Saturday, March 25, 2023

Unwitting Pawns

Everyone should practice tolerance, inclusion, acceptance and welcoming in their daily lives. Sharing those values within our community allows society to thrive. Problem is, these ideals have been corrupted by those that wish to foment distrust and division in this nation. Many who fall prey to this perversion of wholesome principals believe that past perceived injustices merit the abandonment of accepted societal norms in order to “make things right.”  Unfortunately, appeasing the loudest voices and acquiescing to radical ideology, allows an unfettered rush to a fundamental transformation of this great nation.

Deviant sexuality has prospered in this nation due to the mistaken belief that acceptance is the appropriate response to properly love your neighbor. This only promotes further attacks on the moral fiber of society. Like the school yard bully, inaction only increases the bully’s resolve. Without moral clarity, humankind’s innate selfishness takes the reins. We need to look at the reflection in the mirror and recognize who we really are. When traditional values are rejected and replaced with “new things” that disregard moral decency, one cannot easily justify those behaviors.

God created each of us with intrinsic differences, with different skills and talents. The gifts afforded to each of us vary. It is our differences that enable us to fulfill various roles that benefit all. Men and women are created to fulfill specific, yet equal roles, when raising children. Eliminate either from the equation and you stifle the child’s development. Both are necessary to guide and nurture the child. Both are necessary to instill values, morals, and faith. Both are necessary to impart the unique skillsets they possess to teach their children to become productive members of society. Without a mother or father, the child will seek to fill that void elsewhere.

Woke educators attempt to usurp parental rights by mainstreaming and encouraging experimentation with LGTBQ lifestyles, promoting transgenderism, and indoctrinating our youth with Critical Race Theory, at the expense of core education. Children are particularly impressionable and vulnerable to suggestion as they develop and learn. Trusting that curriculum will follow accepted societal norms is no longer acceptable. Without parental involvement in the education of their children, children will be at risk of the dominant woke culture that seeks to discard traditional values and replace them with leftist ideology.

Black lives matter, but no more than any other life. With God as our father, we are all brothers and sisters, no matter how we look on the outside. Race is a social construct. We are all members of one race; the human race. Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself, yet leftists are relentless in their attacks on Christianity. Forgiving others and turning the other cheek must be too foreign for leftists to understand. Revenge does nothing to right any perceived wrongs. Retribution does nothing to lift the spirit. Reparations do nothing but punish those who have committed no crime and reward those who have not suffered loss.

Those that agree with the path that the current administration is leading the country need to wake up. For those who acquiesce to the insanity that has overtaken this nation, hear this; You will have no place in this new world order, you are advocating for your own demise. The fundamental transformation of this nation is being abetted by those who put tolerance, acceptance, and inclusion above common sense. Leftists mean to tear down traditional society and replace it with socialism. Socialist elites will then make decisions for their benefit, while everyone else will be mired in mediocrity.

Look around. Are you satisfied with the current trajectory of our nation? Can you rationalize the criminality occurring on our city streets daily? Will you willingly choose to turn your life over to a ruling elite? The “leaders” of the World Economic Forum would like that. They have openly stated such. They know what is best for us underlings. If we sit back and allow it, it will happen and your worst nightmare will be realized.

It’s time that we turn back to the Judeo-Christian beliefs that made this nation great. It’s time that we are able to share differing opinions without being maligned. Leftists silence dissent. Leftists accuse their detractors of racism, homophobia, and transphobia. Leftists want you to be willing sheep to be led to slaughter. This is our future if we fail to uphold our Republic, founded as a more perfect union for all. And fall it will, if we sit back and do nothing.


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