Monday, July 29, 2024

On the Border



The “On the Border” Restaurant chain offers many convenient locations to enjoy their Mexican cuisine and even has a loyalty rewards program. Presumptive democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris, who President Biden absolutely did not tab as border czar, (wink-wink) had nothing to do with the disaster on our southern border. But she is a co-defendant in the deliberate strategy to ignore immigration law. The Biden/Harris administration has provided many convenient locations for illegal border crossers, correction “asylum seekers.” They even provided a loyalty rewards program replete with free transportation, $5000 debit cards, free housing, food, medical care, and a sophisticated scheme to register them as homeless voters in blue cities in battleground states. How opportune for this lawless administration that prosecutes its political rivals and accuses them as a threat to democracy. As always, any accusations made by democrats mirror their own assault on the very foundations of this great nation.

The great and powerful orator Kamala has opined about her preferred policy on illegal immigration. Before her grand speech when she boldly pronounced, “Do not come,” before she became VP, I had the opportunity to observe Senator Harris’ office at the Capitol. It was arrayed with prominent signs, proudly announcing that undocumented immigrants were welcome here. Apparently, this doctrine continues to be employed by our Vice-President. Who needs borders when you can use NGOs (non-government organizations) to register illegals as homeless, without the requirement to provide identification and to use the NGOs as a mailing address. Then ship them off to blue states where they can be counted in the next census. Constitution be damned, if it benefits their side of the political aisle, they will do it! After all, the media will run cover for them.

A lawsuit challenging the Biden administration’s voting access executive order 14019, a federally funded, likely unconstitutional scheme that targets key democrat voting blocs, is currently heading to the Supreme Court. The lawlessness of the democrats is beyond the pale. In order to save democracy, democracy must be destroyed and replaced with socialism. This is the insanity that defines the ever-leftward leaning democrat party. And yet there are those that support this lunatic fringe that is the democrat party.

Unfettered immigration is the key for the democrats to remain in power. Their policies have been utter failures and benefit no one but themselves and their benefactors. Registering illegals to vote in the battleground states allows their NGO partners to collect, fill out, and return ballots. New voter registrations have increased dramatically in the battleground states of Nevada, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, and Georgia. How many registered Republicans do you think are included in those totals? There is nothing democratic about the democrat party. Like the bitter, childless cat lady, democrats selfishly serve party before country. Kamala Harris is the epitome of a self-centered, entitled politician, saying whatever she believes is necessary to assuage those who are listening.

Throughout history many nations fade away after 250 years. They often fall prey to the very tenets instituted to guide and benefit society. The failure of the United States of America is transpiring from within. The politicians that are elected to represent the citizens are eroding away the very rights and privileges they are tasked to serve and protect. Freedom of the press has enabled willing leftists to obliterate the truth and replace it with propaganda that makes the Soviet Union pale in comparison. When a political party can no longer convince the electorate to accept their policies and decides to use the full force of the government to attack their political opponents, they are no longer worthy to serve in elected office.

Kamala Harris supports unlimited, taxpayer funded abortion, term limits on the judiciary, but not on elected representatives, open borders with a path to citizenship for illegal border crossers, endless taxpayer funded wars, sexual mutilation of children, the green new deal, universal basic income, government funded health care for all, an end to the meritocracy to be replaced with race and gender as determining factors, and governmental control of the lives of the citizenry. Kamala Harris is grossly unqualified to lead this nation. Elect her and this nation will fall into the abyss and may never recover. And we will have no one to blame but ourselves.

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