Monday, July 29, 2024

On the Border



The “On the Border” Restaurant chain offers many convenient locations to enjoy their Mexican cuisine and even has a loyalty rewards program. Presumptive democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris, who President Biden absolutely did not tab as border czar, (wink-wink) had nothing to do with the disaster on our southern border. But she is a co-defendant in the deliberate strategy to ignore immigration law. The Biden/Harris administration has provided many convenient locations for illegal border crossers, correction “asylum seekers.” They even provided a loyalty rewards program replete with free transportation, $5000 debit cards, free housing, food, medical care, and a sophisticated scheme to register them as homeless voters in blue cities in battleground states. How opportune for this lawless administration that prosecutes its political rivals and accuses them as a threat to democracy. As always, any accusations made by democrats mirror their own assault on the very foundations of this great nation.

The great and powerful orator Kamala has opined about her preferred policy on illegal immigration. Before her grand speech when she boldly pronounced, “Do not come,” before she became VP, I had the opportunity to observe Senator Harris’ office at the Capitol. It was arrayed with prominent signs, proudly announcing that undocumented immigrants were welcome here. Apparently, this doctrine continues to be employed by our Vice-President. Who needs borders when you can use NGOs (non-government organizations) to register illegals as homeless, without the requirement to provide identification and to use the NGOs as a mailing address. Then ship them off to blue states where they can be counted in the next census. Constitution be damned, if it benefits their side of the political aisle, they will do it! After all, the media will run cover for them.

A lawsuit challenging the Biden administration’s voting access executive order 14019, a federally funded, likely unconstitutional scheme that targets key democrat voting blocs, is currently heading to the Supreme Court. The lawlessness of the democrats is beyond the pale. In order to save democracy, democracy must be destroyed and replaced with socialism. This is the insanity that defines the ever-leftward leaning democrat party. And yet there are those that support this lunatic fringe that is the democrat party.

Unfettered immigration is the key for the democrats to remain in power. Their policies have been utter failures and benefit no one but themselves and their benefactors. Registering illegals to vote in the battleground states allows their NGO partners to collect, fill out, and return ballots. New voter registrations have increased dramatically in the battleground states of Nevada, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, and Georgia. How many registered Republicans do you think are included in those totals? There is nothing democratic about the democrat party. Like the bitter, childless cat lady, democrats selfishly serve party before country. Kamala Harris is the epitome of a self-centered, entitled politician, saying whatever she believes is necessary to assuage those who are listening.

Throughout history many nations fade away after 250 years. They often fall prey to the very tenets instituted to guide and benefit society. The failure of the United States of America is transpiring from within. The politicians that are elected to represent the citizens are eroding away the very rights and privileges they are tasked to serve and protect. Freedom of the press has enabled willing leftists to obliterate the truth and replace it with propaganda that makes the Soviet Union pale in comparison. When a political party can no longer convince the electorate to accept their policies and decides to use the full force of the government to attack their political opponents, they are no longer worthy to serve in elected office.

Kamala Harris supports unlimited, taxpayer funded abortion, term limits on the judiciary, but not on elected representatives, open borders with a path to citizenship for illegal border crossers, endless taxpayer funded wars, sexual mutilation of children, the green new deal, universal basic income, government funded health care for all, an end to the meritocracy to be replaced with race and gender as determining factors, and governmental control of the lives of the citizenry. Kamala Harris is grossly unqualified to lead this nation. Elect her and this nation will fall into the abyss and may never recover. And we will have no one to blame but ourselves.

Friday, July 26, 2024



Mainstream media promotes evil.

Most of the national media paints a narrative that favors democrats, liberalism, and some would argue, promotes leftist ideology. They denigrate all things Christian, conservative, and anything else they deem to be detrimental to their agenda. Cheerleading from “news” outlets MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, New York Times, Washington Post, and others, has enabled evil to permeate our society and begin a path toward the fundamental transformation of this nation. If the mainstream media was fair and balanced, democrat policies would be exposed for the failures they truly are, and always have been. If the mainstream media was fair and balanced, a cognitively challenged Joe Biden would never have been elected President. If the mainstream media was fair and balanced, the vile rhetoric that led to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, would not have happened.

The 1st Amendment is an instrument that can cut both ways. Those who pervert that privilege and hide behind the veil of free speech, profess that which the evil one favors. Words do have consequences when lies are repeatedly reported as facts. Weak minded individuals can be unduly influenced when they believe the propaganda spewed by media figures and politicians. When leaders, elected to serve the public, denigrate their opponents with disgusting and deceitful accusations to gain political advantage, they fail themselves and the nation. When the media abandons their responsibility to objectively report facts and choose to be cheerleaders for one political party, they fail their oaths as journalists and their obligation to hold the powerful accountable.

