Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Fight the Good Fight


Surrender is not an option in the battle against evil.

Satan and his minions are relentless in their quest to prevent humanity from attaining a personal relationship with God. The evil one uses a variety of techniques to accomplish his goal to separate us from God. By exploiting our personal weaknesses, he will gain a foothold and use those vulnerabilities to his advantage. Much of our current culture embodies those strategies that drive that wedge between humanity and our God. Leftist and woke ideology advocates for many of the things that displease our Lord but most certainly please Satan. Humans have a survival instinct that allows us to fall prey to our innate selfishness. Most of our sin derives from that selfishness. That is how the evil one preys upon those who are weak in faith. He deceives humankind in the same way that he tempted Jesus in the wilderness. Those things of this world that each of us has the proclivity to desire are used to tempt and mislead us.

That is where the left and their unrelenting push for wokeness step in. The things of this world are used as a means to distract us from a right relationship with God. We are called to love our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our minds, and with all our strength. Secondly, we need to love our neighbors as ourselves. Jesus said, “No other commandments are greater than these.” There are enough things of this world that distract us and get in the way of our relationship with God. We don’t need the left to add to those distractions as they act as agents of evil.  Wokeness has been adopted by the democrat party and their embrace of that evil is tearing apart this nation. And what exactly are the tenets of leftist ideology and why are they so dangerous to our spiritual life? In order to ascertain what is pleasing to God and what is not we are to turn to Scripture. The following is a comparison of the principles supported by leftism to God’s word.

·         Transgenderism – You shall have no other gods before me. The new religion for the left, having overtaken climate “science.” Embracing transgenderism accomplishes a variety of objectives of the left; sowing division amongst families, placing the children as wards of the state, removing numerous individuals from the gene pool, as they will no longer be able to procreate, and rolling back protections for women.

·         Abortion – You shall not murder. Just as children were sacrificed to the Phoenician/Canaanite god “Moloch” in ancient times, 50 million children have been sacrificed to the god of abortion since Roe v Wade was established. You shall make no idols. A statue commemorating Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsberg, but overtly symbolizing abortion, was placed over the Appellate Division Courthouse in New York.  


·         “Anti”-racism, class, and political warfare – Love your neighbor as yourself. The left promotes reverse racism to attack the white majority, in particular white males, falsely calling out white supremacy, white privilege, and the “patriarchy.” They rail at the “1%” and disparage anything conservative.

·         Weaponization of law against political enemies, the “Deep State.” – Again, you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. False claims against, not only Donald Trump, but Christians, conservatives, and anyone with the temerity to counter the lefts’ chosen narrative were in the crosshairs of the Department of Justice. Little old ladies praying in front of Planned Parenthood were sentenced to years in prison. Pre-dawn armed raids by the DOJ to terrorize dissenters, including a raiding a former President’s residence, were unconscionable and likely unlawful. Anarchists are often not charged with any crimes and no investigations to identify those who committed violence during riots while tirelessly searching for any persons that participated in the events at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

·         Open borders – The same law applies both to the native-born and the foreigner residing among you. As in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the Biden Administration reveals that they believe some of us are more equal than others. The US border is crossed illegally by millions of foreigners and the Biden administration rewards those who break our immigration laws with financial benefits and placement within the US borders, while over 300,000 immigrant children have been “lost”, likely being sexually trafficked.

·         CRT, DEI, AND ESG – You shall not covet. Love your neighbor. Critical Race Theory breeds hatred and unduly influences the teaching of our children. Racism is a learned behavior and CRT justifies racism against those deemed “privileged” to our most vulnerable. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policies disproportionately elevates race, gender identity, and political ideology above merit and ability, diluting the competency of society’s workforce. Environmental, Social, and Governance policies place undue and burdensome regulations upon the business sector, increasing costs and undermining efficiencies.

·         Disregard of the rule of law – Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly. Democrat District Attorneys pervert the law, willfully ignoring the transgressions of those they deem to be marginalized by society. Along with the lack of enforcement comes anarchy and wanton crime, creating chaos for the law abiding in those cities.

·         Antisemitism and anti-Christianity – For God has not called us to impurity, but to holiness. Anyone then who rejects this command does not reject man, but God, the very One who gives you His Holy Spirit.” Democrats have consistently rejected God’s word and have supported LGBTQ+, drag queens, gay marriage, and the like, while they champion antisemitism and disparage Christianity.

·         Free speech - We will no longer be influenced by people who use cunning and clever strategies to lead us astray.  Instead, as we lovingly speak the truth, we will grow up completely in our relationship to Christ, who is the head. Government propaganda and censorship is embraced by the legacy media and the democrat party falsely claiming it is imperative that mis and disinformation be controlled. They believe the people are too stupid to be able to ascertain right from wrong, fact from fiction.

To resist evil, it must first be identified and targeted. The democrat party has decided to embrace the evil that is leftist ideology. Until such a time as democrats choose to moderate their positions, return to serve the Lord, return to become actual public servants, and reject the immorality that they embrace, we must resist them with all our strength.

Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Ephesians 6:13


Saturday, December 21, 2024

Unto you a Savior is born

Who has believed our message? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? He grew up before Him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no stately form or majesty to attract us, no beauty that we should desire Him. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. Like one from whom men hide their faces, He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows; yet we considered Him stricken, struck down by God, and afflicted.

But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. We all like sheep have gone astray, each one has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid upon Him the iniquity of us all.

He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so He did not open His mouth. By oppression and judgment He was taken away, and who can recount His descendants? For He was cut off from the land of the living; He was stricken for the transgression of My people.

He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with a rich man in His death, although He had done no violence, nor was any deceit in His mouth. Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush Him and to cause Him to suffer; and when His soul is made a guilt offering, He will see His offspring, He will prolong His days, and the good pleasure of the LORD will prosper in His hand.

After the anguish of His soul, He will see the light of life and be satisfied. By His knowledge My righteous Servant will justify many, and He will bear their iniquities. Therefore I will allot Him a portion with the great, and He will divide the spoils with the strong, because He has poured out His life unto death, and He was numbered with the transgressors. Yet He bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors. Isaiah 53

Keep Christ in Christmas and first and foremost in our daily lives. By His blood we are healed and redeemed. Thanks be to God!


Friday, December 13, 2024

Suffer the Children


Protecting the innocent.

Societal norms demand that we protect the innocent. Those who cannot defend themselves need our protection. That is why a parent will defend their children with their lives. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Then he took the children in his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them.” Mark 10:14-16. Children are our most important resource. Without children, humanity ends. Why is that the left conspires to eradicate the most vulnerable among us? Why is the wanton murder of children waiting to be born, or what is otherwise known as abortion, so important to them? Why are they embracing a death cult?

Abortion has nothing to do with women’s reproductive health care. In 1973, Roe v. Wade determined that abortion was legal. Since then, over 50 million children waiting to be born have been brutally murdered. Abortion is a brutal procedure that mirrors some of the torture techniques that were used in the Middle Ages. 50 million children murdered by abortion is greater than 14% of the current population of the United States. How many doctors, scientists, teachers, caregivers, plumbers, electricians, or other positive contributors to our society have had their lives snuffed out before they could even begin? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness apparently is not equally applied when an unborn child is added to the equation. Selfishness triumphs with the “procedure” known as abortion. It truly is one of the most evil “elective medical procedures” that humanity has concocted.

