Saturday, September 14, 2024

Thumb on the Scale


Truth matters?

In the past a dishonest merchant would “tip the scales” to cheat his clients and gain financial advantage. Utilizing deliberately inaccurate scales, adding additional weight, distracting the purchaser, or anything that would swing the transaction in their favor were some of the tactics employed. These disreputable merchants, once found out, were reviled, and were forced out of the area, if they were not jailed. Once lost, trust is not easily regained. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. There were no second chances for the corrupt. Liars and cheats have no place in a civil society.

When the 60’s anarchists realized that using violence to overthrow the government was failing, they decided to adopt Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. They hatched a scheme to infiltrate academia, journalism, and government. In doing so, they placed themselves in positions to indoctrinate young minds in the universities, report their chosen narrative on the various media platforms, and expand their influence through the deep state by directing legislation favorable to their objectives and working to elect like-minded or malleable individuals to office. When the ends justify the means, there is nothing too extreme for these radicals. And their strategy has been highly successful.

Marxist professors have done an excellent job imparting their leftist ideology to generations of their students, creating younger versions of themselves. University students have embraced the pro-Palestine movement and parrot the leftist slogans that have led to the resurgence of antisemitism. The absurdity of supporting an avowed enemy of Israel and the United States is staggering. They Ignore the deliberate attack of Israeli civilians on October 7th, 2023 and the videotaped gleeful butchering, raping, and hostage taking, yet they denounce Israel’s legitimate defense, demonstrating an utter lack of understanding moral equivalency. To safeguard Israeli citizens from future attacks, Hamas must be eradicated. These students, useful tools for the left, have been taught to hate their country, hate their “whiteness,” disrespect authority, and support all manner of radical ideology.

The legacy media abandons their responsibility to objectively report the news and instead becomes an echo chamber, amplifying talking points of the democrat party. Even though the bias is readily apparent, those so blinded by political fealty cheer on “fake news” as it favors their personal beliefs. Prejudicial application of the law is acceptable to the left if it is directed at political enemies. The constant drumbeat against Christianity, gender bias, “white privilege,” and conservatism, particularly to Donald Trump, has unduly influenced the weak-minded. When the Biden/Harris administration is exposed for colluding with Big Tech to control the narratives around COVID, election fraud, and to suppress information that disproves otherwise, the media ignores and attempts to debunk the story.

Leftists and their willing accomplices denounce those in which they disagree as enemies This is more than disturbing. Far too many have been unduly influenced to the point that they border on the neurotic. Mainstream media is arguably culpable for the attempted assassination of Donald Trump (Remember that? The media has apparently forgotten.) by continually promoting a false and overtly divisive narrative that accuses Trump as an existential threat to democracy. Democracy is dying before our very eyes in the darkness of an untrustworthy and blatantly biased media.

The Deep State is very real and extremely influential in our government. Its tentacles reach deep within the inner workings of the Federal government. And it protects its status with a vengeance. Outsiders are not welcome and if elected are controlled by obstruction and obfuscation. There is good reason that government continues to expand and take more tax dollars to feed their insatiable spending that has the US more than $34Trillion in debt. Rampant spending allows the Deep State and their democrat allies to continue to add layer upon layer of taxes, fees, and regulations on the taxpayer. Electing Trump in 2016 was just a speed bump for the bureaucracy that was able to stymie much of his agenda, with help from the elected ruling class on both sides of the aisle. Handing over the reins to Kamala will lead us in the wrong direction. The godless, anti-life, pro-Hamas, pro child mutilation, government censorship, and the military industrial complex that is the Deep State will continue to balloon out of control.

The choice for Christians could not be clearer. Democrats embrace radical ideology that does not represent this nation. Donald Trump is not perfect, but only one person in history was. Currently we are at a tipping point. Another four years with a democrat in the White House and control of Congress will likely be the death knell of this nation. We must elect our representatives that uphold the values we hold dear. It is clear that democrats have not earned our trust and there are enough Republicans that are in this for themselves, but a conservative majority is a far better option. Cleaning house will take some time, but with Republican leadership it can begin. We need to roll back the insanity that is the left and return to normalcy. it is up to each of us to ensure that happens.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12

Sunday, September 8, 2024



The assault on free speech is real.