Democrat policies support the mutilation of children, vilifies people based upon skin color, purposefully open our borders to register illegals to vote as homeless, tacitly support antisemitism, vigorously defend the murder of unborn children, advocate for males to share public facilities with women, illegally launder money through “smurfing” prior donors to democrats, and, via executive action, force the military and every company doing business with the government to incorporate DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) in their hiring practices, lifting up candidates by race and gender rather than ability to perform the job. If these policies are not inherently evil, nothing is. Yet, mainstream media is in lockstep with the democrat party, foisting this new “reality” on those vulnerable to this insanity. The father of lies is very happy these days.

Christians are called to resist evil and to strive to do good in this world. We are also called in the Great Commission, to make Disciples of all the world. Our God wants all His children to come to Him. The Good Shepherd does not want to lose even one of His sheep. How then do we endeavor to plant the seeds of faith in those who, overcome by Satan’s lies, believe that they are enemies of God and reject the gift of grace? God has made everyone in His image for a specific purpose. No matter how you look, what skills and talents, or lack thereof that you possess are all gifts from God to fulfill His purpose. No matter how confused, angry, or lost, each human being is made to love God and each other. We need to reach out in love to our “enemies” and find a way to open the door and not build a wall as we are wont to do.

Christians are extremely good at pointing fingers at those who are “sinners,” focusing on that speck in their eye as we ignore the plank in ours. While it is difficult to open dialogue with those we vehemently disagree, we are called to love our neighbor as ourselves to open the door for the Holy Spirit to work in them so that they can become our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is all too easy to harbor ill will and ignore our responsibility to “preach the word.” Resisting evil does not mean that we condemn our neighbors. Evil abounds in this world that is the realm of the evil one. Every one of us fall prey to the lies of Satan. There is only one who was without sin and while we are called to be more like Christ, we cannot replace Him and save the lost ourselves. We are the farmers who scatter the seeds of faith, and it is the power of the Holy Spirit that can indwell and convince. Not all seeds will germinate, but we are called to continue to reach out and be the hands and feet of Christ, building His kingdom on earth in preparation for our eventual home with Him.

Identifying the evil that we are called to resist is only the first step in our discipleship. Confronting those unduly influenced by the evil one and his minions is the next step in our servitude of Christ. We must look past the evil in the person, recognize that person is a child of God, even though they may not realize it, and instruct, gently correct, so that they can be saved from the evil that has overwhelmed them. If we can even approach one iota of the love our Father has for us in our interactions, just maybe they can open their hearts, if ever so slightly, to fellowship with the Risen Savior.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Happy Now?


The deceitfulness of the democrat party exposed.

The constant vilification of Trump is working, much better than the democrat party could have ever dreamed! Today a lunatic attempted to assassinate President Trump. The only thing surprising is that this has not occurred earlier. Even the great unifier in chief, Joe Biden, said on July 8th, “So we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye!” Great work Joe, you finally did it. Unfortunately for you, the shooter’s aim was off. The constant drumbeat to vilify your opponent to cover up your failed presidency has convinced some to try to eliminate your stated “threat to democracy.” Well, you can continue having your lackey Attorney General Merrick Garland, trump up some more indictments to keep Trump busy if your acolytes are too incompetent to eliminate him. The old bait and switch. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you certainly cannot fool all the people all the time.

The unhinged lunacy of the left and their sycophants in the mainstream media is coming home to roost. Democrats have gone “all in” on this “Trump is going to be a dictator, eliminate all of his enemies, and end our democracy if he is elected strategy” in a futile effort to remain in power. This is all about to end. We can see who the man behind the curtain is, and it is not the man who allegedly had over 81 million votes cast for him. Unelected bureaucrats are running the show and Joe Biden is an empty suit that can no longer even read a teleprompter without slurring. Well……uh.…anyway….uh….uh, please welcome the President of Ukraine Vladimir Putin and Vice-President Trump, oh, and we finally beat Medicare! Dementia is no laughing matter. It steals your mind and ultimately ends your life, no longer recognizing yourself or your loved ones. But, when the President of the United States is no longer in control of his mental capacity, something must give.

The democrat party knew full well about Biden’s diminished mental capacity when they tilted the primary race to favor him. They chose to hide his mental decline by keeping him in the basement to campaign. The leftist media were complicit in further hiding his dementia by not challenging his administration’s glaring lack of transparency. Biden’s staff and family hid him away to keep their jobs and the fame and money flowing into family coffers. It is time for the unhinged left and the useful idiots that continue to support Joe out of party fealty to pay for their crimes. There should be, not one democrat up for election to prevail. They should all be voted out of office for their treachery. What will it finally take for those who vote “D” and support the party of lawlessness? It is time for the democrat party to face consequences for their deceit.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

All the World’s a Stage


And we have been played!

Donald Trump was correct. The Biden regime was a set up from the start. From the campaign from his basement due to the COVID-19 “plandemic,” to the carefully scripted mainstream media supporting what is now painfully obvious, a dementia patient for President. The democrat party’s thinly veiled, yet highly successful efforts to manipulate an election, using lawsuits, leftist judges, democrat Secretaries of State, and democrat operatives in blue cities, worked to perfection. Now the proverbial cat is out of the bag and Dementia Joe is exposed for all the world to see. We have been duped and those responsible need to be held to account. The blame should not fall on his staff or family for hiding his condition. The blame lies with the democrat party that foisted this fraud upon us and their merry band of sycophants in the mainstream media.