Why does a women’s right to choose trump the inalienable human rights of the child within her womb? What have we become when there is not a second thought to that life? Less than 1% of abortions are performed due to pregnancies caused by incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother. Most of the pro-choice argument holds little to no water to bolster claims that abortion is necessary to protect women’s reproductive rights. It is simply an easy way to neglect responsibility for a lifestyle that is in direct conflict with God’s intent. Sexual relations have been reserved for one man and one woman within the confines of the sacrament of marriage. Both parties conceive and raise their children and are responsible to instill within them morals, values, and a love of God. It is obvious that there is a concerted effort to eliminate God and any values instilled by our Creator. The evil one is flourishing in this world.

Every single pro-choice advocate was once a child in her mother’s womb waiting for his/her birth. Each of them had a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Each of them could have had their lives ended if their mother did not want to be inconvenienced by the responsibilities of raising a child. Selfishness is our greatest sin and easiest to commit. In this society it is all about pleasing oneself first. “Look at me. I am wonderful. I can be anything I want to be.” In this wicked generation, God is but an afterthought. Sex is a game for anyone to play at any time. Hookups, Tinder, and the like are pre-emptively destroying future relationships. Satan must be so proud.

In its innate selfishness, “woke society” believes that biology can be overturned and gender reversed. “God must have made a mistake, and that mistake must be corrected to my satisfaction.” What is a woman? Apparently, whatever one wants it to be. Transgenderism is a mental disease. Less than a decade ago gender dysphoria was considered a psychiatric disorder. Now, children, often with encouragement of woke teachers, are allowed to decide if and when they are to undergo permanent life-altering treatments, such as puberty blockers and surgeries to “change” to their desired gender. Never mind that those altered will never be able to have normal sexual relations, give birth, or sire children. The world is on fire and society pours gasoline on it!

The world needs God. The world needs a Savior. The world needs to come back to Him if we intend to overcome evil. Without God, we fight alone. With Him, all things can be accomplished. “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:10-12

And yet there are those who say that the Bible is irrelevant in these enlightened times.


Tuesday, December 10, 2024



Lunacy is endorsed by the left.

Unhinged lunatic Muslim clerics have radicalized generations of followers. Radical Islamists are training children to hate and kill. Violence is fomented all over the world by those hell bent to destroy civil society and the west. Radicalization has overcome many weak-minded individuals in the United States. The constant drumbeat of hatred spewed by leftists in the media and by elected democrat representatives has influenced reckless individuals to commit horrific crimes. Mainstream media has for too long been able to pervert their First Amendment protections to skew their reporting to the left. Democrat leaders have for too long used their platform to incite hate for those in which they disagree.

Senator Chuck Schumer, a democrat, stood on the steps of the Supreme Court, calling out Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch by name, threatening that “you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” A few months later an armed man, looking to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh was arrested near his home. Additionally, in the weeks leading up to the Dobbs decision, protestors gathered at the homes of conservative justices, threatening and harassing them and their families. Even though it is a crime, 18 U.S.C. ss1507, to attempt to coerce judges that are deliberating cases, Schumer was not prosecuted and the Department of Justice refused to enforce the law against the protestors.  

The media echo chamber continually alleges that Trump is a reincarnation of Hitler and an existential threat to democracy. This unhinged rhetoric likely provoked two separate assassination attempts, one where Trump was struck by a bullet in his right ear, and was only saved from death by the providence of God, at a July rally in Pennsylvania. Prior to, and after his re-election, his detractors falsely claim that Trump will set up firing squads and will weaponize the Department of Justice to go after his “enemies.” If anyone is targeted by the DOJ in this administration, it will be because they broke the law, and will be held accountable for their action, PERIOD. Unlike the Biden administration, who did use the DOJ to target their enemies, the rule of law will be respected and upheld.

Transgenderism is the new religion for the left. Anyone challenging a child’s right to choose their gender or sexual identity is to be shouted down with accusations of transphobia. Children have become conversation starters as “woke” parents discuss the fluidity of their gender. Children are allowed to “transition” to the opposite sex, yet the law prevents them from getting a tattoo or going on a school field trip without parental consent. The Supreme Court upheld a case in La Crosse, WI School District that allows schools to encourage the transitioning of children without notifying their parents. Wow! Just another reason that schools should be transitioned from taxpayer funding to a tuition-based system and charter schools expanded. Furthermore, education remains under local control, so where is the need for Federal or State Departments of education? DOE should be first on DOGE’s lists of departments to eliminate. In a nutshell, Trump was right. Democrats are for they/them, he is for us!

Voters in democrat run cities elect soft on crime District Attorneys that inappropriately apply the law and refuse to incarcerate criminals, in particular minorities. When there are no consequences to criminal behavior, more crime occurs, and the cities become less safe. This has been proven true as crime rates have soared in those very cities. Yet, the rallying cry from the left claims that persons of color are more likely to be incarcerated and that prisons are unduly populated with a majority of black and brown people. Perhaps those incarcerated should not commit the crimes if they cannot do the time?

Our nation is at a crossroads. We have been offered a reprieve and an opportunity to right the ship before it plunges into the abyss. We can follow the failed policies of the left that builds the bureaucratic state, spends, and taxes or support conservative policies that reduce the size and scope of government, less spending, lower taxes, and a return to sanity. This cannot be a one-time deal. Leftist democrats must never be allowed the authority to destroy our nation again. We must support and vote for a return to and continued normalcy in our government. We must keep up the good fight to ensure this nation will thrive for our children and our children’s children. We must be ever vigilant and ever engaged so the nightmare of the last four years never happens again!

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Fake News!


Exposing the gaslighting.

The First Amendment states that the government shall make no law abridging the freedom of the press. It confers to the press a function vital to the defense of democracy. Our founders knew full well that a free press is essential to inform the people and to hold the powerful accountable. President Franklin D. Roosevelt (D) also realized this and said, “Freedom of the press is essential to the preservation of a democracy; but there is a difference between freedom and license. Editorialists who tell downright lies in order to advance their own agendas do more to discredit the press than all the censors in the world.” It is no longer just editorialists that take license with their reporting. Much of the mainstream media, and much of social media, have abandoned any obligation to champion the truth, instead choose to propagandize a leftist narrative. They engage in gaslighting the public with lies and innuendo to bolster their chosen narrative. In other words, they “report” only what they want you to hear and believe.

We need to trust what is reported from mainstream news sources. They have a responsibility to approach news reporting as would a fiduciary that puts the client’s interests first. Media has swung so far to the left that is almost comical when each network appears to be reading from the same script. Journalism requires impartiality and objectivity. Personal or political bias cannot influence reporting, either by omission or commission. Once journalism is unduly predisposed to create a narrative to further a personal or political end, all credibility is lost. Fake News is a reality and the lies they advance has indelibly damaged their integrity. Legacy media has lost any trust they may have had with the people they are charged to serve.

