Saturday, July 13, 2024

Happy Now?


The deceitfulness of the democrat party exposed.

The constant vilification of Trump is working, much better than the democrat party could have ever dreamed! Today a lunatic attempted to assassinate President Trump. The only thing surprising is that this has not occurred earlier. Even the great unifier in chief, Joe Biden, said on July 8th, “So we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye!” Great work Joe, you finally did it. Unfortunately for you, the shooter’s aim was off. The constant drumbeat to vilify your opponent to cover up your failed presidency has convinced some to try to eliminate your stated “threat to democracy.” Well, you can continue having your lackey Attorney General Merrick Garland, trump up some more indictments to keep Trump busy if your acolytes are too incompetent to eliminate him. The old bait and switch. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you certainly cannot fool all the people all the time.

The unhinged lunacy of the left and their sycophants in the mainstream media is coming home to roost. Democrats have gone “all in” on this “Trump is going to be a dictator, eliminate all of his enemies, and end our democracy if he is elected strategy” in a futile effort to remain in power. This is all about to end. We can see who the man behind the curtain is, and it is not the man who allegedly had over 81 million votes cast for him. Unelected bureaucrats are running the show and Joe Biden is an empty suit that can no longer even read a teleprompter without slurring. Well……uh.…anyway….uh….uh, please welcome the President of Ukraine Vladimir Putin and Vice-President Trump, oh, and we finally beat Medicare! Dementia is no laughing matter. It steals your mind and ultimately ends your life, no longer recognizing yourself or your loved ones. But, when the President of the United States is no longer in control of his mental capacity, something must give.

The democrat party knew full well about Biden’s diminished mental capacity when they tilted the primary race to favor him. They chose to hide his mental decline by keeping him in the basement to campaign. The leftist media were complicit in further hiding his dementia by not challenging his administration’s glaring lack of transparency. Biden’s staff and family hid him away to keep their jobs and the fame and money flowing into family coffers. It is time for the unhinged left and the useful idiots that continue to support Joe out of party fealty to pay for their crimes. There should be, not one democrat up for election to prevail. They should all be voted out of office for their treachery. What will it finally take for those who vote “D” and support the party of lawlessness? It is time for the democrat party to face consequences for their deceit.

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