Monday, June 10, 2024

Blinded by the Light


Irrational hatred overcomes reason.

“There are none so blind as those who will not see. There are none so deaf as those who will not hear.” John Heywood. There are those who choose to remain ignorant even though the truth is evident, also known as, “don’t confuse me with facts, I don’t want to hear it.” Persistent ignorance is a choice and, in some cases, it is not unlike a mental disease or disorder. Deliberately closing your mind, refusing to learn, and falling prey to the indoctrination of the leftist mainstream media, parroting democrat talking points and giving credibility to the rantings of unhinged Hollywood elites is irrational. Why then would so many liberals choose to disregard the truth? This reminds us of the cartoon characters who cover their ears and loudly rant and rave as if to shout out anything that disrupts their chosen narrative. This would be humorous but for the fact that this is actually happening on college campuses as wannabe leftist students disrupt any speech deemed to be offensive by their Marxist professors.

Our society has been deliberately divided by left vs. right, liberal vs. conservative, black vs. white, rich vs. poor and gay vs. straight. Rather than celebrating our differences within the “melting pot” that is America, those differences define allies and enemies. Instead of loving our neighbor, lines are drawn that discourage any avenue toward constructive reasoning and honest discussion. Who benefits from a nation in conflict? The events of today, perpetrated by the government, harkens us back to our own United States Declaration of Independence. Within that document is a list of 27 grievances against the King of England, who ruled the Colonies. Elected officials in our current government are effectively treating citizens in a manner similar to the way the King of England treated the colonists, convicting themselves of some those same injustices. (Abbreviated and modernized for content)

1)      Citizen rights and liberties are trampled and ignored. (See COVID, government censorship.)

2)      Governors are not allowed to pass laws intended to protect their citizens without consent of the government. (See US vs. Texas when Texas passed laws, nearly identical to Federal law and the DOJ sued Texas to cease and desist enforcing the same immigration law that the President and Homeland Security refuse to enforce.)

7)      Immigration laws are left unenforced, allowing unfettered immigration to control the population, land ownership and expansion. (See the democrats fighting tooth and nail to allow the census to count all persons, not just citizens, to increase representation for blue states.)

8)      Obstruction of the rule of law by refusing to accept judicial rulings. (See the overturning of Roe V Wade and continuing to forgive student loans after the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional.)

9)      Judges are appointed that are partisan and ignore the rule of law and the Constitution. (See the lawfare cases and the rulings.)

10)   New government positions are created to harass and coerce the people. (See 80,000 new IRS agents, mandated DEI.)

27)   Actively uses position of authority to sow division amongst the populace. (See President Biden’s spoken disdain for half of the population.)

It would seem that, despite our differences, we are more alike as we are being used by the very government that is charged to serve us. By hating one another, we are doing exactly as our “rulers” would have us do. And as we bicker and quarrel, politicians continue to enrich themselves, at our expense, while they laugh all the way to the bank. It is time that “we the people” unite and pursue our common enemy. It is time that we remove the veil of hyper-partisanship and embrace the truth. It is time that children of God remember how to love one another. It is time to trust in God, not a government that despises the people.

Back an animal into a corner and they will fight back. We the people have been backed into a corner, but we fight amongst ourselves. Know your enemy. It is the career politicians that consider themselves elites that rule over the populace, refusing to obey their oath of office to represent you. It is time to vote them out of office and elect public servants again. Collectively, we hold the power to form a government that is of, for and by the people. It is time that we all unite and take back this great nation or it will be forever lost.

When the representative body have lost the confidence of their constituents, when they have notoriously made sale of their most valuable rights, when they have assumed to themselves powers which the people never put into their hands, then indeed their continuing in office becomes dangerous to the state.” Thomas Jefferson


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