The incessant and deliberate negative reporting regarding President-elect Trump should have any semi-intelligent person questioning the veracity and sanity of those news outlets. Continual downplaying or ignoring any democrat misdeed or ethical issue is so readily apparent for those not afflicted with blind partisan ideology. The cover-up of Joe Biden’s mental decline has been borderline criminal. Boosting Kamala Harris as presumptive democrat Presidential nominee only weeks after questioning her ability to remain on the Biden/Harris ticket was staggeringly outrageous. Yet over 70 million fell for the lies and voted for her. “Truth is relative. Truth is what you can make the voter believe is the truth. If you're smart enough, truth is what you make the voter think it is. That's why I'm a Democrat. I can make the Democratic voters think whatever I want them to.” James Carville-democrat strategist. Softball interview after softball interview only revealed Harris’ utter lack of ability to articulate any policy initiative that would benefit the nation. Thankfully, a majority of voters recognized this, and Harris will fade into ignominy after January 20th.

The First Amendment allows news organizations broad protections from retribution from the powerful when reporting the news. It also allows them to hide behind those protections. The Biden administration attempted to censor some of the major social media platforms by using a direct connection to the FBI. The FBI attempted to manipulate, what they deemed “misinformation” (anything conservative or Christian) by flagging those posts and requesting them to be removed. Most of those requests were complied with by the platforms. Additionally, a Ministry of Truth was actually in place before leaks about it caused its implementation to be “delayed”. Sound a bit like Nazi Germany? Sound like a direct affront to the First Amendment that charges the government to make no law abridging free speech? Sound like something out of George Orwell’s 1984 or Animal Farm?

Cronyism, subjectiveness, and deceitfulness currently are the calling cards of the legacy media. They loudly decry MAGA, Christianity, police, and traditional values. They support transgenderism, LGTBQ+, illegal immigration, and lawlessness. People are beginning to wake up and see that they are being used, and the people are rejecting the gaslighting. MSNBC will likely be reorganized or terminated after Comcast ended their relationship with that outlet. CNN is losing over 40% of its market share. CBS, ABC, and NBC are hemorrhaging viewers. The New York Times and Washington Post are losing $Millions. People are going elsewhere for their news, to outlets the legacy media decry as pushing misinformation. Well, maybe the alternate media is reporting what mainstream outlets should be reporting. If the legacy media fails to wake up, they will fail to survive. And that may not be a bad thing!

Friday, November 22, 2024



Time to open some eyes!

The left has decided to forcefully resist the newly elected Trump administration at all cost. Democrat mayors and governors are determined to “Trump proof” their jurisdictions, refuse to cooperate with Federal law enforcement, and bluster that Trump will have to go through them first. This is more than irrational; this demonstrates that democrats will blatantly disregard the rule of law. Hollywood personalities evidence an utter lack of reality by rebuking anyone with the audacity to acknowledge the legitimacy of a duly elected President. Mainstream media amplifies the cacophony of criticism to the new administration’s cabinet choices, attempting to persuade their guests and viewers to believe their debunked lies. Democrats in Pennsylvania continue to count invalid votes in direct violation of law, even after the State’s Supreme Court ordered them to stand down, in an effort to save a Senate seat for democrat Bob Casey.

It has never been more readily apparent that democrats intend to undermine our nation by refusing to abide by the rule of law, the thread that holds our society together. When the people refuse to obey the law, anarchy ensues. To what end? Not even the most ardent democrat truly believes that Donald Trump is tantamount to Hitler and that he is a threat to democracy. This is simply a gambit by the democrat party to maintain power and rule against the will of the people. This is a strategy to pit citizen against citizen to utilize the divide and conquer philosophy. When the people fight amongst themselves it allows evil an opportunity to inflict damage. After all, Jesus said, “Every kingdom divided against itself is headed for destruction, and no city or house divided against itself will stand.”

Godless democrats revel in the murder of the unborn, attempt to normalize the medical mutilation of children, ignore laws in which they disagree, and oppose the open exchange of ideas, or engage in what is better known as government censorship. That people continue to support a political party that has an agenda to restrict the fundamental rights of the citizens they are charged to represent is absolutely mind boggling. Supporting politicians that deliberately ignore the will of the people and disrespect the God of creation and electing them to an office that allows them authority, greatly displeases the Lord.

Yet, the weak-minded among us continue to ignore reality and engage in all manner of “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” Satan must be so proud! Our enlightened society has fallen so far in such a short time. Now that democrats are no longer in power, it is time to begin a movement to return to the founder’s intention of a Constitutional Republic, based on Judeo-Christian values. Now is the time for good Christians to arise and begin a revival in this nation. Now is the time to plant the seeds of Christ’s love, with our actions and words, to the lost. While the left cancels and demeans their own supporters that voice an opinion other than their established narrative, we need to show them that there is a community that will welcome them and that there is a God that loves them unconditionally.

We are called to use our voice to share the Good News and to use our time, talents, and resources to help build His kingdom on this side of eternity. God desires that all of His children come to know Him. The very least we can do is to offer an open door for them to find Him. We must be ready and equipped to engage in conversation with those who do not know Jesus. Non-judgmental responses to those who are loved by God but do not love Him. Sound direction for those searching for themselves and their identities who are unaware that their pursuit is, in fact, for a relationship with Jesus.

Jesus said, “You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise, they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.” Matthew 13:14-15

If we fail to plant the seeds of faith in those overcome with the world, we have failed our Lord and Savior and neglected His charge for us to proclaim the Gospel to the world!


Thursday, November 14, 2024



Evil has been repudiated!

Perhaps the people have finally seen through the lies of the evil one. With the election of Donald Trump, begins a rejection of democrat policies that have been leading this nation down the wide path that leads to destruction. The left’s attempt to force feed insane, woke policies failed as they tried to take too big of a bite of the apple, and the people have decided a change in course was necessary. Just as many of our mainline denominations have substituted social justice in place of Jesus, the democrat party has strayed far from God. When the evil one speaks, they listen and incorporate it into their party platform. As evidence of the left’s rejection of God, when someone shouted “Jesus is Lord” at a Harris/Walz campaign event in Wisconsin, Kamala Harris betrayed her true nature when she told him he was at the wrong place. Additionally, she was the first Presidential candidate to skip the Catholic Al Smith dinner in New York in almost 40 years.

We the people have elected a Republican President and majorities in Congress. This new administration brings traditional values that respect the sanctity of life, follow God, value parental rights, uphold the rule of law, and oppose the mutilation of children. With the mandate of the people, they have been given the authority to roll back the immoral policies that have been blindly accepted by far too many. They have the power to end this nation’s wandering in the wilderness, held captive to a leftist ideology that has unduly influenced society. Now comes the hard part; Having the will to heal the divisions and to bring this nation back from the abyss by passing legislation that codifies a return to Judeo/Christian values. Pray for our elected representatives to have the courage to stand strong for the Lord.

Even though those on the left have earned the ire of many Americans and warrant retribution for the evil they have sown, that is not what our Lord and Savior would have us do. Jesus said, “But to those of you who will listen, I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone takes your cloak, do not withhold your tunic as well. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what is yours, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Yeah. Loving that neighbor with the pink hair and nose ring that screams that she hates you and any other hateful, homophobic, transphobic Christian that wants to take away her bodily autonomy. Quite the ask you say?

