Friday, December 22, 2023

Human Nature

Power ultimately corrupts

Humans were created by a perfect God. Unfortunately, humans are far from that perfection. God created a paradise for Adam and Eve to live and walk with Him for eternity. God gave them full autonomy in the garden with only one single prohibition, to not eat the fruit of the tree of life. But Adam and Eve disobeyed, leading to the fall. Ever since that fall, humans have engaged in all manner of depravity. Creation was once perfect and humans defiled it, and to this day we continue to corrupt our world with our ever-increasing immorality. Money, power, and sex is what drive far too many of us human beings, especially those who rise to positions of authority. The framers of this once great nation created a Constitutional Republic ruled by “We the people,” not by royals who ruled by fiat. Today, “public servants” are far too concerned with their self-interests, their benefactors, and advancing their personal agendas, while disregarding the needs of their constituents. The “Swamp,” which consists of lobbyists, Deep State bureaucrats, and corporate interests is pervasive. Elected politicians enrich themselves and their families when they toe the company line and do as they are told.

Do you really think that the Bidens are the only politicians that are or have engaged in unethical and illegal schemes? Corruption by our “leaders” is so pervasive and so many, elected and unelected, are so deeply involved, that should their illicit activities be brought to light, many would be facing jail time. (see Senator Robert Menendez D-NJ) There is good reason that anytime an outsider is elected, every effort is made to turn them to the dark side. Everyone must be on the same page for this to work. Should those efforts fail to convince, the swamp mobilizes and attacks, using the media and deep state to delegitimize with lies and false accusations. (see Representatives Madison Cawthorn R-NC, George Santos R-NY, and any other representative shining a light on the darkness of the swamp) There is good reason that Democrats and Republicans have employed every tool to prevent Donald Trump from regaining the White House. Should he return to the Oval Office, he would begin to expose the rot in our government. Heads would roll. The gravy train is running much too smoothly for it to be run off the rails by a President who already has accumulated more than enough wealth, leaving him impervious to the lure of easy money. In fact, President Trump saw his net worth decrease by more than $I billion during his term. I’m sorry, but if you want a kinder and gentler President, you will only get what you deserve, another swamp dweller with more of the same.

Whistleblower laws were enacted to protect those who expose corruption in government, yet Democrats in Congress attempt to discredit them and partisan bureaucrats persecute them. Two separate impeachment hearings and trials take place targeting President Trump, bypassing any impeachment inquiry to discover all facts. While neither impeachment attempts were later found to have any credibility, the damage was done. president Biden’s son, Hunter, and brother, James, spearhead a convoluted influence-peddling scheme. Nothing to see here according to the Democrats and an impeachment inquiry is partisanship run amok. Evidence from the January 6th committee is destroyed, even though a myriad of federal laws are broken. Cue the crickets from the mainstream media. Hunter Biden defies a Congressional subpoena, abetted by Representative Eric Swalwell, D-CA and Democrats cheer. Circle the wagons and deflect blame is the Democrat way. Dick Durbin (D-IL) refuses to release the names of those who took the “Lolita Express” to Jeffrey Epstein’s Island paradise. Gotta protect their own you know. Loose lips will sink ships and far too many of your elected officials have engaged in inappropriate behavior. As each misdeed is exposed, the risk is that more and more will be exposed for the liars and cheats that they are.

Serving on the Washington County, WI Board of Supervisors for ten years, the last four as Chairman, I know from where I speak. There are too few, even in local government, that gain office without a personal agenda. There are too few who retain the humility that facilitated their election victories. There are too few that do not look to use their “power” to their advantage. Human nature far too often rears its ugly head and those public servants begin to think that they are better than the great unwashed masses they are called to represent. If our government continues on this path, we are doomed to ruin. Unengaged citizens who mindlessly vote “D” or “R” are exactly what the deep state depends upon. Uninformed voters and those citizens who fail to cast their ballots signal that they are willing to let the swamp do as they please. Apathy breeds corruption, and far too many of us are satisfied with ceding authority to those who exploit our trust and use authority to their own benefit. It’s always easier to stand by idly and let others do the heavy lifting. After all, we are all much too busy with our own lives. Your nation is falling down the rat hole and if you think protecting your quality of life in a free and fair country is too much to ask, you will get what you deserve.

“Elections have consequences.” Barack Obama

“You have a republic, if you can keep it!” Benjamin Franklin

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