Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Fiddling While Rome Burns


Too busy to care.

It wasn’t curiosity that killed the cat, it was apathy. The Roman Empire did not fall in a day. Years of indifference took a toll. If you do not pay attention, those who fill in the void will prevail. Too preoccupied to pay attention to your civic responsibility? Too busy to properly inform yourself of the issues that matter? Unconcerned with the evil that is overwhelming our culture? Actions, or in this case, the lack thereof, cedes our nation to those who strive to fundamentally transform America, a transformation that will ultimately lead to the demise of this Constitutional Republic. This nation is on a path that will make it unrecognizable less than 250 years after its’ founding. This is happening right in front of our noses, yet too few pay attention. Unfortunately, when they finally realize the clear and present danger presented by the left, it may be too late and America will be lost, perhaps forever. Nice work!

Democrats scream bloody murder, no pun intended, when the Supreme Court strikes down Roe V Wade and sends abortion back to the individual states. Democrat Attorney General Josh Kaul sues the legislature over the “obsolete” 1849 Statute that abolishes abortion when it becomes the law of the land in Wisconsin. Two referenda on the ballot on August 13th sought to return shared authority for the distribution of emergency federal funding to both the legislature and governor. The legislature ceded the sole authority to the Governor in the 1930’s, when it was, due to transportation issues, difficult to get the legislature back to the Capitol in a timely manner to address emergencies. As you may know, transportation today is much more efficient and the legislature can convene in a manner of hours, if necessary, rendering that argument obsolete. Unlike the 1849 abortion law, democrats were fine with an obsolete law that rested the sole authority to manage Billions of federal dollars to the Governor, or at least until a Republican Governor takes office.

I must say that the Democrats and their allies did an excellent job “messaging” flat out lies in ads leading up to the election. They accused “extreme MAGA Republicans” for attempting to wrest power from the people. They argued that it would create an unnecessary burden and delay for those awaiting relief. Really? For those of you who did not see fit to properly inform yourself and were fooled into voting “NO,” you actually voted against your own self-interest. Nice work! These referenda would have given joint authority to the people’s representatives and the Governor to decide where and to who these monies would be allocated, which is exactly how state government is supposed to work. By rejecting these referenda, the citizens have ceded that authority to one person and crowned that person a King. You have, in fact, enabled tyranny and denied authority to the very people you elected to represent your interests at the state level.

Give them what they want, they will get what they deserve. As Rush Limbaugh postulated about the “Low information voter (LIV) theory that too many in the voting population cast their ballots without the requisite information necessary to make an informed decision.” As former President Barack Obama once said, “Elections have consequences.” It would seem that both are correct.

“The cornerstone of democracy rests on the foundation of an educated electorate.” Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, August 8, 2024

1984, circa 2024



George Orwell simply missed his prediction by 40 years. Many quotes from his acclaimed dystopian novel, “1984,” ring true today. “The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power.”  This ideology is skillfully demonstrated by the democrat party as they will stop at nothing to gain and maintain power. One of the more insidious methods they employ, utilizing their accomplices in mainstream media and big tech, is engaging in all manner of censorship of speech in which they disagree. Control the narrative, control the people. From COVID, election integrity, abortion, or anything else deemed “dis/misinformation,” the marketplace of ideas is being destroyed by the very people who proclaim themselves to be the defenders of democracy.

There is good reason that free speech is enumerated in the 1st Amendment. Without it we devolve into tyranny. When the government colludes with big tech and social media to generate a narrative supported by the current administration, we more closely mirror a communist state that controls the media. Control the narrative, control the people. Freedom of the press is also enumerated in the 1st Amendment. “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.” Benjamin Franklin. Freedom of speech is at risk in this bastion of freedom. When the political narrative outweighs truth, we begin the slippery slope that leads to tyranny.

“Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the future, controls the past.” George Orwell. Cancel culture is engaged in a process to rewrite the past. Past practices that trigger leftists and would not be acceptable today, leads to the erasure of those who engaged in practices acceptable in their time. Books are banned. Statues torn down. Heroes of their time become reviled in ours. This more closely resembles the destruction of ancient sites perpetrated by ISIS during their reign in 2014. “Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them.” Our society is devolving before our very eyes and the democrat party is front and center, cheering on a fundamental transformation of America. There is a clear and present danger, occurring in plain sight, but many are just too blind to see it.

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” George Orwell. Indoctrinated college students spout epithets falsely accusing Israel of genocide and colonization of the ancestral home of the Palestinians. Nothing could be further from the truth. Man on the street interviews indicate just how well the Trump is evil and a threat to democracy narrative has taken hold of those too ignorant to form opinions of their own. A popular meme states, “What did the TV tell me to think today.” Humor becomes reality. Far too many people are influenced by a media complicit in amplifying the democrat party’s message. People falling prey to leftist propaganda are learning to hate themselves based upon gender, race, and sexuality. People are being reprogrammed by those who crave to rule over them.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” George Orwell. Even if it was not his intention, Orwell was a prophet. These very things are happening at a breakneck pace in our society. The democrat party and their accomplices in the mainstream media and big tech are promoting the means toward the destruction of America. If we allow this conspiracy to come to fruition, it will end the last great bastion of freedom in this world. If we sit back and do nothing there will be no going back. This election is a fight against good and evil. Will you let evil prevail?