Without forgiveness, there is no reconciliation. Without grace and mercy, there is no way to bridge that divide. Without extending that hand of friendship, there is no opportunity for healing. If God can forgive someone as wholly imperfect as I, we should be able to be the first to try to mend fences. Try it. Harboring a grudge is giving the evil one a foothold in your soul and elicits nothing but negative emotions. It becomes difficult to spew hate at a person who reaches out in love. Instead of being argumentative, try listening and offering non-judgmental instruction. It is easy to build a wall when you believe that you are in the right and you are certain that the other person is wrong. Jesus called us to make disciples of all nations. Do you want to be an impediment to someone searching for themselves when what they need is a right relationship with our Lord and Savior?

God loves all of His children unconditionally and more than we could ever fully understand. Even that crazed leftist college student that you believe lacks any common sense. There are always opportunities to profess your love of Christ to the lost. Reach out with the love of Christ. That is what this nation needs to heal. Policy decisions are in good hands now. Do not fan the flames of division by gloating. Know that God’s hand was present in our nation to give us a chance to right many wrongs and begin a revival in the United States. Will you be the hands and feet of Christ or will you abandon your responsibility to reach the lost to find Him?



Thursday, October 24, 2024

Blind Faith


Hearts and minds need to turn to God.

God created everything that is, was, and will come to be, and it was good. Our Father in heaven sent His Son, a perfect sacrifice, to take upon Himself the entirety of humanity’s sin, forfeit His life to grant forgiveness of all who believe in Him. A simple act of faith and God grants us eternal life with Him. God loves you so much that there is nothing you can do to make Him love you anymore and there is nothing you can do to make Him love you any less. All is forgiven through faith in the Risen Son. Yet, unbelief reigns and hatred flourishes. Rather than believing in God who loves them, many bow down at the altar of selfishness, climate science, and racism. Hostility toward those in which we disagree replaces loving our neighbor. Vile language replaces civil discourse. Respect for others becomes a foreign concept. Skin color, sexual orientation, or political affiliation determines how one regards another. The murder of a child waiting to be born in the womb, becomes a woman’s right to choose or a reproductive health decision. We are empowering those who devalue the gift of life. As a nation, we have lost our way.

This United States, far from perfect, was founded upon Judeo-Christian values. Those values support freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the freedom to pursue your own vision of happiness. How have we become a nation of cowards and appeasers, failing to speak out when others infringe upon our God given rights? Our very lives, the liberty to worship God, and peacefully live are gifts from God. How is it that we ignore or acquiesce to the actions of others who would deny us those rights? This nation is at a crossroad. Our next elected representatives will either be purveyors of anti-Christianity and antisemitism, advocates for the worship of government, disparagers of law enforcement, supporters of  criminality, defenders of abortion, racism, open borders, censorship, and the mutilation of children or those who champion freedom of religion, support police, smaller government, embrace of life, equality, supporters of legal immigration, free speech, and affirm the scientific fact that there are but two genders. The contrast could not be starker.

This election is not about party allegiance. This election is a battle between good and evil. This election will determine whether this nation fails or succeeds. Are we no longer a Christian nation as former President Obama said, or will we rechart our course as the founding fathers intended? They entered into a covenant with our Creator, authoring our founding documents to integrate His chosen morals and laws for us. They agreed that incorporating Biblical values into the Constitution would provide the guidance necessary for a fledgling nation to grow and prosper. Yet those universal truths are in danger of being discarded, to be replaced with deceptive leftist ideology.

Only 62% of registered voters cast ballots in the 2020 Presidential election. That indicates that more than a third of US citizens could care less about the direction of our country. That is absolutely unacceptable! Citizens are granted the authority to choose our elected representatives. Not all countries afford their citizens that privilege, yet not even two thirds of our citizens exercise that right. Granted, many citizens do not care to be properly informed, but there is really no barrier to understand the issues to make an informed decision. As Christians it is our responsibility to support elected representatives that mirror our beliefs.

Your voices need to be heard. If we fail to elect those who will govern according to God’s will and faithfully serving the citizens, we will get what we deserve. If you are happy with the direction this nation is heading, vote accordingly. If you are not, cast your vote for those who would change that direction. The choice is yours. Exercise your Constitutional rights or sit back and allow evil to prosper.

Could one who hates justice govern? He shatters the mighty without inquiry and sets up others in their place. Therefore, He recognizes their deeds; He overthrows them in the night and they are crushed. He strikes them for their wickedness in full view, because they turned aside from Him and had no regard for any of His ways.” Job 34:17, 24-27.

We are the hands and feet of our God here on earth. Use them for His glory!



Thursday, October 17, 2024

Not Just a Pretty Face


Policy matters!

A popularity contest is appropriate to selecting a high school prom queen and king, not for electing the President of the United States. It should not be decided by blind party fealty. It should not be about voting against any particular candidate. Choosing the leader of the free world requires ignoring the window dressing of personality and focusing on policy. Policy decisions made by and supported by the 47th President of the United States will drive the economy, set foreign policy, dictate how our laws are enforced, who will be appointed to Federal Courts, and influence the social mores for the most powerful nation on the planet. This is not a choice to be made lightly or to be made based upon the propaganda of a biased media. In this election both candidates have a long and clear track record, as both have served one term as President and one term as Vice-President. It will be easy to evaluate and compare the policies they have advocated.

Clear of the misleading political ads, the following will focus on each candidate’s prior stated positions on public policy;

·         On the First Amendment, free speech – The lynchpin upon which all our rights and freedoms depend.

Kamala Harris has voiced support for limiting free speech by censoring what government has deemed as misinformation or disinformation. A Disinformation Governance Board was instituted, but due to public outcry, was paused in May of 2022.

Donald Trump has supported free speech and was himself barred from numerous social platforms.

·         On the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms – Necessary to defend all rights and freedoms.

Harris has consistently advocated for gun control and the abolishment of semi-automatic weapons. She has supported a mandatory government buy-back of AR type rifles and a national registry of all firearms.

Trump has consistently supported the citizen’s right to bear arms and opposes gun control and red-flag laws.

·         On illegal immigration, controlling the border, legal immigration, and a path to citizenship.

Harris supported President Biden’s terminating the previous administration’s executive actions to control illegal border crossings, leading to unprecedented numbers of illegal aliens entering the country, and abandoned continuing to build the border wall. She has consistently advocated for expansion of the Dream Act and a path to citizenship for illegal border crossers.

Trump has consistently supported legal immigration and issued executive orders that reduced illegal border crossings. His administration completed more than 200 miles of border wall.

·         On DEI (Diversity, equity, and inclusion) and ESG (Environmental, social, and governance).

Harris supported Executive Order 13985 requiring all governmental bodies and any entities doing business with the government to accept and implement the administration’s demands. DEI has infiltrated schools, the military, and society. ESG, Executive Order 13807, supports Harris’ stated goal to eliminate all gas-powered vehicles by 2050.

Trump has stated that energy independence is key to maintaining the US position in the world and driving our economy.

·         On transgenderism.

Harris supports minors making their own gender decisions with or without parental consent. Harris supports tax-payer funded transition surgery for inmates and military members.

Trump has stated that he believes there are two genders and that he will not support the mutilation of children.

·         On the economy.

Harris believes that government should use equity to control the equality of outcomes and believes that the expansion of government control is imperative.

Trump believes that government should get out of the way and that government influence and size should be reduced.