The First Amendment is enumerated in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution. It is a guarantee for citizens to freely express their opinions and prohibits Congress from constraining or usurping the citizen’s free speech rights or the rights of the press to report to the people. Free speech includes that which the government may disagree. Mis or disinformation is free speech. The government can label it as such, but cannot censor it. The citizen has the absolute right to decide what information they choose to consume and what information that they choose to support and accept. These rights are under attack by the very government that the people have empowered to uphold. There is an organized effort to censor speech opposed by government institutions worldwide. Yet there are those who willingly support this perversion of liberty.

As we near the Presidential election, one must ask, is the freedom of expression necessary to preserve this nation? Is free speech the vehicle that enables the people access to and the ability to hold their government accountable? Is the free flow of competing ideas essential to the machinations of a free and open society? There is one party that champions the restriction of free speech. There is one party that believes that the people do not possess the intelligence necessary to determine what is true and what is not. There is one party that proposed a ministry of truth to effectively censor the free flow of information on the internet, particularly targeting social media. The democrat party believes that institutions, not individuals should determine what speech is not only allowable, but accessible. Yet, there are those that are comfortable ceding their rights to government control.

Technologically, our society has advanced so far in such a short time. Information is at our fingertips and news is accessible in real time. Government collusion with social media is diluting and/or eliminating opinions that are deemed unacceptable to be freely exposed to the masses. This enables government entities to control the narrative, a strategy employed by tyrannical governments worldwide to propagandize, hide the truth, and enable those governments to control their population. This insidious tactic, embraced by the Soviet Union, China, Iran, and North Korea, is being employed throughout the “free” world. In the European Union (EU) the CEO of the Telegram, Pavel Durov, has been arrested by France for enabling “bad actors” to utilize the social media platform to commit crimes. The Telegram employs an intermediary to cooperate with the EU to identify and remove bad actor’s access to the platform. This arrest not only violates Durov’s right to freedom of information, but is likely illegal.

In Brazil, Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes, tasked with fighting “fake news” by the leftist regime headed by Luis Inazio Lula da Silva, decided to ban the “X” social media platform from Brazil in an ongoing dispute with Elon Musk. Musk is refusing to comply with a court order that stated that the social media platform was a “threat to democracy.” Sound familiar? Moraes further ordered all assets to Starlink, a Musk owned satellite broadband firm, to be frozen, all internet providers to remove the “X” app, and will levy fines of $9,000 per day of any of the 50 million Brazilian users caught using a VPN to access “X.” Overstepping his authority perhaps?

Governments have a difficult time conducting illicit business if citizens can learn of those actions. If freedom of the press is curtailed or censored, the powerful cannot be held accountable. Information is power and to limit or eliminate dissent allows tyranny to reign without restraint. Knowledge alone does not prevent the repression of the populace. Those who choose to ignore the tyranny and fall prey to the blindness of political animosity are the willing pawns that facilitate out of control government. A polarized population that falls for the unhinged rantings of a political party that seeks unfettered power are the very tools necessary for evil to succeed. Hatred produces blindness that causes one to fail to recognize the true enemy. Hatred of our neighbors simply based upon party affiliation makes no sense. Hatred will cloud the judgement necessary to stand up for justice. Hatred will allow freedom to die.

Do not rejoice when people you disagree with are persecuted or silenced. Freedom dictates that all are treated fairly in accordance with the law. Speech in which you disagree, unless it is to foment violence or chaos, is permitted in a free society. If someone’s opinion offends you, you can ignore it and seek another platform. If you dislike a person, you have the freedom to associate with whoever you choose. There is always information and opinion that can fit your chosen narrative and beliefs. Give grace to those of differing opinions rather than looking to censor them. Once freedom of speech has ended and the government tells you what to believe, your life will be diminished. Be careful what you wish for, because one day the tables will turn, you will become that threat to democracy, and you will be the one silenced and persecuted.