Friday, July 26, 2024



Mainstream media promotes evil.

Most of the national media paints a narrative that favors democrats, liberalism, and some would argue, promotes leftist ideology. They denigrate all things Christian, conservative, and anything else they deem to be detrimental to their agenda. Cheerleading from “news” outlets MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, New York Times, Washington Post, and others, has enabled evil to permeate our society and begin a path toward the fundamental transformation of this nation. If the mainstream media was fair and balanced, democrat policies would be exposed for the failures they truly are, and always have been. If the mainstream media was fair and balanced, a cognitively challenged Joe Biden would never have been elected President. If the mainstream media was fair and balanced, the vile rhetoric that led to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, would not have happened.

The 1st Amendment is an instrument that can cut both ways. Those who pervert that privilege and hide behind the veil of free speech, profess that which the evil one favors. Words do have consequences when lies are repeatedly reported as facts. Weak minded individuals can be unduly influenced when they believe the propaganda spewed by media figures and politicians. When leaders, elected to serve the public, denigrate their opponents with disgusting and deceitful accusations to gain political advantage, they fail themselves and the nation. When the media abandons their responsibility to objectively report facts and choose to be cheerleaders for one political party, they fail their oaths as journalists and their obligation to hold the powerful accountable.

Democrat policies support the mutilation of children, vilifies people based upon skin color, purposefully open our borders to register illegals to vote as homeless, tacitly support antisemitism, vigorously defend the murder of unborn children, advocate for males to share public facilities with women, illegally launder money through “smurfing” prior donors to democrats, and, via executive action, force the military and every company doing business with the government to incorporate DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) in their hiring practices, lifting up candidates by race and gender rather than ability to perform the job. If these policies are not inherently evil, nothing is. Yet, mainstream media is in lockstep with the democrat party, foisting this new “reality” on those vulnerable to this insanity. The father of lies is very happy these days.

Christians are called to resist evil and to strive to do good in this world. We are also called in the Great Commission, to make Disciples of all the world. Our God wants all His children to come to Him. The Good Shepherd does not want to lose even one of His sheep. How then do we endeavor to plant the seeds of faith in those who, overcome by Satan’s lies, believe that they are enemies of God and reject the gift of grace? God has made everyone in His image for a specific purpose. No matter how you look, what skills and talents, or lack thereof that you possess are all gifts from God to fulfill His purpose. No matter how confused, angry, or lost, each human being is made to love God and each other. We need to reach out in love to our “enemies” and find a way to open the door and not build a wall as we are wont to do.

Christians are extremely good at pointing fingers at those who are “sinners,” focusing on that speck in their eye as we ignore the plank in ours. While it is difficult to open dialogue with those we vehemently disagree, we are called to love our neighbor as ourselves to open the door for the Holy Spirit to work in them so that they can become our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is all too easy to harbor ill will and ignore our responsibility to “preach the word.” Resisting evil does not mean that we condemn our neighbors. Evil abounds in this world that is the realm of the evil one. Every one of us fall prey to the lies of Satan. There is only one who was without sin and while we are called to be more like Christ, we cannot replace Him and save the lost ourselves. We are the farmers who scatter the seeds of faith, and it is the power of the Holy Spirit that can indwell and convince. Not all seeds will germinate, but we are called to continue to reach out and be the hands and feet of Christ, building His kingdom on earth in preparation for our eventual home with Him.

Identifying the evil that we are called to resist is only the first step in our discipleship. Confronting those unduly influenced by the evil one and his minions is the next step in our servitude of Christ. We must look past the evil in the person, recognize that person is a child of God, even though they may not realize it, and instruct, gently correct, so that they can be saved from the evil that has overwhelmed them. If we can even approach one iota of the love our Father has for us in our interactions, just maybe they can open their hearts, if ever so slightly, to fellowship with the Risen Savior.

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