·         On foreign policy.

Harris mirrors the failed policies of her administration. Appeasement and deference.

Trump believes that military strength is the greatest deterrence to aggression.

·         On abortion.

Harris advocates a federal law allowing unrestricted abortion until birth.

Trump believes that individual states should determine access to abortion with some limits.

·         Project 2025

Harris continually states that Project 2025 is Trump’s agenda.

Trump has disavowed the Heritage Foundation’s white paper wish list.

Eliminating personality and comparing policy makes it easy to differentiate the candidates. It’s your choice. Elect the person who more closely mirrors your vision of this nation moving forward regardless of the mean tweets or irritating cackle. You decide. The next four years of policy decisions will determine our future.



Saturday, September 14, 2024

Thumb on the Scale


Truth matters?

In the past a dishonest merchant would “tip the scales” to cheat his clients and gain financial advantage. Utilizing deliberately inaccurate scales, adding additional weight, distracting the purchaser, or anything that would swing the transaction in their favor were some of the tactics employed. These disreputable merchants, once found out, were reviled, and were forced out of the area, if they were not jailed. Once lost, trust is not easily regained. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. There were no second chances for the corrupt. Liars and cheats have no place in a civil society.

When the 60’s anarchists realized that using violence to overthrow the government was failing, they decided to adopt Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. They hatched a scheme to infiltrate academia, journalism, and government. In doing so, they placed themselves in positions to indoctrinate young minds in the universities, report their chosen narrative on the various media platforms, and expand their influence through the deep state by directing legislation favorable to their objectives and working to elect like-minded or malleable individuals to office. When the ends justify the means, there is nothing too extreme for these radicals. And their strategy has been highly successful.

Marxist professors have done an excellent job imparting their leftist ideology to generations of their students, creating younger versions of themselves. University students have embraced the pro-Palestine movement and parrot the leftist slogans that have led to the resurgence of antisemitism. The absurdity of supporting an avowed enemy of Israel and the United States is staggering. They Ignore the deliberate attack of Israeli civilians on October 7th, 2023 and the videotaped gleeful butchering, raping, and hostage taking, yet they denounce Israel’s legitimate defense, demonstrating an utter lack of understanding moral equivalency. To safeguard Israeli citizens from future attacks, Hamas must be eradicated. These students, useful tools for the left, have been taught to hate their country, hate their “whiteness,” disrespect authority, and support all manner of radical ideology.

The legacy media abandons their responsibility to objectively report the news and instead becomes an echo chamber, amplifying talking points of the democrat party. Even though the bias is readily apparent, those so blinded by political fealty cheer on “fake news” as it favors their personal beliefs. Prejudicial application of the law is acceptable to the left if it is directed at political enemies. The constant drumbeat against Christianity, gender bias, “white privilege,” and conservatism, particularly to Donald Trump, has unduly influenced the weak-minded. When the Biden/Harris administration is exposed for colluding with Big Tech to control the narratives around COVID, election fraud, and to suppress information that disproves otherwise, the media ignores and attempts to debunk the story.

Leftists and their willing accomplices denounce those in which they disagree as enemies This is more than disturbing. Far too many have been unduly influenced to the point that they border on the neurotic. Mainstream media is arguably culpable for the attempted assassination of Donald Trump (Remember that? The media has apparently forgotten.) by continually promoting a false and overtly divisive narrative that accuses Trump as an existential threat to democracy. Democracy is dying before our very eyes in the darkness of an untrustworthy and blatantly biased media.

The Deep State is very real and extremely influential in our government. Its tentacles reach deep within the inner workings of the Federal government. And it protects its status with a vengeance. Outsiders are not welcome and if elected are controlled by obstruction and obfuscation. There is good reason that government continues to expand and take more tax dollars to feed their insatiable spending that has the US more than $34Trillion in debt. Rampant spending allows the Deep State and their democrat allies to continue to add layer upon layer of taxes, fees, and regulations on the taxpayer. Electing Trump in 2016 was just a speed bump for the bureaucracy that was able to stymie much of his agenda, with help from the elected ruling class on both sides of the aisle. Handing over the reins to Kamala will lead us in the wrong direction. The godless, anti-life, pro-Hamas, pro child mutilation, government censorship, and the military industrial complex that is the Deep State will continue to balloon out of control.

The choice for Christians could not be clearer. Democrats embrace radical ideology that does not represent this nation. Donald Trump is not perfect, but only one person in history was. Currently we are at a tipping point. Another four years with a democrat in the White House and control of Congress will likely be the death knell of this nation. We must elect our representatives that uphold the values we hold dear. It is clear that democrats have not earned our trust and there are enough Republicans that are in this for themselves, but a conservative majority is a far better option. Cleaning house will take some time, but with Republican leadership it can begin. We need to roll back the insanity that is the left and return to normalcy. it is up to each of us to ensure that happens.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12

Sunday, September 8, 2024



The assault on free speech is real.

The First Amendment is enumerated in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution. It is a guarantee for citizens to freely express their opinions and prohibits Congress from constraining or usurping the citizen’s free speech rights or the rights of the press to report to the people. Free speech includes that which the government may disagree. Mis or disinformation is free speech. The government can label it as such, but cannot censor it. The citizen has the absolute right to decide what information they choose to consume and what information that they choose to support and accept. These rights are under attack by the very government that the people have empowered to uphold. There is an organized effort to censor speech opposed by government institutions worldwide. Yet there are those who willingly support this perversion of liberty.

As we near the Presidential election, one must ask, is the freedom of expression necessary to preserve this nation? Is free speech the vehicle that enables the people access to and the ability to hold their government accountable? Is the free flow of competing ideas essential to the machinations of a free and open society? There is one party that champions the restriction of free speech. There is one party that believes that the people do not possess the intelligence necessary to determine what is true and what is not. There is one party that proposed a ministry of truth to effectively censor the free flow of information on the internet, particularly targeting social media. The democrat party believes that institutions, not individuals should determine what speech is not only allowable, but accessible. Yet, there are those that are comfortable ceding their rights to government control.

Technologically, our society has advanced so far in such a short time. Information is at our fingertips and news is accessible in real time. Government collusion with social media is diluting and/or eliminating opinions that are deemed unacceptable to be freely exposed to the masses. This enables government entities to control the narrative, a strategy employed by tyrannical governments worldwide to propagandize, hide the truth, and enable those governments to control their population. This insidious tactic, embraced by the Soviet Union, China, Iran, and North Korea, is being employed throughout the “free” world. In the European Union (EU) the CEO of the Telegram, Pavel Durov, has been arrested by France for enabling “bad actors” to utilize the social media platform to commit crimes. The Telegram employs an intermediary to cooperate with the EU to identify and remove bad actor’s access to the platform. This arrest not only violates Durov’s right to freedom of information, but is likely illegal.

In Brazil, Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes, tasked with fighting “fake news” by the leftist regime headed by Luis Inazio Lula da Silva, decided to ban the “X” social media platform from Brazil in an ongoing dispute with Elon Musk. Musk is refusing to comply with a court order that stated that the social media platform was a “threat to democracy.” Sound familiar? Moraes further ordered all assets to Starlink, a Musk owned satellite broadband firm, to be frozen, all internet providers to remove the “X” app, and will levy fines of $9,000 per day of any of the 50 million Brazilian users caught using a VPN to access “X.” Overstepping his authority perhaps?

