Sunday, August 4, 2024

False Pretenses


 Hate and lies cannot continue to reign.

The new reality that DEI has inflicted upon this nation discounts merit and rewards specific attributes of those deemed to matter more than others. The days of working hard and earning a promotion are considered relics of a bygone era. Common sense is excoriated as a symptom of white supremacy, rooted in racism and homophobia. Equality is no longer a goal for all, those who are deemed oppressed due to skin color or gender orientation, require a head start to level the playing field so that everyone has an equal outcome, regardless of effort. Anyone denying their birth gender must be respected, but somehow, are not required to respect any opinion that offends them. Mental illness and sexual deviancy are to be celebrated and revered by society. History is being rewritten by those who once were the dregs of society, now elevated by woke ideology in this new age of enlightenment.

History isn’t the only norm being edited and/or cancelled out of existence. Once accepted truths are substituted with the fabrications of a corrupt, biased media. Edicts from the self-appointed ruling elite countermand the responsibility to serve and represent. As we approach a tipping point in this nations’ evolution, some things are self-evident and no manner of insane wokeness will ever change that. We are all created by a God that loves us, made in His image, for His purpose. That Jesus Christ went to the cross for us, taking all of humankind’s sin, rose and defeated death so that we will have a place with Him for all eternity. We are all created with an emptiness in our hearts that can only be filled with the love of Christ. We were carefully made to love our God and Creator.

Woke culture is inspired by the evil one. Those who are overcome by evil use the appealing words of diversity, equity, and inclusion to deceive those into loving the things of the world. The democrat party, simply put, is in league with the devil and promotes the works of his hand. The democrat party rejects the living God and revels in the lies of the evil one to gain and maintain power. It is time for good Christians to reject the lies and the evil of this world. It is time for good Christians to choose godly men and women to lead this nation. No, there is not a savior that is of this world, but we can use our vote to put in place those that would lead according to God’s will. No party is pure, just as all people are flawed and fall short of the glory of God. God’s word is an instruction manual for His people. If one dwells in His word, it becomes apparent as to what is truly evil in this world and how we can reject it.

We must reject the hatred spewed by the democrat party and their surrogates in the media. We must engage in the tough love of our neighbor and rebuff the dangerous woke ideology so that they can change the error of their ways and embrace our Lord and Savior once again. Keeping them in authority will only validate their march away from Him and embolden them to continue to enact more of their evil policies. If we decide to stand idly by and allow this insanity to overwhelm us, we abandon our responsibilities as followers of Christ and citizens of this nation. Once evil takes firm rooting, it becomes more and more difficult to excise. It is become customary to call each election, “the most important in our lifetime,” but this election will decide the course of this nation going forward. Do we want to be ruled by godless elites that will continue to persecute their stated enemies, Christians, conservatives, and traditional Judeo-Christian value and morals, or do we want to facilitate the return to normalcy?

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:10-12

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