Thursday, July 11, 2024

All the World’s a Stage


And we have been played!

Donald Trump was correct. The Biden regime was a set up from the start. From the campaign from his basement due to the COVID-19 “plandemic,” to the carefully scripted mainstream media supporting what is now painfully obvious, a dementia patient for President. The democrat party’s thinly veiled, yet highly successful efforts to manipulate an election, using lawsuits, leftist judges, democrat Secretaries of State, and democrat operatives in blue cities, worked to perfection. Now the proverbial cat is out of the bag and Dementia Joe is exposed for all the world to see. We have been duped and those responsible need to be held to account. The blame should not fall on his staff or family for hiding his condition. The blame lies with the democrat party that foisted this fraud upon us and their merry band of sycophants in the mainstream media.

Joe Biden is not only not competent enough to run for re-election, he is too incapacitated to remain as President. Having him continue as the leader of the free world is a true threat to democracy and the security of this nation. The democrats must pay for this sham. They knew all about Joe’s dementia before they nominated him for their ticket. Simply acknowledging Joe’s all too apparent failing mental abilities is not nearly enough penance for the democrat leadership. They must pay at the ballot box. This is a violation of the sacred trust we imbue to our elected representatives. For too long, democrats have served themselves and their party while neglecting their responsibility to our nation. It is time to vote those democrats out of office, once and for all.

Democrats will continue to bend, fold, and mutilate existing election law to their benefit. Even if the polling is accurate, democrats will always find enough ballots marked with “D” circles to overturn a close election. We must go out in force to overcome their cheating. It is incumbent upon us to inform our friends and neighbors. It is incumbent upon us to get those who typically do not exercise their right to vote to the polls or to early vote. It is incumbent upon us to make certain that the democrats face the consequences of their actions. Democrats should never be in power again unless they change course and properly represent their constituency. If they continue having the authority to keep our borders open, kill the unborn with impunity, and advocate for their insane woke agenda, they do not deserve to hold office. It is up to us. Are you in?


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