Governments have a difficult time conducting illicit business if citizens can learn of those actions. If freedom of the press is curtailed or censored, the powerful cannot be held accountable. Information is power and to limit or eliminate dissent allows tyranny to reign without restraint. Knowledge alone does not prevent the repression of the populace. Those who choose to ignore the tyranny and fall prey to the blindness of political animosity are the willing pawns that facilitate out of control government. A polarized population that falls for the unhinged rantings of a political party that seeks unfettered power are the very tools necessary for evil to succeed. Hatred produces blindness that causes one to fail to recognize the true enemy. Hatred of our neighbors simply based upon party affiliation makes no sense. Hatred will cloud the judgement necessary to stand up for justice. Hatred will allow freedom to die.

Do not rejoice when people you disagree with are persecuted or silenced. Freedom dictates that all are treated fairly in accordance with the law. Speech in which you disagree, unless it is to foment violence or chaos, is permitted in a free society. If someone’s opinion offends you, you can ignore it and seek another platform. If you dislike a person, you have the freedom to associate with whoever you choose. There is always information and opinion that can fit your chosen narrative and beliefs. Give grace to those of differing opinions rather than looking to censor them. Once freedom of speech has ended and the government tells you what to believe, your life will be diminished. Be careful what you wish for, because one day the tables will turn, you will become that threat to democracy, and you will be the one silenced and persecuted. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Fiddling While Rome Burns


Too busy to care.

It wasn’t curiosity that killed the cat, it was apathy. The Roman Empire did not fall in a day. Years of indifference took a toll. If you do not pay attention, those who fill in the void will prevail. Too preoccupied to pay attention to your civic responsibility? Too busy to properly inform yourself of the issues that matter? Unconcerned with the evil that is overwhelming our culture? Actions, or in this case, the lack thereof, cedes our nation to those who strive to fundamentally transform America, a transformation that will ultimately lead to the demise of this Constitutional Republic. This nation is on a path that will make it unrecognizable less than 250 years after its’ founding. This is happening right in front of our noses, yet too few pay attention. Unfortunately, when they finally realize the clear and present danger presented by the left, it may be too late and America will be lost, perhaps forever. Nice work!

Democrats scream bloody murder, no pun intended, when the Supreme Court strikes down Roe V Wade and sends abortion back to the individual states. Democrat Attorney General Josh Kaul sues the legislature over the “obsolete” 1849 Statute that abolishes abortion when it becomes the law of the land in Wisconsin. Two referenda on the ballot on August 13th sought to return shared authority for the distribution of emergency federal funding to both the legislature and governor. The legislature ceded the sole authority to the Governor in the 1930’s, when it was, due to transportation issues, difficult to get the legislature back to the Capitol in a timely manner to address emergencies. As you may know, transportation today is much more efficient and the legislature can convene in a manner of hours, if necessary, rendering that argument obsolete. Unlike the 1849 abortion law, democrats were fine with an obsolete law that rested the sole authority to manage Billions of federal dollars to the Governor, or at least until a Republican Governor takes office.

I must say that the Democrats and their allies did an excellent job “messaging” flat out lies in ads leading up to the election. They accused “extreme MAGA Republicans” for attempting to wrest power from the people. They argued that it would create an unnecessary burden and delay for those awaiting relief. Really? For those of you who did not see fit to properly inform yourself and were fooled into voting “NO,” you actually voted against your own self-interest. Nice work! These referenda would have given joint authority to the people’s representatives and the Governor to decide where and to who these monies would be allocated, which is exactly how state government is supposed to work. By rejecting these referenda, the citizens have ceded that authority to one person and crowned that person a King. You have, in fact, enabled tyranny and denied authority to the very people you elected to represent your interests at the state level.

Give them what they want, they will get what they deserve. As Rush Limbaugh postulated about the “Low information voter (LIV) theory that too many in the voting population cast their ballots without the requisite information necessary to make an informed decision.” As former President Barack Obama once said, “Elections have consequences.” It would seem that both are correct.

“The cornerstone of democracy rests on the foundation of an educated electorate.” Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, August 8, 2024

1984, circa 2024



George Orwell simply missed his prediction by 40 years. Many quotes from his acclaimed dystopian novel, “1984,” ring true today. “The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power.”  This ideology is skillfully demonstrated by the democrat party as they will stop at nothing to gain and maintain power. One of the more insidious methods they employ, utilizing their accomplices in mainstream media and big tech, is engaging in all manner of censorship of speech in which they disagree. Control the narrative, control the people. From COVID, election integrity, abortion, or anything else deemed “dis/misinformation,” the marketplace of ideas is being destroyed by the very people who proclaim themselves to be the defenders of democracy.

There is good reason that free speech is enumerated in the 1st Amendment. Without it we devolve into tyranny. When the government colludes with big tech and social media to generate a narrative supported by the current administration, we more closely mirror a communist state that controls the media. Control the narrative, control the people. Freedom of the press is also enumerated in the 1st Amendment. “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.” Benjamin Franklin. Freedom of speech is at risk in this bastion of freedom. When the political narrative outweighs truth, we begin the slippery slope that leads to tyranny.

“Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the future, controls the past.” George Orwell. Cancel culture is engaged in a process to rewrite the past. Past practices that trigger leftists and would not be acceptable today, leads to the erasure of those who engaged in practices acceptable in their time. Books are banned. Statues torn down. Heroes of their time become reviled in ours. This more closely resembles the destruction of ancient sites perpetrated by ISIS during their reign in 2014. “Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them.” Our society is devolving before our very eyes and the democrat party is front and center, cheering on a fundamental transformation of America. There is a clear and present danger, occurring in plain sight, but many are just too blind to see it.

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” George Orwell. Indoctrinated college students spout epithets falsely accusing Israel of genocide and colonization of the ancestral home of the Palestinians. Nothing could be further from the truth. Man on the street interviews indicate just how well the Trump is evil and a threat to democracy narrative has taken hold of those too ignorant to form opinions of their own. A popular meme states, “What did the TV tell me to think today.” Humor becomes reality. Far too many people are influenced by a media complicit in amplifying the democrat party’s message. People falling prey to leftist propaganda are learning to hate themselves based upon gender, race, and sexuality. People are being reprogrammed by those who crave to rule over them.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” George Orwell. Even if it was not his intention, Orwell was a prophet. These very things are happening at a breakneck pace in our society. The democrat party and their accomplices in the mainstream media and big tech are promoting the means toward the destruction of America. If we allow this conspiracy to come to fruition, it will end the last great bastion of freedom in this world. If we sit back and do nothing there will be no going back. This election is a fight against good and evil. Will you let evil prevail?

“Big Brother is watching you!” George Orwell. Control the narrative, control the people. Step up and take back this nation. Vote the purveyors of evil out of office. Hold the media accountable. Stand up against the forces of darkness. Fight for your freedom or it will be lost forever.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024



Says democrats and the Deep State!

