Tuesday, August 6, 2024



Says democrats and the Deep State!

What happens when the rule of law is nothing but a cudgel to be used by the Biden administration and its’ minions to attack political enemies? The total disregard of the rule of law is the very tip of the iceberg for the “win at all cost” democrat party. Lawfare is just another tool for the left to target their political enemies. Yet, many have no issue with this strategy and support these devious efforts to destroy conservatism. Divide and conquer. Prosecute the law-abiding, ignore the anarchists. Foment as much division amongst the populace as necessary to reach their goals. Easy enough to accomplish with the assistance of a complicit media and the deep state bureaucracy. There is one thing, and one thing only that they fear, the re-election of Donald Trump and his stated goal to dismantle the deep state.

Make no mistake, the democrat party despises the general populace. They are at a point where they no longer need your vote. The democrat machine’s ballot harvesting scheme allows them to collect ballots, without it being necessary for the voter to complete it. Their data base contains the names of those who have previously donated or voted democrat. An effective money laundering scheme has directed “Smurf” donations in the 100’s of millions to the democrat party. Democrat voters not casting ballots prior to the election or even after, will have ballots completed and mailed in their names. Not to worry if signatures do not match or are absent, corrupt clerks in blue cities will accept any ballot for a democrat. Think that the flood of illegals does not matter if they are not in your back yard? Think again. Millions of illegals have been registered to vote by NGOs in democrat run cities in all the battleground states. They are using the homeless loophole that does not require ID and are using the NGOs address, so that ballots are mailed to the NGOs directly.

All the measures are in place for another election “rigged” in the democrat’s favor. Democrats have abandoned the rule of law causing the citizenry to distrust Federal law enforcement, the Federal judiciary, and our local, State, and Federal elections. Our currency is imprinted with the words “In God We Trust.” The democrat party has destroyed that trust in their unhinged quest for power, that includes eliminating God and His followers. It is time for the silent majority to speak up. It is time for Christians to awaken from our collective slumber. It is time that the democrat party face the consequences for misusing the trust that the electorate has loaned to them. It is time to vote democrats out of office.

Do not be comfortable if polls show Trump leading Harris. The democrat party is fully able to overcome narrow margins with their election fraud machine. In 2020, 62% of registered voters voted in the Presidential election, over a 7% increase from 2016. 38% of registered voters could have their ballots returned without their knowledge. Returning less than 5% of those votes fraudulently can turn an election without causing any undue suspicion. It is incumbent upon all of us to cast our vote and additionally, make certain that you inform and encourage like-minded people to vote.

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