Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Voice of Reason


On the road back to sanity.

The first month of the second Trump Presidency has been a whirlwind return to common sense and the restoration of traditional values. For four long years the Biden administration intentionally incorporated woke insanity into the fabric of society. Now it is finally being unraveled. Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is leading the charge to re-normalize accepted “pronouns” instead of overemphasizing they/them. He is delivering on his promises, with a mandate from the majority that voiced their displeasure with the Biden/Harris administration on November 6th. Our forebears entered into a covenant with God to instill Judeo/Christian values into this newly formed nation. Rejecting the evil that is paramount to the woke culture and reinstituting that which God approves, is long overdue.

The rollback of woke ideology is occurring at break-neck speed, and the people approve. Unfortunately, the woke leftists that apparently dominate the democrat party are doubling down on the absurdity of it all. Maine Governor Janet Mills preens to her woke audience, defies President Trump at a White House meeting of Governors, while threatening to see the President in court over her stated disregard of his executive order upholding Title IX and protecting women’s rights. Polls indicate that this is an 80/20 issue with a vast majority of people agreeing that biological boys should not compete against girls and that biological boys should be barred from using women’s locker rooms and bathrooms. Yet, the democrats persist in supporting the insanity that is the transgender agenda.

President Clinton and Obama, both democrats, tried to rein in the outlandish spending of our federal government by streamlining the bureaucracy. Clinton eliminated over 300,000 Federal workers and balanced the budget. Obama eliminated over 39,000. There was no hair on fire, assertions of threats to democracy, claims of benefits being denied, or accusations of violations of the rights of Federal workers. There really is no bias in the media, is there? By their actions, democrats support government waste, fraud, and abuse while they decry the Trump administration’s attempt to create a more efficient government that uses your tax dollars appropriately. Not what I would call a winning issue if they ever hope to regain power.

It has become all too apparent that democrats prefer to defend federal employees that deliberately undermine the current administration, and by doing so, oppose the will of the electorate they are charged to serve. Fraud, waste, and abuse of taxpayer’s money is a personal affront to all citizens of this great nation. Those enriching themselves, their families, and friends should be prosecuted to the greatest extent of the law. The love of money is the root of all evil and those that fall prey to that proclivity will be identified, investigated, indicted, thrown out of office, and learn what life behind bars is all about.

Interest payments on our national debt exceed the annual budget of our national defense. Trillions of dollars are spent without justification or records to where the monies went. Taxes continue to pay for a bloated bureaucracy that continues to grow and siphon the nation’s money that would be spent to positively grow the economy, create wealth, and jobs. This must end. Government must only provide the necessities, efficiently and cost effectively. That is not the case as our government has run amok, ruling rather than serving the people. Those who steal from the people are simply criminals, enriching themselves at other’s expense.

Ronald Reagan famously said, “In this present situation, government is not the solution; government is the problem.” In the forty years since he said this, government is not only the problem, but it also hinders the very structure of this nation. It has metastasized like a cancer leaving surgery as the only option. Government must be cut down to size and begin to function as the founders intended. If the democrats refuse to conform and serve the people, they will be left behind as an insignificant minority that they truly have become. Get on the train or it will pass you by. The people are watching and waiting for a return to sanity from the “loyal opposition.” Unfortunately, I only see democrats doubling down on insane leftist ideology, making them prime candidates for the next species facing extinction, and rightfully so!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

We’re Not in Kansas Anymore


Audits, accountability, innovation, oh my!

Democrats shed their crocodile tears as an unelected but duly appointed “Co-President” Elon Musk, and his merry band of techies audit bloated government agencies. “Elon is usurping Congressional authority.” “Elon is accessing personal data.” “Elon has allowed Mr. “Big Balls” to invade our bureaucracy.” “People will die!” Last I checked, the IRS is filled with unelected bureaucrats that are granted authority to audit any citizen’s tax returns. Unelected Federal, State, and local regulators infringe on the rights of property and business owners with impunity. Musk was granted authority by executive order and appointed to lead the Department of Government Efficiency. (DOGE) Musk was tasked to audit the Federal bureaucracy to identify fraud, waste, unnecessary programs and positions. DOGE, led by Musk, is doing just that. President Trump was elected with a mandate to clean up our runaway and, far too often, unaccountable Federal bureaucracy.

The hair on fire response from the democrats leaves one to postulate as to why they doth protest so vehemently. Could it be that an end to their gravy train is nigh? Democrats are filing lawsuit after lawsuit before hand-picked, activist, democrat appointed judges that intend to hamstring the Trump administration and derail the people’s agenda. Why are the democrats protecting the Deep State bureaucracy at all costs, while neglecting their responsibility to the taxpayer’s they represent? As in all corrupt endeavors one needs only to follow the money. Who has gained financially and who stands to lose their financial advantage. Career politicians, ingrained into the swamp of political favors that is Washington DC, fall prey to the temptation of lobbyists and the “under the table” benefits that they offer. Those elected from the middle-class end up with a net worth of tens of $millions on an annual salary of under $200,000. Pretty lucrative when all you need to do is cast your vote for special interests while betraying your oath to your nation and constituency.