What happens when the rule of law is nothing but a cudgel to be used by the Biden administration and its’ minions to attack political enemies? The total disregard of the rule of law is the very tip of the iceberg for the “win at all cost” democrat party. Lawfare is just another tool for the left to target their political enemies. Yet, many have no issue with this strategy and support these devious efforts to destroy conservatism. Divide and conquer. Prosecute the law-abiding, ignore the anarchists. Foment as much division amongst the populace as necessary to reach their goals. Easy enough to accomplish with the assistance of a complicit media and the deep state bureaucracy. There is one thing, and one thing only that they fear, the re-election of Donald Trump and his stated goal to dismantle the deep state.

Make no mistake, the democrat party despises the general populace. They are at a point where they no longer need your vote. The democrat machine’s ballot harvesting scheme allows them to collect ballots, without it being necessary for the voter to complete it. Their data base contains the names of those who have previously donated or voted democrat. An effective money laundering scheme has directed “Smurf” donations in the 100’s of millions to the democrat party. Democrat voters not casting ballots prior to the election or even after, will have ballots completed and mailed in their names. Not to worry if signatures do not match or are absent, corrupt clerks in blue cities will accept any ballot for a democrat. Think that the flood of illegals does not matter if they are not in your back yard? Think again. Millions of illegals have been registered to vote by NGOs in democrat run cities in all the battleground states. They are using the homeless loophole that does not require ID and are using the NGOs address, so that ballots are mailed to the NGOs directly.

All the measures are in place for another election “rigged” in the democrat’s favor. Democrats have abandoned the rule of law causing the citizenry to distrust Federal law enforcement, the Federal judiciary, and our local, State, and Federal elections. Our currency is imprinted with the words “In God We Trust.” The democrat party has destroyed that trust in their unhinged quest for power, that includes eliminating God and His followers. It is time for the silent majority to speak up. It is time for Christians to awaken from our collective slumber. It is time that the democrat party face the consequences for misusing the trust that the electorate has loaned to them. It is time to vote democrats out of office.

Do not be comfortable if polls show Trump leading Harris. The democrat party is fully able to overcome narrow margins with their election fraud machine. In 2020, 62% of registered voters voted in the Presidential election, over a 7% increase from 2016. 38% of registered voters could have their ballots returned without their knowledge. Returning less than 5% of those votes fraudulently can turn an election without causing any undue suspicion. It is incumbent upon all of us to cast our vote and additionally, make certain that you inform and encourage like-minded people to vote.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

False Pretenses


 Hate and lies cannot continue to reign.

The new reality that DEI has inflicted upon this nation discounts merit and rewards specific attributes of those deemed to matter more than others. The days of working hard and earning a promotion are considered relics of a bygone era. Common sense is excoriated as a symptom of white supremacy, rooted in racism and homophobia. Equality is no longer a goal for all, those who are deemed oppressed due to skin color or gender orientation, require a head start to level the playing field so that everyone has an equal outcome, regardless of effort. Anyone denying their birth gender must be respected, but somehow, are not required to respect any opinion that offends them. Mental illness and sexual deviancy are to be celebrated and revered by society. History is being rewritten by those who once were the dregs of society, now elevated by woke ideology in this new age of enlightenment.

History isn’t the only norm being edited and/or cancelled out of existence. Once accepted truths are substituted with the fabrications of a corrupt, biased media. Edicts from the self-appointed ruling elite countermand the responsibility to serve and represent. As we approach a tipping point in this nations’ evolution, some things are self-evident and no manner of insane wokeness will ever change that. We are all created by a God that loves us, made in His image, for His purpose. That Jesus Christ went to the cross for us, taking all of humankind’s sin, rose and defeated death so that we will have a place with Him for all eternity. We are all created with an emptiness in our hearts that can only be filled with the love of Christ. We were carefully made to love our God and Creator.

Woke culture is inspired by the evil one. Those who are overcome by evil use the appealing words of diversity, equity, and inclusion to deceive those into loving the things of the world. The democrat party, simply put, is in league with the devil and promotes the works of his hand. The democrat party rejects the living God and revels in the lies of the evil one to gain and maintain power. It is time for good Christians to reject the lies and the evil of this world. It is time for good Christians to choose godly men and women to lead this nation. No, there is not a savior that is of this world, but we can use our vote to put in place those that would lead according to God’s will. No party is pure, just as all people are flawed and fall short of the glory of God. God’s word is an instruction manual for His people. If one dwells in His word, it becomes apparent as to what is truly evil in this world and how we can reject it.

We must reject the hatred spewed by the democrat party and their surrogates in the media. We must engage in the tough love of our neighbor and rebuff the dangerous woke ideology so that they can change the error of their ways and embrace our Lord and Savior once again. Keeping them in authority will only validate their march away from Him and embolden them to continue to enact more of their evil policies. If we decide to stand idly by and allow this insanity to overwhelm us, we abandon our responsibilities as followers of Christ and citizens of this nation. Once evil takes firm rooting, it becomes more and more difficult to excise. It is become customary to call each election, “the most important in our lifetime,” but this election will decide the course of this nation going forward. Do we want to be ruled by godless elites that will continue to persecute their stated enemies, Christians, conservatives, and traditional Judeo-Christian value and morals, or do we want to facilitate the return to normalcy?

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:10-12

Monday, July 29, 2024

On the Border



The “On the Border” Restaurant chain offers many convenient locations to enjoy their Mexican cuisine and even has a loyalty rewards program. Presumptive democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris, who President Biden absolutely did not tab as border czar, (wink-wink) had nothing to do with the disaster on our southern border. But she is a co-defendant in the deliberate strategy to ignore immigration law. The Biden/Harris administration has provided many convenient locations for illegal border crossers, correction “asylum seekers.” They even provided a loyalty rewards program replete with free transportation, $5000 debit cards, free housing, food, medical care, and a sophisticated scheme to register them as homeless voters in blue cities in battleground states. How opportune for this lawless administration that prosecutes its political rivals and accuses them as a threat to democracy. As always, any accusations made by democrats mirror their own assault on the very foundations of this great nation.

The great and powerful orator Kamala has opined about her preferred policy on illegal immigration. Before her grand speech when she boldly pronounced, “Do not come,” before she became VP, I had the opportunity to observe Senator Harris’ office at the Capitol. It was arrayed with prominent signs, proudly announcing that undocumented immigrants were welcome here. Apparently, this doctrine continues to be employed by our Vice-President. Who needs borders when you can use NGOs (non-government organizations) to register illegals as homeless, without the requirement to provide identification and to use the NGOs as a mailing address. Then ship them off to blue states where they can be counted in the next census. Constitution be damned, if it benefits their side of the political aisle, they will do it! After all, the media will run cover for them.

A lawsuit challenging the Biden administration’s voting access executive order 14019, a federally funded, likely unconstitutional scheme that targets key democrat voting blocs, is currently heading to the Supreme Court. The lawlessness of the democrats is beyond the pale. In order to save democracy, democracy must be destroyed and replaced with socialism. This is the insanity that defines the ever-leftward leaning democrat party. And yet there are those that support this lunatic fringe that is the democrat party.

Unfettered immigration is the key for the democrats to remain in power. Their policies have been utter failures and benefit no one but themselves and their benefactors. Registering illegals to vote in the battleground states allows their NGO partners to collect, fill out, and return ballots. New voter registrations have increased dramatically in the battleground states of Nevada, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, and Georgia. How many registered Republicans do you think are included in those totals? There is nothing democratic about the democrat party. Like the bitter, childless cat lady, democrats selfishly serve party before country. Kamala Harris is the epitome of a self-centered, entitled politician, saying whatever she believes is necessary to assuage those who are listening.

