Friday, June 28, 2024

Puppet on a String


democrat corruption on full display.

Notwithstanding the uncanny resemblance to Walter, ventriloquist Jeff Dunham’s puppet, President Biden shares much more in common with his doppelganger. Biden is obviously controlled by his bureaucrat handlers, just like Walter is controlled by Dunham. His numerous references to his “getting in trouble” and “I’m supposed to call on this reporter first,” having cue cards and running off the rails without a teleprompter, is evidence that our President is not running the show. He is merely an actor carrying out the directives of the real “leaders.” The Deep State is pervasive and ferociously protects their self-interests. In Biden, they have an easily manipulated, deeply flawed and compromised figurehead that allows them to inflict their will upon this nation.

When Barack Obama left office in 2017, he did not quietly ride off into the sunset. Unlike Presidents before him, he set up an office in DC and continued to have regular meetings with members of the Deep State and fellow democrats. I guess he was not kidding when he said that it would be fun to have someone in office that he could influence from his basement while wearing his sweatpants would be ideal. That way he could still run things without having to deal with all the other accoutrements that accompany the position. Unfortunately, the general populace has no clue of these events, since the leftist mainstream media omits reporting anything harmful to our “duly elected” President and his merry band of democrat operatives in Congress and the Federal government’s bloated bureaucracy.

People, though, are beginning to put two and two together and understand what Biden and the democrat party truly are, the greatest threat to democracy since the Soviet Union. No longer do they need to hide their disdain for the common man, it is out in the open for all to see. Why would the leader of a nation accuse half of the population as extremists and a danger to public order. In a September 2022 address to the nation, Biden said, MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards, backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love." This type of dialogue is more than just counter-productive, it is absolutely irresponsible, and likely dangerous for maintaining a civil society, when the leader of the free world makes demonstrably false claims like this.

After Biden’s performance on the debate stage, it is more than apparent that there is no way that he is in charge, let alone even capable of performing the duties required of a President. This further shines a light on those who have aided and abetted this travesty. All the leftist pundits that proclaimed the “virtues” of Joe Biden sold us all a false bill of goods. The democrat party that promoted this doddering old fool to the highest office in the nation should be held to account. Securing power for democrats supersedes duty to the nation for both the media and the democrat party. You do not matter to either of them, only your vote for the candidate with a “D” after their name matters. Once they attain office, you are less than an afterthought.  

Sex, drugs, and rolls of cash from lobbyists drives the deep state and keeps our elected “representatives” under control. When the President himself is embroiled in potential fraudulent and perhaps illegal activity, it sets the bar for the whole of government.  There is likely less than 10% of Congress that is not on the take. Those who are truly public servants are ostracized by their peers as someone who just may upset the apple cart of money and lucrative jobs offers after they “retire” from Congress. The first step in returning this nation back to we the people, is to vote as many democrats out of office as we can, returning them to the minority party that they truly are. It is time to make certain that everyone in your sphere of influence casts their vote accordingly. It is time to make your voices heard and to bring an end to the corruption that is the democrat party.

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