Friday, January 20, 2023

In the Garden of Good and Evil

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.” Edmund Burke.

“The silence of good people is more dangerous than the brutality of bad people.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

“I learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.” Nelson Mandela.

Fear is a great motivator in preventing good people from calling out evil for what it is. The fear of being labeled as intolerant, hateful or bigoted is often enough to silence debate. Failure to expose evil in our society has allowed it to grow and flourish. As evil grows, it overwhelms common sense and reason while it extinguishes accepted societal norms and institutes destructive ideologies. Hiding one’s head in the sand or ignoring danger does not protect one from that danger; it will simply render you defenseless. The courage to overcome evil exists in every fiber of every person. Motivation for self-preservation is one of the strongest drives of the human condition. We need only to recognize that allowing evil to prevail will lead to our personal and societal destruction.

In a few short years, leftist ideology has become mainstream, particularly in academia, mainstream media, and the Democrat party. Young people, subjected to indoctrination in our public school system, embrace socialism, even though few understand its’ shortcomings. In socialism the State is paramount. The State becomes the religion and citizens depend on the government to provide for all. Hard work and ambition are discouraged and all are equal. Socialism has failed miserably wherever it has been instituted. The quality of life suffers, production of goods wanes and only the ruling elite benefit. Ronald Reagan said it best, “Government is not the solution to the problem, it is the problem.”

Leftism peddles lie after lie, inundating the populace with empty promises. Leftism promotes egalitarianism and government control of political and economic life. Leftism is radical, anti-capitalism and espouses the use of radical means to reach their goals. Anarchists, Marxists, communists, and socialists all belong to and support leftism. Equity is the calling card of the left. Equity purports to create equal outcomes at the cost of equal opportunity. Tolerance is a tool that dupes the masses into supporting this ideology that breeds inequality. Equity uses our differences to divide us, promoting a new form of racism. The left accuses their enemies of the same tactics they employ, allowing them to deflect blame when their policies backfire.

A house divided cannot stand and the purveyors of leftism understand tactics to divide will allow them to conquer. Leftists also understand that their strategy will not survive a united front of opposition. Recognizing the schemes of the left will allow good to triumph over the evil that is leftism;

Abortion provides a tool to divide and create animosity toward traditional norms. All can agree that every woman should have autonomy over her body. The left falsely accuses their opponents of creating legislation restricting a woman’s right to reproductive health care. Less than 1% of all pregnancies in the US are due to rape or incest and few states have laws that prohibit abortion in those instances. Where our disagreements lie is the right of a pre-born child to have a say in the matter. A woman’s choice does not take into consideration that pre-born human being. Minimize the value of life and all of society loses.

The elimination of sovereign borders by refusing to enforce immigration law creates confusion and overwhelms the immigration system. The tactic to discredit a border wall using the “We must be welcoming, after all, we are a nation of immigrants” rings hollow. Nations without borders are no longer nations.

District Attorneys refuse to enforce laws, encouraging criminals to commit criminal acts without consequence and releasing criminals into their communities to re-offend is the first step on a path to anarchy.

Disregarding accepted societal norms while celebrating deviant sexual behavior. Encouraging children to experiment with alternate lifestyles and gender change, often without parental consent, allows the State to have a greater role in the upbringing of our children, while minimizing parental roles. Drag queen story hour while traditional speakers are prohibited is absolutely insane, but it does create even more division.

The left foments division and strife. America stands at a crossroads, on the verge of falling, not by an invading army, but from within. I for one, will not stand idly by. Will you?

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