Thursday, November 30, 2023

In Plain Sight

 Woke policies DEI (Diversity, equity, and inclusion) and ESG (Environmental, social, and governance) are driving our society, economy, and nation over a cliff.

On June 21st, 2021, President Biden signed an Executive order on diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the federal workforce. The last sentence in the third paragraph states, A growing body of evidence demonstrates that diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible workplaces yield higher-performing organizations.” There were no citations to any study that confirmed this claim, and for good reason. Current studies simply “suggest” that companies that implement DEI policies have increased productivity. Additionally, these “studies” originate from the usual liberal think tanks and woke universities. As with many of the talking points of the Democrat party, there is no real conclusive data to confirm their claims, only empty rhetoric. This divisive policy, not unlike Critical Race Theory, intends to segregate federal employees and candidates by race, gender, and sexual orientation. This executive orders’ intent is to reinstate affirmative action and discriminate against the scariest boogeyman of the left, the straight, white male, or what is commonly referred to as “white privilege.”

Section 2.a. states, “The term “underserved communities” refers to populations sharing a particular characteristic, as well as geographic communities, who have been systematically denied a full opportunity to participate in aspects of economic, social, and civic life.” If anyone in the United States, other than convicted criminals serving their sentences, have been denied a “full opportunity to participate in aspects of economic, social and civic life” please raise your hands. Here, in the land of opportunity, no one, yes no one is denied the opportunity to fully participate in society, should one have the drive and ambition to succeed. For the President of the United States to infer that certain “classes” of people cannot succeed, with the false presumption that their path is blocked by “systemic bias,” is disrespectful and disingenuous. Even Barack Obama stated that it did not matter where you began or what you look like, anyone can find success with hard work and determination. Unfortunately, President Biden and his cohorts in the Democrat party believe that “systematically disadvantaged persons,” or persons of color, are inherently inferior and require the government’s assistance just to survive. This executive order is a lie that panders a false narrative and as with most of the Democrat agenda, strives to achieve results that benefit the Democrat party and their benefactors, not the people they purport to represent.

ESG is another insidious attack on the fabric of Western society. These policies force companies to adhere to rules that place emphasis on making investments based upon a set of goals relating to climate, not strategically investing in profitable business, and meeting constantly changing social requirements in hiring and HR practices, which are all monitored and enforced by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. This makes it difficult, if not impossible to maintain their fiduciary responsibilities to their clients and shareholders. These actions, which detract from the success of the businesses, will lead to less effective and profitable investments, hiring and retaining inferior and potentially ineffective staff, based on a set of standards that reflect diversity, not merit, and hiring of additional staff to ensure that these standards are met as they will be audited regularly by the Federal government. Our economy is being forced to evolve into a government-regulated business model at the cost of a free market, profit-driven, successful model. If you think this sounds like socialism, you would be correct. Businesses that are deemed insufficient to these rules or fail to properly submit to the authorities, even if the "offense" is a statement deemed "inappropriate" by the SEC, may be fined. These fines can be levied in the $millions. Banks are held to the same standards, and non-compliant businesses will be denied loans. Try to run a business without a line of credit. Not going to happen. Our once thriving economy based upon a “meritocracy” is ceasing to exist.

This apparent underclass which is disproportionally affected by everything ranging from HIV to menthol cigarettes, is the perpetually cited victim of the Democrats in their class warfare strategy. When President Lyndon B. Johnson initiated the “war on poverty,” even he could not have foreseen the unintended consequences that have actually disproportionally affected the African-American community. Like the drug pusher giving free heroin to potential users, the welfare state induced generations to abandon the traditional nuclear family and depend upon government programs. Even President Franklin Roosevelt said that government assistance could become like a narcotic. Sixty years later FDR has been proven prophetic. Now Democrats promote the lunacy of driving the economy from the bottom up and the middle out. This is nothing but socialism in a poorly designed disguise. Initiating their insane monetary policies has led to government overreach and soaring inflation. Is that really a fair tradeoff for ending the mean tweets and “unpresidential” behavior? Who really is the threat to democracy?

The wokeness that is overtaking sanity in our nation is primarily driven by the Democrat party, a complicit media, and the leftists hungry to fundamentally transform this great nation. The headlong rush to affirm preferred pronouns and boys wanting to be girls is in direct correlation with the left’s desire to tear down civil society. Edicts arising from executive actions, bureaucratic regulations promulgated by entrenched bureaucrats, and governmental enforcement of “wokeness” are hindering our economy at home and damaging the US brand worldwide. We have met the enemy and it is us. China need not bury us economically or militarily. We are doing it to ourselves and far too few of us are lifting a finger to show disapproval. Russia will not need to launch a single missile to defeat us. Patience is the key as they laugh at the lunacy that is destroying the greatest country in the history of the world from within. And we are too “busy” with our own problems to confront this enemy within. Surely someone else will get involved and fight back. If we fail to confront this insanity, then it’s on us. How will you explain to future generations why we failed to defeat or even expose the evil, happening in plain sight, that ultimately destroyed this great experiment called America?


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