“Big Brother is watching you!” George Orwell. Control the narrative, control the people. Step up and take back this nation. Vote the purveyors of evil out of office. Hold the media accountable. Stand up against the forces of darkness. Fight for your freedom or it will be lost forever.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024



Says democrats and the Deep State!

What happens when the rule of law is nothing but a cudgel to be used by the Biden administration and its’ minions to attack political enemies? The total disregard of the rule of law is the very tip of the iceberg for the “win at all cost” democrat party. Lawfare is just another tool for the left to target their political enemies. Yet, many have no issue with this strategy and support these devious efforts to destroy conservatism. Divide and conquer. Prosecute the law-abiding, ignore the anarchists. Foment as much division amongst the populace as necessary to reach their goals. Easy enough to accomplish with the assistance of a complicit media and the deep state bureaucracy. There is one thing, and one thing only that they fear, the re-election of Donald Trump and his stated goal to dismantle the deep state.

Make no mistake, the democrat party despises the general populace. They are at a point where they no longer need your vote. The democrat machine’s ballot harvesting scheme allows them to collect ballots, without it being necessary for the voter to complete it. Their data base contains the names of those who have previously donated or voted democrat. An effective money laundering scheme has directed “Smurf” donations in the 100’s of millions to the democrat party. Democrat voters not casting ballots prior to the election or even after, will have ballots completed and mailed in their names. Not to worry if signatures do not match or are absent, corrupt clerks in blue cities will accept any ballot for a democrat. Think that the flood of illegals does not matter if they are not in your back yard? Think again. Millions of illegals have been registered to vote by NGOs in democrat run cities in all the battleground states. They are using the homeless loophole that does not require ID and are using the NGOs address, so that ballots are mailed to the NGOs directly.

All the measures are in place for another election “rigged” in the democrat’s favor. Democrats have abandoned the rule of law causing the citizenry to distrust Federal law enforcement, the Federal judiciary, and our local, State, and Federal elections. Our currency is imprinted with the words “In God We Trust.” The democrat party has destroyed that trust in their unhinged quest for power, that includes eliminating God and His followers. It is time for the silent majority to speak up. It is time for Christians to awaken from our collective slumber. It is time that the democrat party face the consequences for misusing the trust that the electorate has loaned to them. It is time to vote democrats out of office.

Do not be comfortable if polls show Trump leading Harris. The democrat party is fully able to overcome narrow margins with their election fraud machine. In 2020, 62% of registered voters voted in the Presidential election, over a 7% increase from 2016. 38% of registered voters could have their ballots returned without their knowledge. Returning less than 5% of those votes fraudulently can turn an election without causing any undue suspicion. It is incumbent upon all of us to cast our vote and additionally, make certain that you inform and encourage like-minded people to vote.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

False Pretenses


 Hate and lies cannot continue to reign.

The new reality that DEI has inflicted upon this nation discounts merit and rewards specific attributes of those deemed to matter more than others. The days of working hard and earning a promotion are considered relics of a bygone era. Common sense is excoriated as a symptom of white supremacy, rooted in racism and homophobia. Equality is no longer a goal for all, those who are deemed oppressed due to skin color or gender orientation, require a head start to level the playing field so that everyone has an equal outcome, regardless of effort. Anyone denying their birth gender must be respected, but somehow, are not required to respect any opinion that offends them. Mental illness and sexual deviancy are to be celebrated and revered by society. History is being rewritten by those who once were the dregs of society, now elevated by woke ideology in this new age of enlightenment.

History isn’t the only norm being edited and/or cancelled out of existence. Once accepted truths are substituted with the fabrications of a corrupt, biased media. Edicts from the self-appointed ruling elite countermand the responsibility to serve and represent. As we approach a tipping point in this nations’ evolution, some things are self-evident and no manner of insane wokeness will ever change that. We are all created by a God that loves us, made in His image, for His purpose. That Jesus Christ went to the cross for us, taking all of humankind’s sin, rose and defeated death so that we will have a place with Him for all eternity. We are all created with an emptiness in our hearts that can only be filled with the love of Christ. We were carefully made to love our God and Creator.

Woke culture is inspired by the evil one. Those who are overcome by evil use the appealing words of diversity, equity, and inclusion to deceive those into loving the things of the world. The democrat party, simply put, is in league with the devil and promotes the works of his hand. The democrat party rejects the living God and revels in the lies of the evil one to gain and maintain power. It is time for good Christians to reject the lies and the evil of this world. It is time for good Christians to choose godly men and women to lead this nation. No, there is not a savior that is of this world, but we can use our vote to put in place those that would lead according to God’s will. No party is pure, just as all people are flawed and fall short of the glory of God. God’s word is an instruction manual for His people. If one dwells in His word, it becomes apparent as to what is truly evil in this world and how we can reject it.

We must reject the hatred spewed by the democrat party and their surrogates in the media. We must engage in the tough love of our neighbor and rebuff the dangerous woke ideology so that they can change the error of their ways and embrace our Lord and Savior once again. Keeping them in authority will only validate their march away from Him and embolden them to continue to enact more of their evil policies. If we decide to stand idly by and allow this insanity to overwhelm us, we abandon our responsibilities as followers of Christ and citizens of this nation. Once evil takes firm rooting, it becomes more and more difficult to excise. It is become customary to call each election, “the most important in our lifetime,” but this election will decide the course of this nation going forward. Do we want to be ruled by godless elites that will continue to persecute their stated enemies, Christians, conservatives, and traditional Judeo-Christian value and morals, or do we want to facilitate the return to normalcy?

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:10-12