Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Fiddling While Rome Burns


Too busy to care.

It wasn’t curiosity that killed the cat, it was apathy. The Roman Empire did not fall in a day. Years of indifference took a toll. If you do not pay attention, those who fill in the void will prevail. Too preoccupied to pay attention to your civic responsibility? Too busy to properly inform yourself of the issues that matter? Unconcerned with the evil that is overwhelming our culture? Actions, or in this case, the lack thereof, cedes our nation to those who strive to fundamentally transform America, a transformation that will ultimately lead to the demise of this Constitutional Republic. This nation is on a path that will make it unrecognizable less than 250 years after its’ founding. This is happening right in front of our noses, yet too few pay attention. Unfortunately, when they finally realize the clear and present danger presented by the left, it may be too late and America will be lost, perhaps forever. Nice work!

Democrats scream bloody murder, no pun intended, when the Supreme Court strikes down Roe V Wade and sends abortion back to the individual states. Democrat Attorney General Josh Kaul sues the legislature over the “obsolete” 1849 Statute that abolishes abortion when it becomes the law of the land in Wisconsin. Two referenda on the ballot on August 13th sought to return shared authority for the distribution of emergency federal funding to both the legislature and governor. The legislature ceded the sole authority to the Governor in the 1930’s, when it was, due to transportation issues, difficult to get the legislature back to the Capitol in a timely manner to address emergencies. As you may know, transportation today is much more efficient and the legislature can convene in a manner of hours, if necessary, rendering that argument obsolete. Unlike the 1849 abortion law, democrats were fine with an obsolete law that rested the sole authority to manage Billions of federal dollars to the Governor, or at least until a Republican Governor takes office.

I must say that the Democrats and their allies did an excellent job “messaging” flat out lies in ads leading up to the election. They accused “extreme MAGA Republicans” for attempting to wrest power from the people. They argued that it would create an unnecessary burden and delay for those awaiting relief. Really? For those of you who did not see fit to properly inform yourself and were fooled into voting “NO,” you actually voted against your own self-interest. Nice work! These referenda would have given joint authority to the people’s representatives and the Governor to decide where and to who these monies would be allocated, which is exactly how state government is supposed to work. By rejecting these referenda, the citizens have ceded that authority to one person and crowned that person a King. You have, in fact, enabled tyranny and denied authority to the very people you elected to represent your interests at the state level.

Give them what they want, they will get what they deserve. As Rush Limbaugh postulated about the “Low information voter (LIV) theory that too many in the voting population cast their ballots without the requisite information necessary to make an informed decision.” As former President Barack Obama once said, “Elections have consequences.” It would seem that both are correct.

“The cornerstone of democracy rests on the foundation of an educated electorate.” Thomas Jefferson

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