It is not only democrats that are worried that their evil deeds will be discovered. The swamp has infected, not only both political parties, but the deep state bureaucrats, and many stand to lose their ill-begotten gains. From Nancy Pelosi’s insider trading, I mean astute stock strategies, to former New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez’ conviction on bribery charges, unethical and illegal behavior is rampant among our elected representatives. Many of the unelected bureaucrats have also accumulated vast wealth, out of proportion to their salaries. Power and authority are the great aphrodisiacs that enable one to justify inappropriate behavior.

It is long past due that there is an accounting of the bloated Federal bureaucracy and those elected officials with their hands in the till. Housecleaning often entails culling the herd and discarding items that are no longer of use. So, it should be with those charged to serve the people if they have decided to serve themselves. Things need to change, and the House, Senate, and swamp need to be drained of the useless, classless, and unethical. Elon Musk and DOGE is exactly what the doctor ordered. Priorities must be maintained, but there is much too much frosting on the cake. Time to trim down to what is necessary and trim the fat. Go Elon go!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Light Trumps Darkness


Four years in the wilderness is over.

After God rescued the Israelites from 400 years of captivity in Egypt, they endured forty years wandering in the wilderness before heading into the promised land. The United States has withstood just four years under the thumb of Joe Biden’s administration and their ever-increasing attacks upon Christians, the rule of law, common decency, and common sense. His administration’s reckless plunge into the wholesale implementation of insane leftist policies, directly led to the re-election of Donald Trump. Reason has finally prevailed, damaging policies have been revoked, and our nation is beginning a long and arduous return to normalcy.

“And this is the verdict: The Light has come into the world, but men loved the darkness rather than the Light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come into the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever practices the truth comes into the Light, so that it may be seen clearly that what he has done has been accomplished in God.” John 3:19-21.

Evildoers that desired to impose their radical leftist policies miscalculated their mandate to do so. When they felt it was safe to leave the darkness, their evil deeds were on display for all to see. Once the evil was exposed to the light, the people arose and rejected it. The people recognized that the nation was on a path toward the rejection of God and instead chose to return to the morals and values instilled in us by our Maker. The lightning-fast transformation back to accepted societal norms is happening in the light of God’s covenant, enjoined by the founders at the birth of this great nation. And the people are embracing the return to our Judeo-Christian roots.

When Samuel grew old, he appointed his sons as judges over Israel. The name of his firstborn son was Joel, and the name of his second was Abijah. They were judges in Beersheba. But his sons did not walk in his ways; they turned aside toward dishonest gain, accepting bribes and perverting justice. 1 Samuel 8:1-3.

The names and the faces may change, but when choosing to follow your own path and rejecting God’s plan, the results are the same. The Biden crime syndicate used their position for dishonest gain, accepted bribes, and perverted justice through lawfare against their political opponents. As he left office, Biden abused his authority by issuing blanket pardons for his drug addled, sex crazed son, Hunter, and his entire family for any crimes committed over the last decade. The Biden family unscrupulously profited from Joe’s position to the tune of $Millions during his time as Vice-president and President. As a comparison, President Trump will again forgo his annual salary all four years of his final term.

You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on another. For on whatever grounds you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. And we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. So when you, O man, pass judgment on others, yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? Or do you disregard the riches of His kindness, tolerance, and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you to repentance?

But because of your hard and unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of wrath, when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed. God “will repay each one according to his deeds.” To those who by perseverance in doing good seek glory, honor, and immortality, He will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow wickedness, there will be wrath and anger.” Romans 2:1-8

Evil thrives in this world, and some are becoming increasingly comfortable with applying it into their daily lives. Humanity is prone to selfishness, and it is not only the powerful who embrace it. Far too often, we attend to our needs first, without any regard for others, especially when it comes to our Lord and Savior. One of the easiest tasks is to forgive. It can also be one of the most difficult. When one places their trust in a friend, family or an institution, and that trust is abused or broken, it can be quite devastating, making it difficult to ever trust again. Over the last four years our government, equal justice under the law, and our public health system has not only lost the people’s trust but has also lost respect. No one is immune to falling when God is removed from our lives and the things of this world take precedent.

As we reintegrate the values instilled in us by our Creator, trust in our institutions will slowly return. We were carefully and wonderfully made by our God. We are empty vessels, lacking real purpose without our Lord and Savior foremost in our lives. These last four years have shone the light upon the evil in this world and how we cannot place blind trust in government. These last four years have taught us that we should always be skeptical of man and worldly institutions. These last four years were a harbinger of what a world without faith, overcome by the things of this world can become. We must place our trust in the One who gave His life so that we may live.

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. John 3:16-18.