Sunday, December 3, 2023

Sleeping with the Enemy

Leftists laugh at their supporters

Recognizing evil and the destruction that it has wrought has never been more important than now in our deeply polarized society. Failure to understand that the goal of the left is to destabilize and fundamentally transform this nation will inevitably lead to its destruction. Yet, there are those who blindly follow the divisive ideology the left promotes. Young people, who have been indoctrinated in Marxism without any common sense at woke universities, parrot talking points without any intellectual curiosity, refuse any debate, and shout down those they deem antithetical to their beliefs. These and other useful idiots that support this evil are simply tools used by the left to achieve their goals. Like generals in war, they stand safely behind, watching their pawns do battle, while they reap the rewards of their underling’s work.

This has never been more apparent than the rise in antisemitism rhetoric by those supporting Palestinians and by proxy, the brutal atrocities perpetrated by Hamas. The absurd correlation between the civilian casualties suffered by Israel compared to the civilian casualties suffered by Palestinians in Gaza is inane. Hamas specifically targeted civilians. Israel is targeting Hamas and giving notice of the areas they intend to strike to minimize collateral damage and civilian casualties. Hamas has been blocking civilian escape routes to maximize civilian casualties and deaths to sway world opinion against Israel. That strategy has been largely effective as leftist groups have spurred on Palestinian sympathizers and antisemites that have coalesced to villainize Israel. The lack of knowledge by these “peace” protesters and the vitriol they spew is appalling. Jewish hatred is rearing its ugly head and it is neither Christians nor conservatives that are proclaiming these vile invectives in the public square.

89% of Palestinians support the terrorism that Hamas and other radical Islamic groups perpetrate against Israel, the United States, and the world. Palestinians overwhelmingly elected Hamas to lead their government. Palestinians will not accept peace with Israel, in fact, a majority rejects Israel’s right to exist and want to eradicate the Jewish people. These fools that “stand up for Palestine” and chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” would be persecuted and rejected for their core beliefs supporting LGTBQI+, transgenderism, abortion, and women’s rights in most of the Islamic world. Let these buffoons with their blue hair, tattoos, and piercings try to co-exist and embrace Islam, the religion of “peace.” Islam will not embrace you. You’ll be lucky if you don’t get thrown off some roof with your LGTBQI+ friends, and if you aren’t put to death, you’ll be required to wear a burka that covers your chosen identity. Perhaps, then they would understand that America is not that bad.

The father of lies is operating a well-oiled machine in his realm. The young and impressionable are being willingly and enthusiastically led right into his trap. Society’s upheaval is being fueled by liberty-hating global elites that know far better than us unwashed masses. Money talks, and those mega-wealthy elitists are financing wannabe leftists for their new world-order ambitions from their ivory towers. Unfortunately, there will be no place in the new world order hierarchy for those manipulated by this evil ideology.

We must not only resist this evil, we must confront it with the truth, the way, and the life. We cannot simply stand mute while so many are at risk of falling prey to the evil one and his schemes. We need to put on our spiritual armor and learn how to plant the seeds of faith in order to overcome this evil that is overwhelming our world. The father of lies will flee when confronted with the truth and it is up to us to proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ. It’s time to step out of our comfort zone and call out this evil for what it is. It's time to get involved with our local schools and protest against woke and racist ideology being taught to our children. It's time to make sure our elected officials uphold Christian values and morals, and pledge to serve their constituency, and not themselves. It’s time that we the majority get up and be heard over the squeaky wheels that promote the leftist, Marxist, socialist, and communist agenda.

Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Ephesians 5:11-14

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