Throughout history many nations fade away after 250 years. They often fall prey to the very tenets instituted to guide and benefit society. The failure of the United States of America is transpiring from within. The politicians that are elected to represent the citizens are eroding away the very rights and privileges they are tasked to serve and protect. Freedom of the press has enabled willing leftists to obliterate the truth and replace it with propaganda that makes the Soviet Union pale in comparison. When a political party can no longer convince the electorate to accept their policies and decides to use the full force of the government to attack their political opponents, they are no longer worthy to serve in elected office.

Kamala Harris supports unlimited, taxpayer funded abortion, term limits on the judiciary, but not on elected representatives, open borders with a path to citizenship for illegal border crossers, endless taxpayer funded wars, sexual mutilation of children, the green new deal, universal basic income, government funded health care for all, an end to the meritocracy to be replaced with race and gender as determining factors, and governmental control of the lives of the citizenry. Kamala Harris is grossly unqualified to lead this nation. Elect her and this nation will fall into the abyss and may never recover. And we will have no one to blame but ourselves.

Friday, July 26, 2024



Mainstream media promotes evil.

Most of the national media paints a narrative that favors democrats, liberalism, and some would argue, promotes leftist ideology. They denigrate all things Christian, conservative, and anything else they deem to be detrimental to their agenda. Cheerleading from “news” outlets MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, New York Times, Washington Post, and others, has enabled evil to permeate our society and begin a path toward the fundamental transformation of this nation. If the mainstream media was fair and balanced, democrat policies would be exposed for the failures they truly are, and always have been. If the mainstream media was fair and balanced, a cognitively challenged Joe Biden would never have been elected President. If the mainstream media was fair and balanced, the vile rhetoric that led to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, would not have happened.

The 1st Amendment is an instrument that can cut both ways. Those who pervert that privilege and hide behind the veil of free speech, profess that which the evil one favors. Words do have consequences when lies are repeatedly reported as facts. Weak minded individuals can be unduly influenced when they believe the propaganda spewed by media figures and politicians. When leaders, elected to serve the public, denigrate their opponents with disgusting and deceitful accusations to gain political advantage, they fail themselves and the nation. When the media abandons their responsibility to objectively report facts and choose to be cheerleaders for one political party, they fail their oaths as journalists and their obligation to hold the powerful accountable.

Democrat policies support the mutilation of children, vilifies people based upon skin color, purposefully open our borders to register illegals to vote as homeless, tacitly support antisemitism, vigorously defend the murder of unborn children, advocate for males to share public facilities with women, illegally launder money through “smurfing” prior donors to democrats, and, via executive action, force the military and every company doing business with the government to incorporate DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) in their hiring practices, lifting up candidates by race and gender rather than ability to perform the job. If these policies are not inherently evil, nothing is. Yet, mainstream media is in lockstep with the democrat party, foisting this new “reality” on those vulnerable to this insanity. The father of lies is very happy these days.

Christians are called to resist evil and to strive to do good in this world. We are also called in the Great Commission, to make Disciples of all the world. Our God wants all His children to come to Him. The Good Shepherd does not want to lose even one of His sheep. How then do we endeavor to plant the seeds of faith in those who, overcome by Satan’s lies, believe that they are enemies of God and reject the gift of grace? God has made everyone in His image for a specific purpose. No matter how you look, what skills and talents, or lack thereof that you possess are all gifts from God to fulfill His purpose. No matter how confused, angry, or lost, each human being is made to love God and each other. We need to reach out in love to our “enemies” and find a way to open the door and not build a wall as we are wont to do.

Christians are extremely good at pointing fingers at those who are “sinners,” focusing on that speck in their eye as we ignore the plank in ours. While it is difficult to open dialogue with those we vehemently disagree, we are called to love our neighbor as ourselves to open the door for the Holy Spirit to work in them so that they can become our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is all too easy to harbor ill will and ignore our responsibility to “preach the word.” Resisting evil does not mean that we condemn our neighbors. Evil abounds in this world that is the realm of the evil one. Every one of us fall prey to the lies of Satan. There is only one who was without sin and while we are called to be more like Christ, we cannot replace Him and save the lost ourselves. We are the farmers who scatter the seeds of faith, and it is the power of the Holy Spirit that can indwell and convince. Not all seeds will germinate, but we are called to continue to reach out and be the hands and feet of Christ, building His kingdom on earth in preparation for our eventual home with Him.

Identifying the evil that we are called to resist is only the first step in our discipleship. Confronting those unduly influenced by the evil one and his minions is the next step in our servitude of Christ. We must look past the evil in the person, recognize that person is a child of God, even though they may not realize it, and instruct, gently correct, so that they can be saved from the evil that has overwhelmed them. If we can even approach one iota of the love our Father has for us in our interactions, just maybe they can open their hearts, if ever so slightly, to fellowship with the Risen Savior.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Happy Now?


The deceitfulness of the democrat party exposed.

The constant vilification of Trump is working, much better than the democrat party could have ever dreamed! Today a lunatic attempted to assassinate President Trump. The only thing surprising is that this has not occurred earlier. Even the great unifier in chief, Joe Biden, said on July 8th, “So we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye!” Great work Joe, you finally did it. Unfortunately for you, the shooter’s aim was off. The constant drumbeat to vilify your opponent to cover up your failed presidency has convinced some to try to eliminate your stated “threat to democracy.” Well, you can continue having your lackey Attorney General Merrick Garland, trump up some more indictments to keep Trump busy if your acolytes are too incompetent to eliminate him. The old bait and switch. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you certainly cannot fool all the people all the time.

The unhinged lunacy of the left and their sycophants in the mainstream media is coming home to roost. Democrats have gone “all in” on this “Trump is going to be a dictator, eliminate all of his enemies, and end our democracy if he is elected strategy” in a futile effort to remain in power. This is all about to end. We can see who the man behind the curtain is, and it is not the man who allegedly had over 81 million votes cast for him. Unelected bureaucrats are running the show and Joe Biden is an empty suit that can no longer even read a teleprompter without slurring. Well……uh.…anyway….uh….uh, please welcome the President of Ukraine Vladimir Putin and Vice-President Trump, oh, and we finally beat Medicare! Dementia is no laughing matter. It steals your mind and ultimately ends your life, no longer recognizing yourself or your loved ones. But, when the President of the United States is no longer in control of his mental capacity, something must give.

The democrat party knew full well about Biden’s diminished mental capacity when they tilted the primary race to favor him. They chose to hide his mental decline by keeping him in the basement to campaign. The leftist media were complicit in further hiding his dementia by not challenging his administration’s glaring lack of transparency. Biden’s staff and family hid him away to keep their jobs and the fame and money flowing into family coffers. It is time for the unhinged left and the useful idiots that continue to support Joe out of party fealty to pay for their crimes. There should be, not one democrat up for election to prevail. They should all be voted out of office for their treachery. What will it finally take for those who vote “D” and support the party of lawlessness? It is time for the democrat party to face consequences for their deceit.