Thursday, March 6, 2025

Reap what you Sow


Evil has been exposed.

The constant drumbeat by the left villainizing their political opponents has indelibly sowed the seeds of division in this nation. Legacy media, Hollywood elitists, the democrat party leaders, and much of social media have fomented a growing hatred amongst the populace so pervasive that it is out of control. Neighbor pitted against neighbor, citizen against citizen, and families torn asunder by insipid political ideology. What have we become? Reject your families if they support President Trump? Calling anyone opposed to their radical ideology Hitler! Screaming that this is the end of democracy and there will be no more elections. Unhinged hyperbole by leftists losing their minds while they exaggerate baseless claims repeatedly, loses any manner of credibility.

The petulant display by elected democrat representatives during the President’s speech at the joint session of Congress was despicable. Democrats refusing to acknowledge a 13-year-old cancer survivor? Democrats applauding continuing the senseless bloodshed between Ukraine and Russia? Who is it that really is a threat to democracy? Evil is flourishing in this world and the democrat party is embracing it.

Darkness is having a field day as leftists celebrate the murder of children waiting to be born and then have the audacity to call it women’s reproductive health care. Drug cartels turn to the lucrative business of human trafficking, taking advantage of a border deliberately left open by democrat party leftists that has allowed fentanyl, misery, and death to spread. Democrats are the party of woke policies that promote child sexual mutilation, sexual predation by “transgender” men, and value race, sexual orientation, and political ideology over merit and skill. Democrats are the advocates of government propaganda and censorship by sponsoring bills to effectively eliminate free speech in which they disagree. Democrats denigrate school choice, but boost teachers’ unions, thereby reducing learning opportunities for the underprivileged they “promised” to protect. Democrats target Christian educators with lawfare, forcing Christian universities and schools to expend resources defending their 1st Amendment right to freedom of worship in court. Christianity is firmly in the crosshairs of these misguided leftists.

It may seem as if evil has been winning most of the battles, but people are slowly waking from their slumber. Evil has emerged from the darkness and the light has shown upon it so that all can recognize it.  There is a reason that democrats and their radical policies were soundly rejected at the ballot box. God’s law is indelibly written upon our hearts. The difference between right and wrong, evil and good are apparent. More young people are indeed rejecting radical ideology, returning to their roots, and embracing God. Even though it is not readily apparent, a revival is sweeping across our nation, and our youth are leading the charge. This nation, created through and with a covenant with God, is slowly recognizing the evil that has been embraced by the left and perpetrated on the masses. The pendulum is swinging back to foundational Christian principles as intended by God and adopted for this nation by our forefathers. The United States is a majority Christian nation, and it is past time for Christians to reawaken and restore that which God intended.

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