as the DOJ and democrat DA’s twist the law in an attempt to convict and jail Trump.

Democrats rant and rave that Trump is a threat to democracy, but democrat actions prove otherwise. Every unconstitutional action by democrats against President Trump is a direct assault against “We the people.” The democrat party has embraced leftism and denounced our Constitution. The democrat party wants to rule by fiat, as if they were royalty. On November 5th “We the people” have it within our power to rebuke those who would rule over us, rather than represent us. It is time to vote democrats out of office, wholesale. It is time that they finally pay for their recklessness. It is time to take back our nation.

But if the laws are to be so trampled upon with impunity, and a minority is to dictate to the majority, there is an end put at one stroke to republican government, and nothing but anarchy and confusion is to be expected thereafter.” George Washington


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