Joe Biden is not only not competent enough to run for re-election, he is too incapacitated to remain as President. Having him continue as the leader of the free world is a true threat to democracy and the security of this nation. The democrats must pay for this sham. They knew all about Joe’s dementia before they nominated him for their ticket. Simply acknowledging Joe’s all too apparent failing mental abilities is not nearly enough penance for the democrat leadership. They must pay at the ballot box. This is a violation of the sacred trust we imbue to our elected representatives. For too long, democrats have served themselves and their party while neglecting their responsibility to our nation. It is time to vote those democrats out of office, once and for all.

Democrats will continue to bend, fold, and mutilate existing election law to their benefit. Even if the polling is accurate, democrats will always find enough ballots marked with “D” circles to overturn a close election. We must go out in force to overcome their cheating. It is incumbent upon us to inform our friends and neighbors. It is incumbent upon us to get those who typically do not exercise their right to vote to the polls or to early vote. It is incumbent upon us to make certain that the democrats face the consequences of their actions. Democrats should never be in power again unless they change course and properly represent their constituency. If they continue having the authority to keep our borders open, kill the unborn with impunity, and advocate for their insane woke agenda, they do not deserve to hold office. It is up to us. Are you in?


Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Father of Lies


  Persuading the masses that good is evil and evil is good.

The difference between reality and fantasy has been skewed.  The left has accelerated the devolution of society, championing the murder of the unborn, recklessly flooding the nation with illegal aliens, encouraging the mutilation of children, promoting racial bias, and endorsing hatred towards those that do not support their unhinged lunacy.  It is becoming progressively difficult to determine what is “normal” and navigating these new things leads one to carefully parse any speech, lest one becomes labeled as phobic and subject to cancel culture. Satan is most certainly winning the battle for the soul of America.

The ever-leaning leftward democrat party hyperventilates that Trump is a threat to democracy, but democrats are destroying this nation that relies upon the rule of law by weaponizing government using censorship and lawfare. The ripple effect of DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) instituted via President Biden’s executive order, has had an adverse effect on society. This insidious order, that sounds so appealing, is nothing of the sort. Just as the evil one uses appealing language to tempt humankind to accept what is sinful as good, this order perverts language to fool the masses and assuage the purveyors of evil in our nation. No longer are the best and brightest promoted, promotions are now based on skin color, sexual orientation, and gender. This will end the meritocracy that has served this nation well and lead to the under-qualified ascending to vital positions.

ESG (environment, social, and governance) is another program designed to bring us closer to socialism. By requiring businesses to adhere to the standards of ESG, profitability suffers and, as with DEI, forces companies doing business with the government or any business connected in any way with the government, to base production methods, hiring, firing, HR and purchasing based upon environmental sustainability, race, and gender identity. This will effectively destroy those companies that cannot remain profitable while following these insane policies. These deceptive policies, that sound so reasonable, are meant to integrate government control into all aspects of life in this nation. In fact, the government is incrementally eroding the rights of the citizens to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. Satan must be so proud of his democrat party underlings that are accomplishing his purposes.

For far too long, mainstream America has sat back and acquiesced to the wokeness infiltrating society, satisfied with being ever tolerant, accepting, and welcoming to this pestilence. When schools began using remote learning during the COVID scare, parents saw first-hand that their children were being indoctrinated by teachers that were antithetical to the morals and values the parents held. The unrest we have witnessed on college campuses is a direct result of the kindergarten to university indoctrination with leftist ideology. The trust we have afforded our educators has been misplaced. Distracted by the busyness of daily life or shirking parental responsibility to be involved in our children’s education, we have given Marxist educators license to mold our children into their image. Finally, there is pushback.

In the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy a charge to parents is given, These words I am commanding you today are to be upon your hearts.  And you shall teach them diligently to your children and speak of them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as reminders on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorposts of your houses and on your gates. The Holy Spirit inspired author of these verses highlights just how important a parent’s role is instilling faith, morals, and values in their children. As lives become more complex, the parental role has been ceded to our educational system. When that system has been perverted, we fail in our responsibility to properly raise our children.

When children are indoctrinated away from the tenets of faith, when values and morals contrary to parental desires are instilled, the evil one wins. Traditional mores have been written on our hearts by our Lord and Creator. The abandonment of our Judeo-Christian value system is a recipe to our own destruction. Leftists want nothing less than to destroy this nation and the democrats are firmly in bed with them. Leftists want to sow the seeds of discontent and move us away from our God. Leftists pursue the goals of the evil one, dividing us by race, creed, and gender. If we fail to wake up and understand what the democrat party is attempting to achieve, we will have no one to blame but ourselves. The party that propped up a cognitively impaired Joe Biden, for democrats and the deep state to control, is evidence enough of their disdain for we the people. Democrats must be swept out of office, up and down the ballot. The leadership of the democrat party are willing tools of the evil one. Keep them in power and we will get what we deserve.